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Not a good first try at using Locus mapping

Fergus Flanagan shared this question 8 years ago

I'm afraid it wasn't a good first experience using Locus maps and considering the feedback score on this app in the Playstore I must be doing something terribly wrong.

I've created a route on and exported it to Locus. As a test I tried out Locus earlier this evening and had the following problems. I've also linked Locus on the Android phone to my Pebble watch using the Locus - addon Pebble app.

  • My first problem was that left/right hand turnings at roundabouts were coming up as half lefts/rights as were simple bends in the road.
  • Distance to the next turning was grossly over estimated on the watch and didn't match what was on the phone and out of whack with reality on both devices more often than not.
  • On one occasion coming up to a roundabout where I was going right it was appearing on both devices as a half left and then when I got on the roundabout it switched to a full right.
  • Intermittently I was getting this message OVER_QUERY_LIMIT please see the screenshot
  • Also on the screenshot you will see a red line with arrows which was moving about, what is this and how do I get rid of it?
  • When I reached my final point I wanted to retrace my steps but couldn't figure out how to reverse the directions for navigation purposes?

I have read the help documents though not all of them but those that seemed relevant and while I wasn't expecting a Google maps experience I wasn't prepared for the disaster I got. So I must be doing something terribly wrong. It would really help if there was a tutorial about how to set up a imported route for navigation which would give clear on screen directions as Locus looks like it's got a bit of a learning curve!!

BTW I've read the definition of route and track on this website and I'm still confused?? This is not helped by the fact that the site I used to create a route called exported the route to a gpx file which was then imported and stored as a track in Locus, very confusing

What am I trying to do?

I want to create a route for cycling that I can follow on my phone or Pebble smartwatch with clear instructions i.e. if there is a roundabout coming up it appears as a roundabout with the correct exit on my phone at least or if there is a turning it displays a clear left or right turn and I'm forewarned of it in advance. I don't think I'm asking too much here, why is this so difficult? I don't want Locus to auto generate a route for me between A and B, I can get Google maps to do this perfectly well.

Replies (21)


Not being myself an officiial support, just few notes >

Note that Locus does not use any own routing service, but relies on the 3rd party online or offline routing services. If the route is not created by a navigation hint aware routing engine, like online MapQuest of offline Brouter, Locus generate the gints solely on the shape of the route. One of the reasons is, that used MapsForge map format does not allow the road network awareness.

OVER QUERY LIMIT may be the temporary issue with the paid ( by Locus ) MapQuest online routing with limited worlwide quote for the Locus application.

IMHO, Terminology consistence is not a strong part of Locus. Originally route was meant as a rather sparse serie or viapoints, something that was planned on paper map. While track was meant as rather dense serie of logged positions while you were following the route. But later GPX files implemented route and track syntaxes, and various routing engines or planners generated outputs as GPX tracks. All that combined lead sometimes to shifted and confusing used meanings of route and track.

As a cyclist, you may want to be interested in an offline specialized bicycle routing engine BRouter.


I already had Brouter installed on my phone along with Locus so assume this was being used for the routing along my defined track.


Do you know or do you assume ? BRouter does not generate OVER QUERY LIMIT. Brouter do must be explicitly set in Locus Navigation config to be used,

If you have BRouter installed, I do not see why you want your routes to be generated by Google maps.


Hi Fergus,

MapQuest is set as the default navigation data source - it works online and no additional app must be installed. If you want to use BRouter, set it as your navigation data source in settings >navigation > navigation data source.


Hi Fergus,

  • My first problem was that left/right hand turnings at roundabouts were coming up as half lefts/rights as were simple bends in the road.
    - imported routes don't contain any information about intersections, roundabouts - they are just chains of points with coordinates. Locus creates navigation commands just according to the shape of the chain. If you used routing inside Locus ("Navigate to" function) that would generate the route from navigation data, then you would get proper navigation commands including roundabout exits.
  • Distance to the next turning was grossly over estimated on the watch and didn't match what was on the phone and out of whack with reality on both devices more often than not.
    - Pebble add-on is not our product so we cannot help here - contact Pebble add-on developer
  • On one occasion coming up to a roundabout where I was going right it was appearing on both devices as a half left and then when I got on the roundabout it switched to a full right.
    - the reason I mentioned in the point 1 - Locus creates navigation commands just according to the shape of the route in case it is imported
  • Intermittently I was getting this message OVER_QUERY_LIMIT please see the screenshot
    - MapQuest online router had some issues on Saturday - it way okay on Sunday
  • Also on the screenshot you will see a red line with arrows which was moving about, what is this and how do I get rid of it?
    - you have "heading line" activated - deactivate it in settings > maps > map objects
  • When I reached my final point I wanted to retrace my steps but couldn't figure out how to reverse the directions for navigation purposes?
    - create a copy of the route - open it in the route (track) manager, select "copy" from the bottom right menu, check "change route orientation (reverse)"
  • It would really help if there was a tutorial about how to set up a imported route for navigation
    - see
  • tracks vers routes
    - you imported your route in Locus Track manager not as a track but as a route - we use "Track manager" just for simplicity - in other languages track and route are the same. In English - Track - a way you went along (left traces on), route - a way you are going to go along.
  • I want to create a route for cycling that I can follow on my phone or Pebble smartwatch with clear instructions
    - create the route directly in Locus using e.g. BRouter (works offline - more info here: and here: )
  • I don't want Locus to auto generate a route for me between A and B, I can get Google maps to do this perfectly well.
    - Google Maps will generate a route between A and B but, as I mentioned in point 1, the exported GPX doesn't contain information about intersections and roundabouts

Locus Map may have a bit of learning curve - it's due to its versatility and multifunctionality - when you learn your own steps you'll like it as others do. Good luck!


I am not sure if Google routing for bicycles is optimal. Many routing services, that are mainly focused on car navigation, do not consider the elevation profile of suggested routes, nor physical conditions of the road/tracks. Both is essential for bicycle trekking.


  1. - imported routes don't contain any information about intersections, roundabouts - they are just chains of points with coordinates. Locus creates navigation commands just according to the shape of the chain. If you used routing inside Locus ("Navigate to" function) that would generate the route from navigation data, then you would get proper navigation commands including roundabout exits.

Okay lets break this down...

  1. - imported routes don't contain any information about intersections, roundabouts - they are just chains of points with coordinates.

Okay this makes sense.

  1. Locus creates navigation commands just according to the shape of the chain.

So it wont' recognise roundabouts or junctions since as you said it is following the shape of the chain.

  1. If you used routing inside Locus ("Navigate to" function) that would generate the route from navigation data, then you would get proper navigation commands including roundabout exits.

But you just said Locus only follows the shape of the chain. So what is interpreting this chain and recognising the roundabouts, junctions etc?

  1. - MapQuest online router had some issues on Saturday - it way okay on Sunday

I was actually using it yesterday, Monday. Huh? Why am I using MapQuest thought Brouter was set as my default router??

  1. - you have "heading line" activated - deactivate it in settings > maps > map objects

Turns out it was my course bearing line that was on.

  1. - create a copy of the route - open it in the route (track) manager, select "copy" from the bottom right menu, check "change route orientation (reverse)"

Yes sorry read this later on that evening.

  1. It would really help if there was a tutorial about how to set up a imported route for navigation

Yes already been through that several times before using Locus but then had the problems I experienced yesterday hence this email.

  1. - create the route directly in Locus using e.g. BRouter (works offline - more info here: and here: )

Will have to go through that second link, thanks. I've also read this...

  1. BRouter just calculates tracks as GPX-Files, it does not display any map or give any navigation instuctions. Therefore you need a map-tool in order for BRouter to be useful.

So Locus takes a gpx file displays it and creates navigational instruction for e.g. a cyclist, driver, walker i.e. turn left at next junction, take 3rd exit at next roundabout etc.

Whereas BRouter just ....well to be honest I'm a little confused what Brouter actually does but I presume it creates the gpx files from what the user draws on the map within the Locus map??

  • Whereas BRouter just ....well
    to be honest I'm a little confused what Brouter actually does but I
    presume it creates the gpx files from what the user draws on the map
    within the Locus map??

Locus can use BRouter by 4way, if I remember correctly.

1/ Brouter can be set in Locus navigation configuration as 3rd party offline routing service, similarly as other online servoces like Mapquest. For defines start, destination and optionally 2 viapoints it calculates a bicycle route, according to chosen BRouter routing profile.

2/ The user can define in Locus a route manually, and Locus call Brouter routing between each 2 points of the route.

3/ the user can in locus define a special waypoints(favourites) called "from" , "to", optionally "via1" .. "via9" and then launch the BRouter application manually. Brouter read the BRoute waypoinst DB and takes those points as implicitly defined route. It then generates the GPX file, based on the BRouter profile the user had manually chosen. The user imports GPX to Locus and set Locus to navigate along the route, that already contains turning navigation hints.

4/ The user runs directly Brouter and choses any waypoints from the Locus point DB to define the route. The rest is as at 3/.

  • So Locus takes a gpx file displays it and creates navigational
    instruction for e.g. a cyclist, driver, walker i.e. turn left at next
    junction, take 3rd exit at next roundabout etc.

MapQuest and BRoutes generates navigation instructions data as a part of the route data, passed to Locus either via API interface, aither as a GPX file.

But it is Locus what creates the pictogram or voice navigation hints, using the navigation instruction data of the route. If such data are not present, it creates the hinst according the route shape, as a kind of fallback.


  1. Locus creates navigation commands just according to the shape of the chain.

So it wont' recognise roundabouts or junctions since as you said it is following the shape of the chain.

- Yes, speaking about IMPORTED routes.

  1. If you used routing inside Locus ("Navigate to" function) that would generate the route from navigation data, then you would get proper navigation commands including roundabout exits.

But you just said Locus only follows the shape of the chain. So what is interpreting this chain and recognising the roundabouts, junctions etc?

- Locus creates commands based on the shape of the line only in case of IMPORTED routes. If you choose "Navigate to" option, Locus triggers an available routing engine (MapQuest, BRouter...) to calculate the route from routing data that consist of information about nods, junctions, roundabouts etc. - therefore you get proper navigation commands.

  1. MapQuest online router had some issues on Saturday - it way okay on Sunday

I was actually using it yesterday, Monday. Huh? Why am I using MapQuest thought Brouter was set as my default router??

We were informed MapQuest was available on Sunday already so probably it was not as you say... MapQuest is default router in Locus. If you install BRouter, you have to replace MapQuest by it manually in settings > navigation > navigation data source.


- Locus creates commands based on the shape of the line only in case of IMPORTED routes.

Okay so if instead of importing a route, I manually created a route within Locus. Locus will be able to recogise roundabouts, junctions etc and give proper instructions otherwise if I import a route it won't be able to do this as it is simply following the shape of the route. Is this correct?

Trying to manually create a route on a small screen is a pain. I've not used the brouter web client but if I did to draw a route on the PC using the brouter client then would it work as well as a route created within Locus as regards giving proper instruction regarding roundabout exits, junctions etc.


Manual creation of the route in the Locus does not ensure generation of road network aware navigation intructions. The route must be calculated by the routing service from provided start-(via)-destination points.

OTOH, imported route may contains navigation instruction data, if generated by instruction aware service in format Locus expects. ( e.g. GPX import of Brouter generated route )

Brouter web client will generate navigation instruction, if you modify

  1. assign turnInstructionMode = 1 # 0=none, 1=auto-choose, 2=locus-style, 3=osmand-style

to value 1. The reason is, BRouter application at default settings detects, which of BRouter aware application you are using. But this does not work for the BRouter web, as it cannot guess the target application. so you have to set the Locus explicitly.


Okay have used web based Brouter to generate a gpx with the following settings:

assign consider_elevation = true # set to false to ignore elevation in routing

assign allow_steps = true # set to false to disallow steps

assign allow_ferries = false # set to false to disallow ferries

assign ignore_cycleroutes = false # set to true for better elevation results

assign stick_to_cycleroutes = true # set to true to just follow cycleroutes

assign avoid_unsafe = true # set to true to avoid standard highways

assign turnInstructionMode = 2 # 0=none, 1=auto-choose, 2=locus-style, 3=osmand-style

When I tried to import the route I got a message, see screenshot attached. Originally I selected ignore all and this produced something like 200 points, no track. A second attempt created the track when I chose overwrite, apply to all.

I not even going to bother asking why I got this.

Unfortunately looking at the track itinerary produced it's still got woeful recognition of what are straightforward left/right hand turns and roundabouts. I cannot rely on this for navigation on a cycling trip. Is this the best I can expect from this software? Very disappointed :(

Is there no way of manually creating a route where navigational instruction data is properly produced instead of this rubbish with half lefts and half rights.


You got this error msg because you have tried to import navigation hints in the route as ordinary waypoints.

Try once more, and during the import, check in the option "merge waypoints with the track".


I've created a route within Locus and so far have found this to be the most reliable as regards retaining navigational instruction data. The problem is when I copy and reverse the route I'm back to square one and a lot of the instructional data is lost again?? Why does this happen?

Do I have to map out the route manually going the other way???

  • Do I have to map out the route manually going the other way???

The magic of navigation is you do not have to create the route manually. As, if the used BRouter profile follows your preferences, it is able to guess the most points for you. So you ( more or less ) explicitly assign just the real viapoints that Brouter cannot guess.


Hi LIbor, Thanks for anwering but how does this answer my question regarding reversing a copy (a route I've amended and am perfectly happy with) of a route?

Can we address the reason for this..

  1. The problem is when I copy and reverse the route I'm back to square one and a lot of the instructional data is lost again??

Incidentally I would never go by Brouter 100% no matter how I set up the profile. I've seen some of the decisions it makes and I'm not impressed having tested it on a route I do regularly. A lot of manual intervention is still needed.


The question is, if you are going to use the route for the Guidance, or the Navigation.

For the former, Locus is happy with it and even directly support it. But guidance does not use - ( AFAIK as I use it seldom ) - navigation instructions.

For the latter, Navigations always takes route as oriented. thr route generation is generally asymmetrical ( the optimal return route may differ ) and navigational instructions are always oriented oneway. So calculation of the return route - by whatever online/ofline service - is always done separately.

I have said "if the used BRouter profile follows your preferences". Please, be slow in statements about BRouter abilities, as they are more hissen thanabilities of Locus. :-). I do not correct my BRouter profiles often, if I use the proper profile.


  1. For the latter, Navigations always takes route as oriented. thr route generation is generally asymmetrical ( the optimal return route may differ ) and navigational instructions are always oriented oneway. So calculation of the return route - by whatever online/ofline service - is always done separately.

Look I've no idea what you are talking about here. All I know is Locus offers me the ability to reverse a route. It's as simple as that and I take it at face value. AFAIC this functionality simply does not work as you are told

"Oh guess what you can reverse your route so you can find your way back, What you need to do is copy route in question and reverse".

I personally expect to get the correct navigational route instructions for my return journey. If this is not going to be the case then why present it as such in the documentation with no qualifications whatsoever to new users. Frustrating!!


--- OFFTOPIC ---

Small note from me ... damn long discussion. Seems to be sooo complicated ... if result of this discussion will be something we may do to simplify this (some change in UI, better description in manual, ...), let us know, we will gladly improve it (or at least think about it)!


As as newbie you should prefer questions ( like "What have I done wrong ? " ) to statements ( like "It does not work." ).

It is more reliable for you, as it has not given you chance to corrupt the thing. Look again back to 4 ways of BRouter usage I mentined. The import of GPX from Brouter-web and the 5th one and all work.

You may find use for the quite good documentation at It would be good to study the stuff, not to explain already explained. Sure. no manual is as good as without possibility to be improved..

Reversing is fine for guidance, but not for navigation with the ready to use data for given direction. As instructions are unidirectional.


First I have read the relevant basics as I've already stated. But I as far as I can see Locus is far from a polished app that just works. It's full of options that either trip you up or don't often work as they should.

  1. As as newbie you should prefer questions ( like "What have I done wrong ? " ) to statements ( like "It does not work." ).

I believe the theme of my questions in this thread has always been "What am I doing wrong?"


Well, it is said neither the Photoshop is a polished app that just works. It is said to be very powerful, but also complex. For many trivial task is better simple editor/editing viewer like Irfanview. For Locus it is similar. It is very powerful, but may have aslo some learning curve. Like the most of powerful tools.

I apologize if I got incorrect feelings your approach is 50/50 questions/complains.. :-). Let just suppose for now just thequestions. But, if you do not know Locus well yet, how do youknow it does not work how it should ?. You may either have not got to it yet, or Menion had just a different iopinion on the feature.


  1. I apologize if I got incorrect feelings your approach is 50/50 questions/complains.. :-). Let just suppose for now just thequestions. But, if you do not know Locus well yet, how do youknow it does not work how it should ?. You may either have not got to it yet, or Menion had just a different iopinion on the feature.

I also apologise to yourself and Menion but my patience is getting frayed having spend too much time trying to achieve a single objective:

Manually create a route (I've used Locus, Brouter & import route to Locus and do a single journey without errors persistently flashing up on screen and navigational instructions missing completely or partially.

May be this is an impossible quest but I so far have failed. Is it my fault I don't know?!


Very offtopic too.. but I can feel the pain of the OP.

There is a need of some eli5's regarding different settings/noobs to turn under activities like sailing, mtb/cycling, driving, guiding, trekking, tracking, skiing etc.. I would easily spend 15 minutes on a youtube video to learn settings in locus before cycling in an unknown area. Mainly because my Locus is set for tracking/routing related to geocaching/hiking/trekking.

A profile choice when opening app would be awesome..

Usercases here:

I was tryin to get Brouter to find a route to a peak, no trails, no paths...<20° climb...just too realize Brouter was a bike engine. No luck, ofcourse. Settled with Graphopper, mostly happy with results. With my Note, I make route in "sketch a track"-app, import to locus...view in Earth. Good to go!

If I'm activating auto-gps off when tracking, no line is shown on map. Have a track-profile with 100m-60sec-100m...use that, and hope it saves battery. But then, back home, its not straight forward to edit track.

Every time I start tracking from widget, I need to check profile before start (because I forget what profile is active).. should be text/symbol in there somewhere.

Sorry for this rant (4 year happy user of Locus)


  • I was tryin to get Brouter to find a route to a peak, no trails, no paths...<20° climb...just too realize Brouter was a bike engine. No luck, ofcourse.

There is no of course, there is just a lack of proper information.

Originally - yes - I was developed as a routing service for bicycles. But currently, the purpose depends solely on the used routing profile - that is a thing that Graphhopper does not offer.

And, if there are no trails, no paths, ( if I got it correctly ), then it was your fault using a routing engine of any kind, as they create routes along the OSM ways,... :-)

For more, you may want to check


@Libor: I have a lot of respect for you and has learned a lot by reading your wiki and posts in these forums :-)

But I understand the OP's claim of Locus has its "dark" sides.

Usercase #2

Can I get a "share my position"-icon on right panel? Just a one-click to open android share window? (I do not mean center screen/map) New users will try to dive deep into Locus settings to check if this is possible. This should be a default icon in right panel, but that's just my 5 cent..


Well, I agree Locus can be challenging for a new user. I was long time user of OSMAnd, thinking for several months Locus is too complicated. And I do not feel to be a general expert for Locus So I do understand the OP in this as well.

But I do not feel comfortable with OP personal approach to learn what he need to achieve his goal. It is hard to cooperate at such conditions.

As most of the stuff is Locus related, the Assam team is much more competent to address it then me. I do not want to say what is not true.


I manually created a journey within Locus on my tablet and transferred to my phone and followed it today with the following problems. The first two problems below were covered in a Utopian fashion by the knowledge base but surprisingly the second 2 were not covered at all. Considering I've seen them plenty of times in the last few days maybe they should be added.

  • Zoom lock - During a navigation I set a zoom level and then activated zoom lock but as my speed increased the map zoomed out. How do I stop the zoom from changing during navigation?
  • Set notification of next direction change - This was set to a very loud beep but over the hour I was using this feature I had only a single beep even though there were plenty of direction changes.
  • Over Query Limit - this kept coming up even though on commencing my navigation I made sure I was using Brouter as the source. (I assume this is the MapQuest online routing kicking in, even though I'd selected Brouter???) After an hour I gave up in frustration and resorted to turning off my mobile data.
  • Unknown problem consider selecting different Nav source - On my outward 17 mile cycle journey this came up persistently and at one point the app became unresponsive so had to shut it down.


Fergus, something in your setup/setting must be wrong. I do your kind of task every now and then, and it never fail me. Just hang in there, you will get help!

Just for clarification, what is your device and android version? 6.0 users has been a victim of the infamous gps-sleep syndrome. Android battery saving kicking in..


Hi Hallgeir,

I've got a Note 4 on Android v6. I've disabled all battery saving features for Locus apps. I don't have a problem with getting and keeping a gps fix so not sure what else could be wrong with my setup.


And your setup is online map/offline map, maps stored internal or sd card, bluetooth on/off, any protective case that can interfere with gps/compass?

Basically serve all info you can recall to have done since initial installation. There is also the option to reset the app settings and operation.

As a start i would go for simple solution, not Brouter yet. You need a working setup before going advanced..

Start of with a short route, then get confidence to proceed..


I've turned off wifi and mobile data on my phone and want to draw a bicycle route in Locus but it's not joining the waypoints I'm putting down on the map according to the road shape. I thought this part used Brouter which I've got installed inlcuding the necessary Brouter data files. Really confused as to why this is not working


What should work for you is this guide about using BRouter assistance at route planning.

Watch especially the short tutorial video ( Page not done by me, but the procedure works ).


Thanks Libor will be having a look at this over the coming week when I've got time to study it properly and thanks for responding to my endless queries so quickly. I may not have said this before but Brouter is a pretty valuable tool so thanks again :)

Any other problems I think it better to start a new thread.


BTW Libor, Having been trying to learn Locus, Brouter and navigation concepts the last several days and I can't remember exactly but I think when I installed Brouter I also had to chose maping data for a user selected area. If I wanted to add to this how do I get back into this dialogue? I've tried but can't figure this out ??


turn BRouter on from your phone > select Download manager


Damn I'm sure I'd have tried this before and that option was't coming up. Honestly I must be going mad.

Sorry for the silly question.


This topic is going really wild... too much questions and suggestions from too much people, each addressing a different issue. Okay I'm going to try to tackle as much as possible:

@Fergus: Do I have to map out the route manually going the other way???

- if you are not content with the reverse copy option, yes, you do. The route in the original direction is calculated by the routing engine - if you want Locus to make a reverse copy of it, Locus handles it as a GPX line WITHOUT original navigation commands as they don't have to be valid in the opposite direction - therefore, Locus generates new commands according to the shape of the reverse line. Another option is to use routing engine again to calculate the return route - the route thus doesn't have to be the same as the router takes oneways (and other parameters) in account.


How do I stop the zoom from changing during navigation?

- Settings > Maps > Advanced features > Speed auto-zoom OFF

Set notification of next direction change - This was set to a very loud beep but over the hour I was using this feature I had only a single beep even though there were plenty of direction changes.

- this feature works only if "guidance" is switched on. If you used guidance along a route and Locus didn't alert you about direction changes then increase number of beeps in settings >guidance > advanced > number of alerts

Over Query Limit - this kept coming up even though on commencing my navigation I made sure I was using Brouter as the source.

- have you set BRouter as your navigation data source in Locus settings > navigation > navigation data source? If yes and this alert keeps coming, try to erase your temporary files in settings > miscellaneous > clear temporary data and restart Locus

Unknown problem consider selecting different Nav source

- should be related to the previous problem, try the same procedure

I want to draw a bicycle route in Locus but it's not joining the waypoints I'm putting down on the map according to the road shape.



Profile choice when opening app would be awesome

- we've been having a long internal discussions about this, please be patient, perhaps they'll come into reality some time (my preference too)

Auto-gps off

- this setting is often in "conflict" with your recording profile settings especially the GPS accuracy parameter and time frequency of trackpoint recording - make sure the GPS values don't limit recording ones

Rec profile sign in widget

- we'll think about it, a good idea


  1. This topic is going really wild... too much questions and suggestions from too much people, each addressing a different issue. Okay I'm going to try to tackle as much as po..........

Yes think I will start a new thread for any further queries just to keep it simple.

BUT before I do and this has been annoying the hell out of me. What is the difference between Fast & Short bike?

  1. Set notification of next direction change - This was set to a very loud beep but over the hour I was using this feature I had only a single beep even though there were plenty of direction changes.
  2. - this feature works only if "guidance" is switched on.

Why can't this be implemented for Navigation as well?

  1. I want to draw a bicycle route in Locus but it's not joining the waypoints I'm putting down on the map according to the road shape.

Yea sorted this one out last night but will watch the video link when I get back after the weekend :)

Thanks for all your responsive help so far :)


What is the difference between Fast & Short bike?

- fast - along roads with smooth surface, as flat as possible - you can ride fast

- short - the distance is short no matter what the surface or elevation profile of the way to the target is

Notification of next direction change - Why can't this be implemented for Navigation as well?

- that's the difference between navigation and guidance - navigation works with voice commands and visual signs of where to turn, guidance with beeps/TTS and guiding line on map


  1. - fast - along roads with smooth surface, as flat as possible - you can ride fast
  2. - short - the distance is short no matter what the surface or elevation profile of the way to the target is

Hmm tbh this doesn't make a lot of sense.

Let me try an interpret this:

fast - you just want to do a fast ride on good quality roads and as flat as possible regardless of the detours you will need to take to achieve this.

short - you want as short a route as possible between 2 points regardless of elevation or quality of road surface.

On the face of it these profiles v.brief description in the documentation sound a bit daft and could do with elaboration as I'm sure they make complete sense if explained. Is there a more detailed explanation I'm missing somewhere, believe me I have looked?


Could I suggest this as a future implementation option please.

When I'm cycling along I really don't want to be staring down at the screen all the time. I want to be admiring the scenery. But I also like to be zoomed in so I can see any potential tricky sequence of turns. I also don't want to be listening to TTS. So ideally I would like to be able to concentrate on what's around me and get a warning beep when I need to pay attention and look at the screen.


I such a case you probably do not want the Navigation mode nor navigation hints, but the Guidance mode. So after preparation of your route by whatever way, you need to set the Guidance to be beeped at significant direction turn, or if you got off the track.

But BRouter navigation instructions are designed to warn you mostly just if you could get off the route. E.g. if you go along secondary road, that turns right, while 2 tertiaries go left and straight ahead, you are not notified to turn right. But you would be notified, if you are turning to lower class road way.



Locus already enables what you seek. Read - there are a few useful tips how to best set Locus for bike riding.


BUT.... I like the thick blue route line and navigational instructions top left of the screen (in navigation mode). I don't get this in Guidance mode as the routing line in Guidance mode is very hard to see and I can't find a way to make it easier to see.

I don't get it am I missing something here? I really don't get why you couldn't have an audible alert (beep) in navigation mode before a change in direction/turning. Guidance mode does not suit me for the reasons I've given above .

I've not used guidance mode yet, as when I looked at it at home it just didn't seem to suit my requirements but I will try it tomorrow


Fergus, have you read the part about the beep "voice" that can be set in navigation mode? Sound settings – voice navigation or TTS generated commands may not be audible on a bike – rattle of the equipment on rough surfaces, wind swishing around ears… And wearing earphones can be pretty dangerous. Beeping sounds are much better heard – either set the beeper on (1-10 beeps) or install Morse-beeping voice “Samuel” from Locus community (available here >>)


of course the "beeper" option is available in "guidance" mode, "Samuel" voice in Navigation mode. It has one advantage - the beep sound is different for left and right turns.


Most of routing services offer fast/short atributes for car/bike route calculation. the Locus and Brouter follow this logic. With Brouter, you can assign to these Short/Fast modes whatever BRouter profile you want. So Fast and Short can be considered as a purpose hints, or just random names for slot1 and slot2. I usually set to Short the profile I use if weather is fine and I am fresh, like Trekking-dry or MTB. I use for Fast the "homing" profiles as a kind of a fallback at bad weather or if I am tired, ljke Trekking-wet, or MTB-light, More can be seen at .


Okay so...

fast - you just want to do a fast ride on good quality roads and as flat as possible regardless of the detours you will need to take to achieve this.

short - you want as short a route as possible between 2 points regardless of elevation or quality of road surface.



Not necesserily. As both can be roadbike like, or both can be MTBlike. Or whatever like. With BRouter it is completely on you. Naming short and fast lost its original sense.


Hi Libor,

Going to start a new thread on this issue of profiles as this thread is dealing with too many topics.




the new Locus 3.19 contains quite a vast array of profiles relating to BRouter, see Maybe it'll do for your needs and you don't have to have your routes calculated externally.


  1. I usually set to Short the profile I use if weather is fine and I am fresh, like Trekking-dry or MTB. I use for Fast the "homing" profiles as a kind of a fallback at bad weather or if I am tired, ljke Trekking-wet, or MTB-light, More can be seen at

Yea it's a bit confusing and profiles seem to imply meaning by the very name of the profile.

  1. I usually set to Short the profile I use if weather is fine and I am fresh, like Trekking-dry or MTB. I use for Fast the "homing" profiles as a kind of a fallback at bad weather or if I am tired

That's completely counter-intuitive to me and confusing, sorry!!??

Will have a look at the github page you've linked to.


Yes, the profiles imply their usage by their name.

I have already written that Locus naming Fast/Short lost its originally meaning. It should be taken just as a hard coded name for the profile slot in BRouter context. Even the transportation mode is not mandatory.

I can map bike profiles to all 5 slots ( 2 car, 2 bike, 1 foot ). You can even rename the slots.

If you choose fastlike and shortlike profile for it. Or completely different profile. But Short does not mean much for bike or car navigation. IF a car was lead along horrible ways or a bike up and down across the hills, the user would not be pleased.


Thanks libor, yes I see what you mean. Actually when I am a bit more organised I will delve mkore into BRouter. Let me start a new thread as I have a few questions re route planning. Are you happy for me to post them here or do you want me to post them on Git?


Hi Fergus, I suppose the better place is posting it here, in a separate thread, as it is can be reused by other users, browsing the Helpdesk, as more users come here.Or eventually extracted for Locus Docs/FAQa.

The GIthub issues are rather aimed for technical details, not necesserily related to Locus, able to confuse many users.

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