Display of Garmin Varia Radar in Locus

Josef Žajdlík shared this idea 5 years ago

It would be great if Locus could display data from the Display of Garmin Varia Radar. This is an important safety feature for road cyclists and cyclists.https://www.garmin.cz/garmin-varia-radar-rtl510-zadni-svitilna-s-ra/79392

Replies (33)


Hello Josef, thank you for the idea! We will put it to wish list . However, we have now lots of other features which we want to bring to the app, so I am unable to promise that integration with Varia radar will be implemented anytime soon. Jan - WearSoft


Thank you Jane. Garmin Varia radar is not yet widespread, but for road cyclists and cyclists it is a very important safety feature. As far as I know, yet no android application can display data from it. Only Garmin and Wahoo devices can do this. So if it were able to integrate its support into Locus, it would be quite a head start over other applications like Stava, Endomondo, etc. But I understand that it takes a lot of work.


is there already cooperation between Locus and Garmin Varia?


Hi, not yet. Jan


Hi, I would really appreciate this as well. With new RTL515 radar which works over Bluetooth and since you already support Bluetooth sensors like Heart rate or pedaling cadence this should be relatively easy, I suppose.


Just right now Garmin released their new Varia Radars with bluetooth connectivity - RTL515 (the same as previous one + bluetooth) and RVR315 (just radar with ANT+/BLE). Currently only their own app and RideWithGPS supports where it is really nice integrated.



yes, agree, it would be really nice feature and also huge advantage for locusmap compared to competition. Varia radars are quite widely used (now even more with addition of bluetooth) and so far there are only 2 apps compatible (one is Varia app - which is very simple and RidewithGPS which is quite ok, but can't be compared to Locusmap in number of features)


Hi guys. Now when you have moved to subscription service it would be really good to get this supported for silver/gold members. And it could be a really nice feature how you could differentiate from the older version.


It's still not a widespread product and also relatively expensive but it would be great to see in Locus. I don't think it's easy and cheap from a developer perspective but let's hope. Only Ride with GPS supports it but I don't want to use it. The native Varia app does not work in split screen mode, so that's not a workaround either.

I hope someone makes an add-on at least.


190 Euro for a safety device is not much. Once you try it you will never ride without it.




Garmin Varia is becoming popular with cyclists. The only app which supports the radar is RideWithGPS and it works very well. I'm a fan of Locus since many years but recently i'm using Ride with GPS and evaluating to buy a plan cause the Varia support. I really hope Varia support will be integrated in Locus


Garmin Varia is in my opinion the best add-on to a road bike. I currently use Garmin's Varia app in split screen mode together with Locus, but this is far from optimal. There are several apps out there that support Varia, so I really hope Locus will join them soon. When testing is needed, I'm willing to help. :)


Is there any work being done to add Garmin Varia to Locus? I think there will be a lot of people willing to pay even for a paid add-on to the application. The original Garmin app is hopeless. Spending so much money on the device, I will be happy to pay extra, e.g. 10-20 euro for the possibility of using the radar in the Loctus application which I love.


Hi guys, what we did so far is to prepare good ground for implementing such feature by our recent major overhaul of sensors support in Locus Map, so we are ready to adding new sensors now. We hear you about this request, but adding Varia is still huge amount of work because of requirements for its special UI. Nevertheless, keep your fingers crossed for this year!


Thanks! I'm looking forward


I could not agree more.


Since I am now owning a varia too, i very much support the idea.
I am happy to help with testing and debugging if necessary.

Greetings, Ulrich.


Hi, we had to reprioritize some projects and had to postponed implementation of this feature, so it definitely don't come before end of this year, sorry guys. Still on our list though!


sad to hear that


I'm paying for Ride with GPS because they offer varia support. However, I would rather use locus for my rides.


Hi Locus. It's already the end of the year. Are there any plans to add Garmin Varia? I really like your application where there is almost everything, except for Varia support. Tell me honestly whether it makes sense to wait. There are messages here 3 years ago and there is no support yet and most likely it is not expected. Please tell me honestly, is it worth waiting for the next half a year?


Hello Dennis,

thanks for the question. If you have any alternative app and Varia support is for you important then I definitely suggest not waiting. The chance that this feature will be implemented during the next 6 months is, because of other higher priorities, low. Thanks for understanding.


It's a pity. This is a very good application, but the lack of Varia unfortunately does not make it possible to use the extension 100% Or Locus or Varia. You'll have to cancel your subscription and buy a ride with GPS subscription. Sorry


Hi locus. As I understand it, there is no point at all in waiting for the support of such an important function? It is according to data much simpler than Powermeter support. It is very difficult to choose between applications and I would like to have all the features on locus. Please review your plans. You have been postponing the introduction of such an important feature for 3 years now.


Hi all. Are you planning to implement this top feature in the near future?


@ Pere4nik. the answer is above. just read


Clear. It's good that there are other applications that are better put to their users. So the subscription is not free. Then it is better to buy an application with more customer-oriented support. Thanks


Hello Pere4nik, as I see, you registered on this help desk a day ago, and based on this, you wrote that we are not much customer-oriented. If this is correct, that was not fair. Anyway, fortunately, amount of apps in the mobile world is huge, so I believe you'll find a better one for sure.


Do you think this is a normal client orientation? This thread is 3 years old. For 3 years, it would be possible to try at least, and not push it to the far corner. You have a good application, but transferring such an important function for 3 years is not customer-oriented. Moreover, the topic is constantly raised with a frequency of once or twice a month. Yes, and for you it would be a huge plus, since such a function is only in Ride with gps. That is, there is only one analogue. P.s. The account is new, since there was no need to write, but when it was necessary, I had to register) Well, yes, with such an attitude, the subscription has already been canceled. Thanks for understanding.


I have no clue, what you are talking about.

I think the people at locus are extremely customer-oriented - especially Menion. They are always open to feedback and very helpful in finding, debugging and fixing issues with the software. I have been with locus for almost 10 years and never had an issue with their support.

I have also raised the question about varia support in the app. And while I really really miss the feature, I understand that there are other priorities in the development and not einer request can be fulfilled (immediately or in the near future). So for that I am hoping and patiently waiting.

To Menion and the whole locus Team: you are doing a great job. 👍

Merry Christmas and a happy new year,



This post is 3 years old. It seems to me that in 3 years it would be possible to introduce this function. The guys do a great job that we pay for, they don't do it for free. And as a finished client, I would like new important functions to appear a little faster than 3 years. But there is no problem. The Locus subscription has been cancelled. All good mood and holidays.


No problem guys and thanks Ulrich, appreciate it.

Enjoy Christmas time and if anyone will have some spare time, feel free to test today's Beta version ;).

Jiří M. aka Menion


I would also appreciate the implementation of radar support. I use Locus mostly on bike and radar support would definitely convince me to pay for v4 premium, this is No. 1 feature for me. But I understand that there are feature requests with far more votes. And judging by the number of installs of the Garmin Varia app, a minimum of users use radar with their phone, unfortunately.

@Pere4nik what application with better support are you talking about? There is only Simple Garmin Varia app from Garmin and Ride with GPS which is far more expensive and functionality nowhere near to Locus.


Ride with GPS, many people use Varia directly from garmin, without installation on the phone. As practice shows, those people who buy Varia can easily pay the premium. Now, if locus would implement an important feature, then this application would be the best application for cyclists. So there is only ride with GPS, but safety is more important to me than the lack of some features.


@Menion, thanks a lot, that's awesome! It seems it works.


Awesome! It Works! Thank you!


Ha ha, typical Menion :) I am using Garmin Edge 1030+ on my bike, so I don't need that feature, but it is super handy for tourists. Will test that.


Just testing - could you please give us more options, like to display it on left or right side, warn about low battery and disconnected radar (as it is a safety feature...)?

And a distance marker + color background like in the other apprs: https://www.dcrainmaker.com/2020/05/garmin-rtl515-rvr315-cycling-radar-review.html


@Menion great! Where I share my feedback best? Thank you very much!


Great. Cool. I will test tomorrow.


Looks great. First tests are fine.

I'll take it for a ride in the next days.


Locus. Sorry. I was wrong. Today I tested the variable function. Works great. No complaints. The only thing I have not yet found is whether it is possible to customize the graphic part. But I haven't gotten into it yet. I'll see if there are settings. In general, everything is super. Now Locus is the best app for cyclists 100%


Do you have a screenshot of this in action? I am curious. I don't even have a Varia right now but I may buy one in spring.


Hi guys,

so, shortly > I started to work on this task 14 days ago because of two reasons. There was a bigger push in this task and this task was quite high on the to-do list and b) I needed something interesting to play with on the last days of this year.

So, "completed". Anyway, we may fine-tune it so feel free to post any tips here, on this topic.

My observation during testing that will be improved in the next version:

  1. style on the main screen is not perfectly visible, so I'll make it less transparent and generally better visible
  2. colors are not ideal, because green is used also for slow-moving cars, I'll change it and green will be always "all ok"
  3. also, a low threat warning should notify, so a one-beep notification for low threat will be enabled by default

Comments on some ideas

  • customization of the UI on the main map screen is not planned and hopefully won't be necessary. I'm sure we will fine-tune it to perfection without the need to customize it
  • distance markers, are they useful at all when you know that the whole line is 140m?


I would like to test out the software. What's the difference between the two files in the Google drive? In regards to the distance markers, I don't use them with Ride-with-GPS. I do look to see where the vehicle is on the entire scale.

Thank you so much for making this a priority.


Version with "AFA" in the name is extended version that has full access to all directories in the device (if allowed by the user). Second version is equal to what is available on the Google Play.


The distance markers are not needed, I am using Garmin Edge and there are no markers. but for some people it might be helpful :) I have seen that in RWG (and their background colors are nice too) so maybe... :)

For me there are two really important thinks - I need to reliably know that something is behind me and how many, so on the edge it beeps that car is approaching (and beeps multiple times if it is fast...) and when cars are gone then it beeps (different tone) again - all clear.

Since it is a safety device, you have to know that it is connected - for this reason all implementation have the radar icon and in case loose connectivity a dialog will popup which you have to confirm so you are aware that you can't rely on it anymore.


Hi Menion, just for clarification. The signaling is intended only for new RTL515 radars with BT communication or even older RTL510 models?


If I read correctly, the older 510 version can't be connected to any smartphone app right? Anyway, I've purchased RTL515 so it is well-tested with this device only for now.


Hello. I have 516 which is for Germany and it works. What I noticed is that when the screen is locked, for example in the rain, part of the screen overlaps.


@Menion RTL510 podporuje jenom ANT+. Některé smartphony ANT+ mají, případně existuje USB adaptér. Existuje aplikace IpBike, která funguje přes ANT+ a autor tvrdí, že radar podporuje. Takže by to jít mělo. Výhoda ANT+ je, že lze připojit víc zařízení zároveň, BT je univerzálnější.

RTL510 supports only ANT+. Some smartphones have ANT+ or there is a USB adapter. There is an app called IpBike that works over ANT+ and the author says it supports radar. So it should work. The advantage of ANT+ is that you can connect more devices at the same time, BT is more versatile.


I think the RTL510 is not necessary. It is an older model. Users did not expect to connect it to the phone and certainly have a Garmin accessory. I just wanted to make sure and it will certainly be good to mention it in the documentation.


Thanks guys. I've studied options for ANT+ connection and it is really complicated and quite un-official (but most probably doable). Anyway for now, only BT connection will be supported.

@Dennis thanks, good point.


I don't have the opportunity to see what the radar in Locus looks like. But I can offer experience from several years of using the combination of RTL510 and Edge 130. But my English is not good for such a long text. Sorry, hereinafter referred to in Czech:

Zobrazení na displeji by mělo být co nejvýraznější, ideálně černé tečky na bílém pozadí, aby to bylo viditelné i na silném slunci. Nejdůležitější je silný zvukový signál. Současně se zvukovým signálem by se měla automaticky rozsvítit obrazovka a být rozsvícená dokud neprojede poslední auto. To je důležité, jinak si cyklista může myslet, že za ním nic není a odbočit rovnou pod auto. Návyk na radaru je dost silný a sám vím, že se na něj hodně spoléhám a často se při odbočování ani neohlídnu za sebe.

Pokud byste měli vyšší cíle, pak mohu nabídnout i další vylepšení, které poskytuje Smart Bike Lights. To umožňuje vytvářet automatizaci světla na činnosti radaru. Například: pokud nezaznamenává žádné auto, světlo nesvítí. Při registraci auta se světlo rozbliká. Nebo pokud prudce brzdíte, může se světlo rozblikat velkou intenzitou. Na základě denního světla pak přepne na noční svícení. Těch možností je docela hodně.


Lights are using ANT+ profile and pairing with only one device, so nobody other can change its settings. The nice thing on ANT+ is that the whole peloton can receive data from a radar :) But this out of scope this implementation.


Zkoušel sem tu testovací verzi s podporou radaru a funguje to ve smyslu, že se aplikace k radaru připojí a po obrazovce se posouvají půlkolečka. Jinak souhlas s Josef Žajdlík, že by to mělo být co nejvýraznější a nepřehlednější aby k získání přehledu o situaci stačil skutečně jen letmý pohled na displej - zlomek sekundy. Tedy určitě ne aby pozadím byla mapa, která může mít libovolné barevné schema. To sem koukal je v té druhé betaverzi vylepšeno, ještě by symbol auta mohl být větší/výraznější. Přítomnost/nepřítomnost pruhu přehledně indikuje zda je radar připojen. Bylo by fajn mít možnost nastavit na které straně pruh bude.

Další věc jsou zvuky, ty by to chtělo určitě výraznější, rozlišující úroveň hrozby, zvuk pokud odjedou všechna auta a je opět čisto, zvuk indukující odpojení a připojení radaru. Pokud možno stylově blízké tomu co má aplikace Garmin Varia aby to pro uživatele nebylo matoucí. Aby nebyly zaměnitelné s morseovkovým navigačním hlasem a obecně aby nemohlo dojít k překrytí navigačním povelem. Taky se může stát, že vozidlo během přibližování zrychlí a výstraha se změní z oranžové na červenou, aplikace Varia toto zahlásí zvukem, tot sem netestoval, jen na to upozorňuji.

Další drobnosti

- aby se aplikace hned po spuštění spojila s radarem, aktuálně musím vlézt do nastavení senzorů a radar připojit stiskem tlačítka.

- nevím jak dlouho aplikace radar vyhledává, ale bylo by fajn mít možnost dát na obrazovku tlačítko pro znovupřipojení radaru po delší zastávce jako třeba na oběd.

- možnost nastavit aby telefon upozornil i vibrací, s pevným držákem je to v řídítkách cítit.

- Při přidávání snímače označení "Garmin Varia" je trochu zavádějící. V produktové řadě Varia jsou i bezdrátově ovladatelná světla a naopak se objevily radary od dalších výrobců, které jsou na úrovni ANT+ kompatibilní (nevím jestli i na BT), ale to už je fakt jen drobnost.

- úplně super by bylo mít to plně customizovatelné - šířku sloupce s upozorněním, vlastní zvuky, vlastní ikonu auta

- úplně sem nepochopil ty tři úrovně výstrahy v nastavení, originální aplikace/cyklokompy mají dvě (standardní a vysoká - oranžová a červená). Plus samozřejmě zelená - čisto, pokud je "small threat" myšlena zelená, přijde mi to matoucí.

DeepL translate:

I tried the test version with radar support and it works in the sense that the app connects to the radar and scrolls half circles across the screen. Otherwise, I agree with Josef Zaidlik that it should be as clear and uncluttered as possible so that a glance at the display - a fraction of a second - is really all it takes to get an overview of the situation. Certainly not to have the background be a map that can have any colour scheme. I've seen this improved in the second beta, the car symbol could be bigger/more prominent. The presence/absence of a bar clearly indicates if the radar is connected. It would be nice to be able to set which side the lane will be on.

Another thing is the sounds, these would definitely want to be more pronounced, differentiating the threat level, a sound if all cars leave and it's clear again, a sound inducing the radar to disconnect and reconnect. Preferably close in style to what the Garmin Varia app has so it's not confusing to the user. Not to be confused with the morse code navigation voice, and generally not to overlap the navigation command. Also, it can happen that the vehicle accelerates during the approach and the alert changes from orange to red, the Varia app will announce this with a sound, tot I haven't tested this, just pointing it out.

Other small things

- to get the app to connect to the radar right after launch, I currently have to go into the sensor settings and connect the radar by pressing a button.

- I don't know how long the app searches for the radar, but it would be nice to be able to put a button on the screen to reconnect the radar after a longer stop like lunch.

- Option to set the phone to alert by vibration as well, with a fixed mount it feels it in the handlebars.

- When adding the sensor the "Garmin Varia" designation is a bit misleading. There are wirelessly controllable lights in the Varia product line, and conversely there are radars from other manufacturers that are ANT+ compatible (I don't know if they're BT compatible too), but that's really a minor detail.

- It would be totally cool to have it fully customizable - alert bar width, custom sounds, custom car icon

- I didn't quite get the three alert levels in the settings, the original app/cycles have two (standard and high - orange and red). Plus of course green - purely, if by "small threat" they mean green, I find it confusing.


Hi guys,

Petr, thanks a lot for the valuable feedback. I've made a few updates in the recent Beta version.

So, from my point of view, what is currently missing / not working

  1. better warning sounds on low/high threats (in preparation)
  2. option to choose the side where the panel is visible (not planned for now)
  3. automatic turn off of the screen after the threat disappears (in consideration)

Any other customizations & modifications are not planned for now, but I'll gladly discuss any details later, once the core of this feature will be published & tested.


Hi Menion, I today recognized this awesome feature and immediately connected my Garmin Vario Radar.

I get a single sound if a car is coming into the Radar Zone. But no further sound if the car dissapears or comes nearer.

Furthermore the vertical Bar in the left shows not any Animation for incoming vehicles.

Is this still in development or should these additonal features already work?

By the way: this is an awesome and great Integration! I don't Need to Start the Vario App seperately anymore 🙏🙃


Hello. After yesterday's update via Google, the radar completely stopped working normally. Shows nothing. Only sound alerts. Nothing on the screen. And in the radar settings now there are only two warning options, although before that there were 3. I tested it today and ran into this problem.


Hello Dennis,

"shows nothing", hmm this looks like the same problem reported by Johannes in the previous post. Interesting. I'll look at it of course and let you know here.

Warnings > yes, I've reduced them to only two options.

Sound when "all is ok" ... we are preparing new own sounds, so I'll think also about this option, good point.


I'm testing it and see no problem, weird. Do you see a line on the side of the main map screen? If so, does it have a color (green, orange, red) or is in semi-transparent black color like the rest of the layout?


Now connected Varia again, installed the latest version. Varia connected. Looks transparent. However, when the rear car emits only a sound of danger and that's it. The strip does not change color and there is no danger display.


Checked now on two phones. Same error on both. Danger sound appears but nothing is displayed on the screen. Did a reset of all settings, reconnected. Does not work. Installed the old test version, everything is fine.


Thanks Dennis,

I've found the problem with Varia in the latest app version, uff. The issue is indeed only in the final public version, not in the beta or my personal version.

Because we published a blogpost and promoted this feature and now, seems it does not work, eh. I'll try to publish a bug-fix as soon as possible!


Works again, thanks so much for this awesome feature 🙃


Today I tested the new version. Basically everything is fine. The sounds are just awful in my opinion. they last a long time compared to previous versions, and the sound itself is similar to a messenger. Until he calls, a lot of time lasts


Hello people,

I would like to mark this feature as stable and final for now. Thanks for the help and necessary push to bring this feature to the front. If there will be any suggestions or requests regards this feature, feel free to create a new public idea(s). Thanks and enjoy it!


Vlákno není zamknuté, tak teď nevím, jestli to můžu ještě napsat sem.

Bohužel byla zima a v zimě tolik lidí nejezdí, k delší vyjížďce a většímu testování sem se dostal až dnes.

1. Zvuk pro nízkou (oranžovou) hrozbu je zbytečně dlouhý, delší než pro vysokou hrozbu, zkrátil bych ho aby místo tří houknutí byly dvě, zvuky pro vysokou hrozbu a čisto mi přijdou OK.

2. Není zvuk pokud se radar odpojí a připojí, to je užitečné aby jezdec věděl, že došlo k výpadku komunikace a hrozby nebudou hlášeny nebo že radar ztratil z kola.

3. Symbol indikující vozidlo bych si představoval větší na výšku, řekněme tak dvojnásobek šířky. Půlkolečko co tam je teď mi přijde málo výrazné a mám pocit, že ho musím hledat. Když za mnou něco je a potřebuju udělat nějaký manévr, tak potřebuju symboly indikující vzdálenost vozidel vidět na první pohled a nehledat je.


The thread isn't locked, so now I don't know if I can still post it here.

Unfortunately it's been cold and not that many people ride in the winter, I didn't get around to a longer ride and more testing until today.

1. the sound for low (orange) threat is unnecessarily long, longer than for high threat, I would shorten it to make two horns instead of three, the sounds for high threat and clear seem OK to me.

2. There is no sound if the radar disconnects and reconnects, this is useful to let the rider know that there is a communication failure and the threats will not be reported or that the radar has gone off the wheel.

3. I would like to see the symbol indicating the vehicle larger in height, say twice as wide. The half wheel that is there now is not prominent enough and I feel like I have to look for it. If there is something behind me and I need to make a manoeuvre, I need to see the symbols indicating the distance of the vehicles at a glance and not look for them.

Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Thank you for this feature. I literally bought a Varia only because Locus now supports it.

I really like how it's implemented, it works very well for me out-of-the-box. I do have some suggestions, if I may.

1) tones to change in frequency to indicate proximity (from low when first detected, to high when near)

2) number of tones to reflect the number of vehicles detected. Or make it user-configurable, for me three tones on every detection is excessive.

3) user-configurable to have the bar on the right or left of the screen

4) remove the transparency in the graphic of the bar (or make this user-configurable) to maximise visibility.

5) user-configurable colours and symbols (to consider the needs of those with colour-blindness, and personal preference to maximise visibility)

Of everything, the only thing that is a constant irritation for me is the 3 tones on every detection.

Thank you again for implementing this feature.


Hi guys,

thanks for the feedback.

@Petr Andrš

1. shorter sounds, agree, done

2. this is an interesting idea that should be applied globally to all sensors. I'll think about it later.

3. symbol, I'll try to do something with it


1. + 2. is this really necessary? You hear info that some threat appeared and you may also enable warning to info that there is no other threat behind.

3. you are not the first one, but it is a quite complicated task because of a complex main screen interface. So I would really rather stick with one fixed place.

4. bar is semi-transparent only when there are no threats!

5. do you or anyone has a problem with visibility? If so, please let me know. I would like to avoid too many setup options if possible.


Would it be possible to add the display of Garmin Varia to the Locus 3 Classic as well?


Sorry, this feature is and will be available only in the Locus Map 4. Thanks for understanding.


Shorter sounds and a bigger symbol are fine, I'm quite comfortable with it now, thanks.


Jen drobná poznámka: už jsem byl párkrát málem zlynčován, že někoho "vycinkávám" (když radar detekuje vozidla dojíždějící za mnou kolonu) - ono to tak opravdu zní... Kdyby ten zvuk byl méně zaměnitelný za cyklozvonek, pomohlo by to ke snížení road rage incidentů, imho... ;^)

Jinak - perfektní funkce, donutila mne přejít z LM3... Kéž by bylo možno měnit i módy blikání, jak to umí třeba Smart Bike Lights / Bike Lights Control pro Garminy...


Mod sa cez BLE zmenit neda, iba cez ANT+ a vtedy musi byt zariadenie pripojene (a sparovane, kedze len jedno zariadenie ho vie ovladat, pricom radarove data vie prijimat ktokolvek) s radarom ako so svetlom.

Zvuk neviem komentovat - pouzivam garmin edge.

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