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How does Locus access GPS

Ingo Rau shared this question 8 years ago

I have a severe problem with one of my phones: No app seems to get any fix - apart from Locus, which is exact as always.

Now I know, it's strange to ask here, as Locus is working fine, but perhaps you can give me a hint where to search. Question is: Does Locus use system functions for position or does it "do its own thing"? I mean, if Locus uses raw GPS data, but everyone else just the system-provided position, that could explain it...

Replies (16)


Hello Ingo,

I already saw quite opposite questions, so it's not a surprise, that something do not work as expected. Anyway I may guarantee that Locus Map use only supported methods when it comes to work with GPS system in devices.

So if there is any problem, I should check settings of your device, if there isn't any option to which application allows to use GPS and to which deny it. I'm worried, I cannot help more here anyway feel free to ask if You will think, I may know something about it :).


So then that's even more weird. I already checked the settings, used the "High Accuracy", "Device Only" (GPS), and "Battery saving" (mobile towers only) modes, checked the permissions, everything. Thing is it was working most of the time until Friday, then it stopped. Didn't change anything. Perhaps I should do a system-wide Clear Cache...

Anyway, thx for the quick reply, much appreciated!


Found out that even Google Maps (which I otherwise don't use) doesn't get the correct fix (just the current mobile tower), so it's official:

Menion is better with the Android APIs than Google itself! :-)

Neither app clear data/cache nor system-wide clear cache partition makes any difference. Admittedly, I use a CyanogenMod nightly on that phone, but it's still not understandable how one app is absolutely correct, while all the others are not.

Just wanted to let you now how good you are ;)


Hello Ingo,

funny :). Thanks for sharing this, it's nice. Usually, as I wrote, people complain that in Locus something not work while in other apps it works. So it's nice to read that it sometimes may be an opposite.

And one more confirmation - I do not use in Locus any non-standart methods, so it will be really some problem in system and not a special feature of Locus. Good luck!


May I add my own recent experience, just in case it is relevant? I was on a short holiday break when my Moto G 4G lost its ability overnight to find any satellites and I am at a loss as to what to do. Everything was working perfectly on Tuesday. Wednesday morning, nothing! And no satellites since. Like Ingo Rau, nothing on my 'phone was changed. I use Locus Map Pro and MapFactor Navigator Free. Both are affected. I fear I might be advised to carry out a hard reset to try to resolve the problem.


Hello Bob,

sorry to hear it. Because you wrote that both apps are affected, I should give a try to Google Maps itself, cause they are de-facto standard. If there will be same problem, hard reset and in worst case some repair shop.



I have same problem after update on last version of locus map pro i cannot fix any GPS satelite on any aplication.

in the end i try factory reset on my phone (Lenovo P70). Then i install GPS status and GPS fix satelite then everything works fine.

Then i install Locus map pro and GPS not fix any satelite. then i try factory reset again install GPS status and everything is OK.

Then i install older version of locus map pro and still everythink work OK. GPS fic no problem. Today unfortunately my locus

is updated to the last version and GPS no Fix any satelite in any application. I dont know what can i do. I cannot reset my phone

every time if locus is updated.

Thank you for your advice.


Good day Milan,

sorry to hear this. I'm not saying I do not believe You, but It sounds really crazy to me. As I few times mentioned to Ingo before, Locus Map use only standard methods to access GPS modul. There are no hacks, no secret prohibited methods etc.

Because GPS is quite essential feature of map app and because there is really no solution on my side I may do, I may only suggest to look for some alternative application, I'm sorry to say this.

PS: if you wants to give it a try, you may create a log after this problem appear. There is a small chance that in log will be usable information, why this happen.



Now i delete all cache data from locus uninstall Locus Map pro 3.18.6 and install older version 3.17.2 and gps fix work fine. At least i cannot do factory reset on my phone. when i have time i try create a log file for you or i wait on new update and will be hope that will without this strange bug.

I dont want alternative app. i bought Locus and its really good app and i want use it.

Is there any change to download previous version "Locus map pro" from 3.18.6


I received assistance from my local mobile 'phone shop. My helper informed me there was no entry below 'Mode' in my Moto G 4G's Menu>Settings>Location, and set it to 'High Accuracy'. Yet I had checked previously that was how it was set, amongst many other checks I carried out. Miraculously, however, satellites returned, so I am thankful.

I commented to my helper about my 'phone losing half a full battery's charge overnight on occasions. It occurred on the night before I discovered I had no GPS signal. He asked how I switched off the 'phone at night. I was unaware I should tap the lower right icon (I do not know its name) to reveal all open applications and swipe them one by one to close them all. I never knew I should do that. I wonder whether the loss of satellites could be attributed to the total battery drain or discharge while Locus Map Pro was active?


That is literally one of the wrongest advices he could give. It's been well established that closing application doesn't save battery, but rather uses more because apps have to be reloaded. It also doesn't save memory because Android these days is write good at managing it's memory. Whatever drained your battery, it's not that.

Perhaps you didn't have Wi-Fi active and your phone used mobile data the whole night? Just an idea - but don't kill apps!

On 12 August 2016 16:05:01 CEST, Locus Map <> wrote:


Bob, Ingo

1. list of applications you get is not list of currently running applications, rather recently used. Some of them may be already closed, some of them may be active.

2. closing applications manually or thanks to some other program is generally bad idea as Ingo wrote. Mainly because there should be no reason to do it. If some application drain too much battery, then get rid of it. Manual closing do not make this app better.

Suggest to install application like GSam Battery Monitor, which gives quite nice (and hopefully precise) information about battery usage. Hope it helps to identify problem.

I read on many many places that "this app has better GPS signal, this worst, this cause troubles with GPS here, this there" ... it's quite funny to me and little bit confusing. Google provide only single method to access GPS values and this method cannot have absolutely no negative effect on device hardware/software solution that directly handle GPS. This method only listen on changes, nothing more. So if there are any troubles with GPS, it should be some problem directly in Android version. How it is anyway possible that, like in this example, Locus works correctly and other apps don't ... I have absolutely no idea, sorry.


To look under the hood of battery drain, I am using "3c Toolbox Pro". It tracks and records all processes (CPU consumption), state of screen, phone, WiFi, mobile, GPS, Data, Plug) and memory to small files. So you can see in nice graphs what happened inside your phone.


see attached


menion, Michael

I thank you both for your constructive comments. I shall look at GSam Battery Monitor and 3c Toolbox Pro to learn more about them.


Further to what you wrote regarding "some problem in Android version" (or 'phone, perhaps), I created a topic in this forum four months ago, "No GPS following update". I can readily accept the fault might lie in my 'phone, the loss of GPS signal having occurred in two quite different situations. It is extremely frustrating, however, when it happens, to not know under what circumstances, as in these two cases, what might prompt the return of the GPS signal!


One interesting info if anyone has a troubles with GPS:

This may be also a source of troubles for you Ingo, because this may be a small difference where Locus use some little bit older methods that do not require Google Play services where some other apps may access GPS also thanks to these "services". Just for your information ...


Thx for that - didn't help, though. I reverted Google Play Services, cleared its data, but still only Locus has correct fix. Strangely, only happens on my Note4, my S4 has behaves perfectly, even with newest Google Play Services.

Anyway, it gives me hope that some update from Google might solve it. Its at least consistent with the fact that it worked without problems a few weeks ago...


Dammit, it was my own fault. I have CyanogenMod on that phone and did something stupid when playing around with the permissions: I took the location permission away from Google Play Services. I didn't realize it was that essential - so thanx for pointing out the importance of the Play Services to me. Now it all works perfect again.

Nevertheless, this doesn't explain why Locus didn't care... ;)


Hehe, fine :). Locus do not care, because Locus hate Google Play services and use them as less as possible. In Google Play services exists some methods that makes developers life easier, like work with GPS on a few lines of code. But because I, as well as many others, don't like extra stuff like this huge library, Locus still use own self-made methods to work with GPS even without GPS.

Enjoy fully working GPS on your device .. finally ;).

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