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Map automation (center + rotate) when start navigation

Marcin Grabowski shared this idea 5 years ago

Add the option of automatically centering the map on my location and auto-rotating the map after setting the navigation. Now I have to manually enable those two options each time. It is superfluous and cumbersome.

Replies (7)


And one more suggestion:

Right after setting the navigation, rotating the map does not work. This results in a problem with moving because I do not know which way I should go and sometimes I go around in a circle.

The automatic rotation of the map should work after setting up the navigation before I get out of the way.


And add dark theme


Good day Marcin,

thanks for your tips. Best is to a) search for existing ideas and b) add one idea per topic, so we may discussion single problem in one topic and others may vote for a single idea as well.

1. Automatization is currently possible over the system of "Presets", that highly simplify the start of various tasks that needs modification of settings

2. dark theme was declined a few years ago, but based on recent events, it starts to be a hot topic again (btw. this idea already exists here on help desk)

3. seems to be some problem. It probably depends on what you have set in Locus >settings > GPS & sensors > Run at app start

Thanks for understanding.¨



Ad3 if I correctly understood it should work. So how should I set it up?

Now after 'route is up' I don't know how it is in English neither autozoom or autorotate is not working.


Hello Marcin,

I'm trying to understand my answer to you, but I'm not exactly sure what I wanted to say, sorry :).

So what exactly is the problem? The map does not rotate along navigation route? It is necessary to enable rotation with "Rotate" button at the bottom of the main map screen as you probably do. Even with this setting, the map does not rotate? May you post a screenshot of your situation on the screen? Thank you.


In turn, it looks like this:

menu - search - (some address) - navigate to - cycle - (waiting for gps)

Let's go

1. Autocenter on my localisation is turn off :(

Every time I have to turn on automatic centering on my location at the bottom of the screen. This is very annoying. I don't wanna turn it on every times!

2. Option rotate map is working nice after the last update


Sorry, my mistake

Autorotation stop working immediately after 'let's go'


Hello Marcin,

thanks for description in the previous post, it helps. You use different steps compare to me so I never noticed this serious usability problem.

I personally use Menu > Navigate to > and here I use "Search for address" for the target point. These steps do not cancel current active "centering".

In your case, you find an address point and display it on the map > that cancel centering to give you enough time to work with the new visible point.

We usually suggest to use "Presets" to simplify some setup, but it does not help here. It only allows to set more settings at once, but it is still a step that should not be needed. For now, I may only suggest using steps I describe (so firstly "Navigate to") that solve this issue. I'll definitely try to do something with this in the near future. Thanks for pointing on this problem.



Ok it's works. Thanks for this workaround.

I prefer to choose point from map

Auto-rotation doesn't work :(

It would be nice option specially in place I don't know very well :)


Hello Marcin,

what is the problem with auto-rotation? When you enable centering + auto-rotation and then start navigation with "Navigate to", auto-rotation no longer works? In this case, the map should rotate based on the orientation of the route so you have to move along the computed route.

If you want to see map rotation based on the compass (and not always based on the direction of the route), you have to uncheck settings > Navigation > Advanced > Snap to route. Anyway, this setting is usually best to keep enabled. It is what navigation apps usually do > rotate screen along the route.

Hope this helps.


Hmm... If You go to any place You don't know and start route to another new point ... You don't know direction You should go. You have to move 200m or more to see that direction is wrong then You turn around but new route is show, so playing with map rotation and direction is Irritating. sometimes it takes a few minutes.

Go somewhere to get info turn around is Irritating.

I would like to rotate the map only on the basis of the compass when I'm not going.


And isn't current app behavior exactly the same as other navigation apps do? After the start, they rotate with map in the direction of the current navigation route.


Hmm just tested Google Maps and seems they (now?) works as you describe .. till I ride, they rotate with the device. This is a completely different behavior compared to all other navigation apps I've just tried (Sygic, Waze, OsmAnd), interesting.


It's a little complicated task to do it properly. Anyway, I made a small improvement so in case, standing still at the start of the route, the app should rotate based on defined "Compass" value. We will see how it works in real in Locus Map 3.40 (or in any of future Beta versions).



Great news! I'm looking forward to the update.

I would like to be beta tester but there is no option in Google Play.

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