Navigation commands timing editable in UI

0709 shared this idea 6 years ago
Gathering feedback

I do use this function and so have a change quite often. (Morse optimal <=> Voice optimal)

Recommanding this flexible Locus map setting also in other gps forums or PM conversations ;-)

A nice function but too well hidden in the config.cfg for the Locus newbie(s).

Replies (6)


Prefered location: Settings > Navigation > Advanced settings.


Yes, because in the config that is very complicated to constantly change


Since you have different navigations (car, bike, hiking), you should be able to set this separately for each type of navigation. Or adopt the setting in presets.


When transferring this set into the expert section (rumours) pse add a minimum navigation alert distance.

The dynamic timing system is ok for medium to fast speed but at low speed instructions are too late.

Also gps and mapping tolerances are critical with such nearby alert distances by the low speed timing only method.

# times before command, when Locus notify (in seconds), default is: 15,35,300


# minimum alert distance, when Locus notify (in meter), default is: 30



When hiking I have 16s in it and it works fine. But when cycling it comes from time to time too late.

The problem with cycling is that the speeds vary a lot. If I have the last 30 min. I drove very slowly (because it was a long mountain) and soon after I drove downhill. And then shortly after I had to turn right. Then the note comes too late. Locus still thinks I'm still driving so slowly. But I'm going downhill very fast.

You could make the time in combination with a minimum distance. Or only a minimum distance.

But if a minimum distance comes then you should be able to set the per navigation profile.


@ freischneider. Excellent diagnostic. Very recognisable ;-)


I agree with 0709 here. Hiking is slow and it's unclear what speed Locus does take into account, speed based announcements don't make sense at that speeds IMO - I've set 15s and often Locus informed me right at the junctions.

I think it would add more clarity for the slow movers if there was a minimum_alert_distance, as proposed by 0709. I also think, since hikers are slow, optionally an alert distance array (like navigation_announcement_distances=20|50) would be reasonable. Maybe should overwrite the time based ones and has to be explicitely set by user. Or bound to hiking routing.

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