Navigation along a route until a waypoint

Michael Terörde shared this idea 4 years ago
Gathering feedback

Hi Locus Team,

When start the navigation along a route, the system gives the option to start the navigation at a specific point of the route (when selecting the rout in the map view and start the navigation). That is a great feature! However, it would be also great to end the navigation at a certain point (and calculate correct values for "time to target") during this route. Is there a possibility to have this as a further option?

Background: I have multiple day hikes saved on my Locus, which is split in several stages. Very often I just hike one stage (e.g. on a Sunday) and then drive back with the train to my town. Therefore it would be great, if I can make Locus navigating exactly this stage (between 2 waypoints). The correct "end waypoint" would result in a correct estimation of "distance to target" and "time to target".



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