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Some track colors from Basecamp GPX imported into Locus not working

Mike Byington shared this problem 7 years ago

Hello, I've noticed that some track colors used in Basecamp do not import into Locus Pro. Track colors like Dark Red, Dark Green, Dark Yellow, Dark Blue, Dark Magenta and Dark Cyan do not work in Locus. When imported, they simply appear as the default folder track color.

I've checked the GPX files in Notepad++, and the track colors are labeled similar to the "standard" colors (i.e. Dark Red tag is "DarkRed"), but they don't translate into Locus to a RGB color.

I thought I read somewhere that all Garmin colors are recognized in Locus. Can this be fixed?

Replies (4)


Good day Mike,

If you may prepare for me some GPX file I may use for test, I'll gladly look at it. Thank you.


Here's a test GPX. None of the dark colors work except for "DarkGray".


Files: test.gpx

Good day Mike,

information that all Garmin colors are supported was definitely wrong. Anyway thanks for a file, I've added support for all 140 based named HTML colors ( ) and also missing DarkYellow . Consider as solved to next Locus Map version, thanks.


Excellent, thank you!

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