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Export GPS with max 1000waypoints ?

Radek Kotěšovec shared this question 8 years ago


I am using the LOCUS +BRouter to plan the track "on the way" and then I upload it using USB cradle to Garmin Fenix3 watches... But - BRouter generates the "base gpx" file only and fenix3 needs "max 1000 waypoints" + add the timestamps for every waypoint... Is anyhow possible to add the timestamps + anyhow "minimize" the number of waypoints for exporting GPX file? Is there any plan to do the connection LOCUS +, which could handle such request?

Thanks a lot,


Replies (5)


Good day Radek,

something like this is very complicated task on phone/tablet I think. Locus or BRouter do not offer any method of simplification as I know. Also some direct connection to mentioned web site is not planned, sorry.

Maybe someone more skilled with these tasks here, will help.


Hello Radek,

i am not skilled with this task, but i have done a test.

Locus trackexport is also possible to GPSies,

and inside Gpsies on PC you are able to reduce trackpoints inside optional export dialog in two ways, limit count of trackpoints or/and smooth them.

And as i noticed also each trackpoint get a timestamp, only the year isn´t ok.

And elevation... this is another task......

Perhaps this is way for your use




As this is not a direct Garmin support forum of coarse ;-)

To know what format is working for you should be nice info to start with.

Have a look here:

If registered forum user, see the attached example files:

Are some of these files accepted if imported in the 'hidden' New files folder in the Fenix3 ?

A succes ?



Locus-Brouter generated gpx tracks with > + 1000 waypoints (navigationhints) ?

Exported gpx file by actual Locus have timestamped trackpoints (representing extremely low speed) but no correct corresponding-associated navigation waypoints. As all Locus generated waypoints containing the brouter generated navigation information have the same timestamp not corresponding to any trackpoint.

More specific fenix 3 info I found.

With fenix 3, you can create and follow courses, mark up to 1,000 locations and store up to 10,000 track points and navigate to them. Info from user forums indicate that for true turn by turn navigation only the garmin .fit file system format is to be imported. A suggestion and hint I noticed. Generate (RWGPS) as tcx course file inclusive navigation coursepoints and convert by external means into a .fit file to be imported into the fenix3.


I suppose he may mean trackpoints - the used meaning of terms is often user dependent.

In my experience, BRouter generate trackpoints with typical average density 50m/WP, so 1000 is about 50 km.

Nav. waypoins are much less dense, depending of network density, hierarchy and geometry. Seldom more than few dozens even for long trips.


Sorry, yes, Libor has true, I meant trackpoints (and in case 80-120km tracks - it generates around 2000trkpt).

to: Balloni55 - it is good idea, but ... it requires to build the track somewhere - where I HAVE the notebook or anything like this... In case when I am in the nature/woods - I have only mobile phone with installed locus ... + fenix3 :)

If no way - ok, I will work with current solution, which works fine - watches only shows sports activity, locus will navigate me (but it requires powerbank for mobile phone and sometimes open bag and look at the locus, what it is meaning when it sayes 'slightly left'... :) )

The issue 'let LOCUS build the FIT file with navigation coursepoint' would be fine :) :) (but... Maybe some payed addon for locus... :) )


Hmm..and send the bill to Garmin ?

Radek, does the .fit file inside the attached .zip work for you ?

This .fit file is converted from Locus .tcx out by the (pc) JaVaWaRTWtool.


Or duplicating the dense Brouter navigation track as a sparse guidance track for Garmin :-).

Keeping Brouter track displayed and manual creation of guidence track leading along.

But it is rather an advice for people I do not like, therefore I do not advice that. :-D :-D


Hi Radek, some convertors form .tcx > .fit file. I am curious how they serve you. But as for now by pc means only, so no real portable offline solution to be used in the field. :-((

Convertor 1: JavaWaRtwtool does not change the very low speed generated and according timestamps by Locus-Brouter .tcx out.

Convertor 2: This tool allows you to simulate a 'free" speed by changing the according timestamps.

(Developped by user:


Nice discussion, thanks all for contribution!

Radek, hope you now know all necessary information. Meanwhile I may suggest to vote for this idea , which wants something usable for you - reduce number of trackpoints.

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