Aerial Navigation

Aftab Tahir shared this idea 9 years ago
Gathering feedback

I am a helicopter pilot and i use LOCUS for aerial navigation. Its an awesome app and works great for arial navigation too.

Please add some of the features of aerial navigation so that other aviation pilots are also attracted towards it. I have recommended this app to almost 80 pilots and they also use it regularly. Please add following features for aviators:-

1, when we marks a route each leg must show bearing and distance even if the route is saved.

2. There must be a ruler as well to measure distance and bearing from one point to another as in google earth.

3. A Nav Log card icon should be there which should show following:-(Specimen is attached)




Leg Time*

Total Time*



* Time must be calculated before flight as well by inserting an option of Aircraft speed.

There should also be an option of print for printing the Nav Log card.

Replies (12)


I don't know how much responsive their customer support would be and how much intuitive their software developers are but the idea is splendid and if these additions are incorporated in this app then I don't think anything could surpass it.

Anyways it's still a better app then others out there and the suggestion for its improvement is highly viable.



Our customer support is very responsive ;). Anyway "Ideas" are usually left here on help desk on "optimal time". And this is? It is usually based on road plan, amount of votes and amount of users that find this feature useful.

In case of some "aerial" stuff, it is a problem. We did an survey few week ago. From responses of around 6.000 users, only 2.4 % is interested in some "Flying" features.

Because we focus mainly on hike & bike and because on Google Play already exists more feature-rich aerial apps, I have to say that chance to implement some special "aerial" features is really low.


But have you tried to use them? Most of the other mapping apps are too limited or with a horrible user interface (ATAK). If people will feel that features are not limited only to Hike&Bike, then they would use it more. Ad you know - everything related to Aviation/Marine is crazy expensive, so these people will be happy to pay for a great app like Locus Map.


You are of course correct Roman and we are well aware of it. Problem is that we still see a huge space for improvements in the hike & bike area and after 7 years, we have so many tasks to do. Now with Locus Map 4 version even more.

Maybe if anyone in our team would really be a "pilot", but we all are too hike&bike focused and creating something we do not use? Ehh, it is not our style, sorry. So for now, the situation has not (yet?) changed, sorry.


Wow. Amazing response speed ;-)


Being a pilot I thought the idea was good but as you responded you may be right. As you have to see the quantity not the quality and it's your app but still I am in for it if not all few of the suggestions may be worth consideration.

And Aerial Nav on Google playstore! Is just like needle in a hay stack and have alot potential for new apps and ideas and your app can become the bench mark if you ever want.



Understand and thanks for a feedback. Maybe this topic should get more then two votes, so it will be interesting to do at least something.

On second side, it Locus is already a few features for aerial tasks, mainly like support for Open AIR format, some aerial maps, etc.

Also point 2. from this idea should be already working thanks to "Add new route & measure" feature:

So we will see ...


There are many apps on google playstore for arial navigation but still they are of no match to locus. This app is growing fast among helicopter pilots around my circle. Please include some of the features i have suggested and it will also b the most popular among the aviation industry.


Great idea.. Being a pilot i m also using this app from quite some time and i think this app is really good for aerial navigation than many others available. Plz admin include this idea it will help the pilots alot.



Suggestions by aftab tahir is really a great idea. It will be a fruitful for the flyres. It will be appreciated if locus administration work on it.


Idea is supported please....


I am happy to see the interest of people..


funny voting rate of your "colleagues" B)

very untypical here.

I'm not sure if this is very representative...


Yeah there must be something about the voting rate but it's not funny atleast. N I think no idea is funny till the time sm one makes fun of it.

We liked the idea and we are trying to convince the people around us who use this app which indeed are not in millions to support us.

So I don't see anything funny about it.


It means the quick voting rate from "flight club" in a very short period of time.

hacan, I respect your view - so please respect also my view - it's funny (for me) - dot


And it was bad on my part that I didn't get your untypical response statement but I got the joke now.

N yes it is untypical response but to a very untypical request so that's y....


Oky. Thanx for ur respect and concern. But ours is the idea and urs is the view about it. I would respect you and your ideas but I can atleast speak for my ideas.

Any ways it's not some war of words or some campaign against something it's about supporting and promoting an app which is not mine. N neither I am in any case financially benefiting from it. The only way it will benefit me more is that idea and I am supporting.


d idea is v.practical..m for it

totally awesome app

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