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Pictures not shown to Waypoint shared this problem 5 years ago

Hmmm, now my zillion pictures have disappeared from my hundreds of WPs: I was just processing my 'work' for the local hiking network, in which I take 2 pics per new WP and all such pics are 'gone', not shown in the add-on overview per WP. Well, I looked in \\\ADB\\sdcard\Android\data\\files\Locus\data\media\photo\ and the files are obviously still there, but they are not shown per WP any more. This is since 3.44.0 (I reckon).

As a test I just made a new WP, took a pic from/for that WP: it shows in the WP overview. Exit the WP and again select the WP and go to the files overview of that WP: gone, nothing. Hope this can be fixed soon...

Oh, this reminds me of another case, but this new one is worse:

Replies (9)


I've got a similar problem, maybe even the same bug. Since at least yesterday during tracking I'm not able to save photo-points. If clicking onto "add photo point", the usual dialog opens where I can name the photo, and finally click onto "save". But this photopoint neither doesn't appear on the track on the map, nor does the photos get exported if exporting this track.

I also tested to add a single Waypoint (so not during tracking), and add a photo to it. If clicking onto the waypoint on the map, I see the photo. So this seems to work ok.


Just checked the 'photo' dir and for my 2 WPs I added yesterday: the 4 photos are there:





But they are just not shown per these 2 WPs.

EDIT: I just found out the pictures do show per WP when: select WP, use the '>' to go to the WP group, select WP that is now on top of screen, go to add-on of that WP and the pics are shown. Pfew.



sorry to read about such a weird problem. I'm really glad that data are still there, it is essential (be careful with these private directories ... by un-installing Locus Map, all data will be automatically removed by the system!).

As sonny wrote, points are really not saved during track recording. I've found a reason for this and will be fixed this week.

But your issue is a mystery for me. May I ask for help? A log (created by this method) may help here with hope, there will be some clearly visible error.

Btw. what do you see in the waypoints? In the tab "Attachments" are your photos listed but click on them do nothing?


No log (yet), but I just tried the tryout version you posted in another problem: my theory is that these issues are related. So I downloaded Locus Free installed it and started it: left it maiden, as installed next to my Locus Pro, and made a new waypoint; added a picture from/for that WP; I exit the WP and select the WP again: picture is still shown. If I do the same in Locus Pro 3.44.0 then the pic is gone. So I reckon this issue is fixed in



ah this is very good news. Also, this Beta display pictures for all existing points you had a problem with? Perfect. The new version will be published during the next days (maybe even today).


Unfortunately, this issue is not solved in Locus Pro 3.44.1. Did not expect that, I admit. It is solved in Locus Free 3.44.1. Strange eh.

Again: what to reproduce it:

  • Create new WP
  • Create picture in that WP
  • Exit WP
  • Select WP
  • Go to tab for attachments: pic is not shown (= the issue)

Now the workaround:

  • Select WP (that already has the picture)
  • Click on '>' to go to the Map or Group that WP belongs to
  • Now you see the list of WPs and our WP is shown at the top
  • Select WP
  • Go to tab for attachments: pic is shown

Took a logcat that might show something: attached

Looking myself in 2020-02-26-19-31-06.txt I see an entry like:

02-26 19:30:54.141 E/ImageUtils(15498): /app_external_files_path/0/Locus/data/media/photo/P__20200226_193051.jpg (No such file or directory)

Strange path I reckon, starting with /app_external... but maybe this is normal mounting in Android.

When I use ADB I can nicely find that file:


And using the workaround is also shows as attached to the WP...


I will also retest this open issue with the debug version that is being prepped.



you were right that the issue discussed in the second topic (more related to geocaching) is somehow connected. As I wrote here, I believe, it should be finally fixed in new Beta version. Sorry for the complications.


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