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Time/Distance/ETA to next via point

Ulrich Kiermayr shared this idea 5 years ago


It would be great to add the display of Time/Distance/ETA to next via point to the fields in the dashboard and as an option to the guidance fields in guidance mode.

On my (bicycle) trips it I often have via points for interesting places along the route. Having the info how far away this next place is would be a great addition.

(Waypoints do not help here, since this is usually the next turn or something like that).

If a route has no vias then it is simply eta to destination.

Greetings, Ulrich

Replies (5)


Just create 3 navigation tracks if you have 2 interesting places.

Track to Target 1

Track From Target 1 to Target 2

Track to Finish

It's difficoult to define Time/Distance/Eta to next "Point" because you could have alot of waypoints or navigation notes on your track which would make statistics to next "Point" useless. You would need 2 types of "Points" normal waypoints and special waypoint. You can't tell the special waypoint "points of interest" because this would already break the functionality because if you import a track you would have alot of point of interests.

You would need to have some kind of ui where you can select which POI are special and which are not special. This small problem would make this feature much more complicated.

Easy solution is to split Track on special points. The trackeditor has got the new feature "split track" some years ago. This feature does fit very well to usecase "next via point" you can even display the whole track and the via track together on the map.


There are 2 types of points in route planner: waypoint and via point (so almost all is already there)


For Hiking or Mountainbiking you need to add alot more via points then importand points to tell the routing profile which routes are better as the direct way to target.

Which means you can't recycle the via points, you need special via points. But I do agree, special via points will be better then special POI.


I thought that this is what shaping points in route planner are for...

Greetings, Ulrich


Just thought about the following situation:

You did plan lunch in the middle of the track. But your tour need 6 shaping points.

You would not get the needed Time/Distance/ETA values for lunch, you would get the useless values based on the first shaping point. Which means we would also need a way to mark importand points in track as "next target"

And this kind of flexibility is the difficoult step for this feature. If this will be to complicated to implement, we still have the possibility to split the route into 2 tracks and then you get your Time/Distance/ETA values for lunch.


Great idea Ulrich. I've always wanted such a feature. Time/ Distance to end of route is often less important than to next Via point.


Thanks @0709. If we merge the votes from 4 topics...


Hello guys,

please vote for the main topic here: which is +- same as this one and I'll delete this one, ok?

My opinion: the useful feature that anyway firstly needs UI improvements in the whole navigation screen. It is definitely planned, but some priorities are before ...


firstly needs UI improvements in the whole navigation screen

Does it ?

Suggestion= Add extra 2 items: See * Bold (NEW)

- Distance to target (3) (default)

- Time to target (4) (default) - estimated time calculated upon your average speed

- Time of arrival - estimated arrival time calculated upon your average speed

* Distance to next Via Point (NEW)

* Time to next Via Point (NEW) - estimated time calculated upon your average speed.

- Time to next junction - time to the next crossroads where the direction will be changed

- Time - device clock

- Altitude - current altitude of the user, calculated from GPS or the device barometer

- Speed - current speed

Also usefull NEW items in dashboard (editor)



No similar update is currently planned for the Locus Map Pro version.

So suggest to set this old idea (Pro) proposal to "Declined".


Actually where I usually would like to use it is in guidance mode: prepare the track in route planner with some via points, then use guidance along the track and have the distance to the next via somewhere in my (custom) dashboard.

I don't really need the fancy things that could be done around it.


Hi guys,

update for next Locus Map Pro 3.53, Locus Map 4.2 visible on the screenshot > new fields in Dashboard.


In Locus Map 4 is already a feature to quickly see a distance to the certain trackpoint/viapoint along the selected route as mentioned by @0709 in his latest post.

Update in the top panel with statistics is currently not implemented (planned) as I believe, dashboard field cover all necessary needs.



That's amazing Menion - many thanks!

Sorry another question, can you clarify me what points get converted to "via points" when importing a GPX route (or track). I've done some experiments and it seems that every GPX route point is becoming a via point?!


Attach an example of your imported gpx file(s) ?


I have multiple files when I was trying different things. I think it'll be a lot simpler if someone told me what should be happening and then I can verify if my test was valid. Assuming there is a discrepancy, I will then of course upload the problematic GPX file.


You can convert a normal trackpoint into a via point


But I agree, we still don't know how the GPX xml definition should look like to get interpreted as an via point.


@ Falco. I don't know what exactly you want to achieve.

Is it the intention that you directly intervene in the gpx file itself without using the Locus app?

If so, there are some options.

1. You promote a trackpoint to Via Point by means of a waypoint and then apply the Locus extension. (Seems complex to me if you want to add this outside the app)

2. You promote a trackpoint to Via Point by means of an associated waypoint and you add a free sym which does not correspond to a turn instruction. Preferred: pass_place

3. You promote a trackpoint to Via Point by adding the following tag directly in the trackpoint: Necessary sym text: pass_place (See list of the importable syms in C.

The third is perhaps the simplest if you want to add this directly to the file without using the app.

After importing the gpx file, Locus recognizes this as Via Waypoint and processes it as usual.

A. More here:

B. here:

C. Login the forum to view the attachments.;topic=5953.0;attach=8765


@ Guy Evans.

"I think it'll be a lot simpler if"

Simple ?

"Every GPX route point is becoming a via point?"

If importing a gpx (rte)route with (rtept)routepoints, Yes.

- Locus map app navigates by a gpx (trk)track and associated (wpt)waypoints.



Thanks. My routes typically have 100+ route points so each one becoming a "via point" is not useful. Indeed, with longer routes trying to open the "route planner" causes the app to crash.

That said, I can convert the route to a track when exporting from the 3rd party software and none of those track points become a "via point" when I import them. I can then use the "route planner" to manually change the handful of ones that I want into a "via point". So I have a workaround.

In general, it would seem more sensible if only certain route way points (e.g. those with a description) became "via points" when importing but I guess that's a whole separate discussion...


@menion one Feedback: it would be nice to have 2 time fields:

1. time to next via

2. ETA (time of arrival) at the via

I can always calculate the time of arrival in my head but to have it on display would be convenient. (This is helpful for example to see if I catch a ferry or train along the way)

But a great feature anyway


I did already add the new fields for our Tasker nerds into a new beta release

But our remaining elevation hack does not support via points right now.

I guess remaining uphill elevation to target is only part of locus 4.


As a tasker nerd, much appreciated....

implementing right now in fact


I just found out how that we already have a way to differentiate between shaping points and via points

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