Quick way to show full-scale track profile with current position highlighted

Bucky Kid shared this idea 9 years ago
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Hello, because small widget profile in current form is not too synoptical I'm missing during navigation/guiding a quick way to open full-scale altitude profile of current route (ie. track details>Graph) with current GPS position highlighted. Opening this graph during moving is too much taps ;). As suitable solution for it I see tapping on small dashboard altitude graph.

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Replies (10)


I was using such a feature on my crossalps tour the years before (last in July 2014) this way:

Following my track with guidance. Tapping on guidance symbol or on the track, then information and chart. It showed my current position on the elevation chart. Very fine.

Unfortunatly on my crossalps tour last week this feature does not work anymore (in Locus Pro version 3.10.3) it just tells me "No data on the left Y axis". But when I turn off guidance and go to the elevation chart it shows my current position on the chart with a big black bullet.


Good day guys,

I agree that this feature is useful and - method that Staudenkletterer described should work.

Mentioned issue is quite interesting and here is a reason: if you use "Guidance", Locus completely recompute whole tracks to optimized set of points and compute navigation commands for guidance. After then, from offline HGT files is computed all required altitude values for a new set of trackpoints.

In your case anyway, seems that you are missing these HGT files. Agree that when source track already has altitude, generated guidance track should also contain it. Temporary workaround is download them by this method: http://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php?id=manual:faq:how_to_add_map_shading

@jajaballard: let me know if you were able to make it work

EDIT: problem with missing altitude fixed, thanks


Workaround with HGT files works fine ... and anyway map shading is definitely a great feature. Many thanks!


Yes, I made it work today. It works fine. To reduce the number of required click it would be great to have the "Chart" option direct in the context menu of the guidance symbol .


Dobrý den,

momentálně jediný způsob prohlížení naplánovaného profilu trasy je v záložce detailu trasy. "V dolní třetině obrazovky" lze ovšem zobrazit aktuální, tj. okamžitý výškový průběh trasy, po které jedete (zda jedete správně po naplánované trase, vidíte na mapě, popř. si nastavte zvukové upozornění na sjetí z trasy). K tomu využijte nástroj Dashboard (dostupný v Pro verzi), který umožňuje nastavit nad pracovní obrazovkou Locusu ještě jednu informační vrstvu. Více viz zde: http://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php?id=cz:manual:user_guide:tools:dashboards


Děkuji za rychlou reakci. Dashboard používám. Ukazuje ale jenom okamžitou výšku. Přimlouval bych se, prosím, jestli aby při některé aktualizaci nešlo zavést znažší přepnutí na výškový profil, nebo jeho zobrazení současně s mapou. Nyní to musím dělat tapnutím na část, kde se zobrazuje příští navigační povel, potom tapnutí na trasa a dále tapnutí na graf. Je to na kole dost obtížné se vždy správně trefit. Děkuji za Váš čas a přeji hodně spokojených uživatelů. PetrŠmíd


V dashboardu lze zvolit také zobrazování polohy na profilu trasy - v druhé záložce funkcí dole v oddělení "navigace". Pozice na profilu se pak zobrazuje při spuštěné fci Navigace nabo Navádění.


Profil v dashboardu je, na druhá záložce

Pro rychlé přepnutí na plný graf hlasuj tady: http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/quick-way-to-show-full-scale-track-profile-with-current-position-highlighted


Excuse small mess in this topic guys. This happen when two extra topics with already existing comments are merged into one older.

Anyway happy voting!


Hi guys, it would be great to integrate this function. The App "Mapps3d" for example has it inside for many Years allready. I used this App, but now I had to change my Smartphone to Android an I badly miss this Dashboard-Screen to display the whole Altitudeprofile for the loaded Track I follow. Thanks a lot for your good Job an Locus! ;-)


I want to show the altitude meter diagram during navigation.

Example: I would like to see for a moment if a long mountain is coming. Then I can take off my windbreaker or take off my helmet.

I would like to look at the diagram but only briefly and then again the whole map.

Dashboard is not working because I already have a dashboard with other information. Or can I turn on a second dashboard and then turn it off again.

A good place to turn on the chart is the Navigation Cortol Menu.


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