Snap GPX to route via routing service

ciclolars shared this idea 5 years ago
Gathering feedback

Strava route builder, Wikiloc, Garmin Basecamp, etc are popular sites to create GPX routes. As a heavy user of Strava, the Strava route builder with heat map is a very convenient tool to create my routes.

However, Locus lacks the ability to fit those GPX routes created externally from Locus to route via routing service (Graphhopper or Brouter). As a result, crossings are lost and Locus does not display turn-by-turn navigation. This results in too many notifications, no path identification and most important a waste of battery.

Therefore, I think it would be very nice to have the option fit GPX to route via routing service.

Replies (1)


It would be better to improve the navigation of tracks. Because a route is also a track. Then I would have improved both.Locus could load a track into the route planner. There then automatically set a shaping point every 300 meters. Then calculate over Brouter. Then you can compare the result with the original track (in the background). And correct any deviations with a manual shaping point. Save and done.


I agree with you that route planner should import GPX and then adjust via routing services.

In my opinion this is a must-have feature, otherwise, GPX is not so convenient.

I hope it is considered as a feature to be added, import a GPX and following turn-by-turn navigation (like a car navigation app) is awesome! Indeed, switching on the screen only just before a crossing (roads) saves a lot of battery.


Here is a suggestion for this feature.

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