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Clear geocache data selectively

Geraod van Seltenmore shared this idea 9 years ago

After the find I normally clear all the geocache data from local Locus database to keep it smaller and faster and to keep enough free disk space. But it would be nice to clear only specific part of geocache data, especially listing text and pictures, logs and attachments, maybe waypoints, and keep only GC code, geocache name, final coordinates, state (found) and personal note which consume minimal disk space (as I expect) and doesn't make the database slowly (as I hope). Please help me to clear geocache data selectively.

Replies (3)


Hello Geraod,

I think, such feature is possible to do, but to be true, quite a lot of work from my point - for no reason.

- small database - do you really have so low amount of space in device? I think that around 1000 caches, should be no more then around 5 MB. You may try it on your own.

- speed of database - if you move unneeded caches to separate folder, I believe there is no serious limit. Even a database with 100.000 points should be fast

So I want's to mainly ask - what brings you to this idea? Your database is so huge now or too slow compare to empty database?


Hello Menion, it relates to these topics: and I have enough space in device. I can measure occupied space by backup size. My full backup of Locus has currently about 60MB. When I didn't care for size of datebase, the backup had about 120MB. Then I've started to "swap" temporary unneeded data to gpx files. Before the geocache found I accumulate lot of logs which are after the found redundant. But the position of earlier found cache can help during analyzing collisions and when some cache for TB is needed. So I wish retain small part of geocache data forever (only one instance of it). I didn't watch any negative impact related to size of database with one exception - the search (described here As the database was growing the search was more and more slower. The search I often need to clean all instances of geocache in the database (duplicities) - to not be confused after the found.


Hello Geraod,

I perfectly understand your request. Unfortunately your wish is so specific to your use case, that I'm worried that really low amount of users may find this useful as you do.

So sorry, I may keep this topic open for voting, but there is really very low chance that something like this will ever be realized in Locus.

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