Convert to navigation waypoint edit this waypoint

Tomáš Janoušek shared this idea 6 years ago
Gathering feedback

I wish there was a way to quickly edit the waypoint created using "Convert to waypoint" in "Modify track". My usecase:

  1. plan a route using offline brouter without instructions, as brouter's notion of "this intersection doesn't need an instruction" is insane (likely applies to any other routing engine as well)
  2. go through the route and manually add instructions wherever they are really necessary (no instructions at known parts of the route, detailed instructions with specific hints like what to expect on a guidepost at unknown parts of the route)
  3. navigate along this route, with these hand crafted instructions/hints being displayed somewhere (in my case a Wahoo RFLKT) a few hundred meters in advance

Currently step 2 is a bit of pain. In old route builder/editor, the process is like this:

  1. select a point
  2. 🔧 → Convert to navigation waypoint → select instruction
  3. tap the new point and select it from a chooser between the track and the point
  4. ❱ → edit → change the name → save
  5. tap the point again and select the track from the chooser
  6. ❱ → Modify track
  7. repeat

In the new beta route builder, there is an additional "exit Modify track" step between 2 and 3, making it even more painful.

Would it be possible to either immediately enter the edit waypoint screen after converting to navigation waypoint, or make it accessible without exiting track modification and selecting the waypoint and then having to enter track modification again?

Replies (2)


Hi Tomas. You make a real lot of work for yourself at step 1 by not choosing BRouter "Compute instructions". Sometimes I wish BRouter would have instructions at some intersections too, but the alternative (as you adopt) to add your own navigation waypoints for any non-trivial route is, as you find, very time consuming. Why not let BRouter compute most instructions, then add smaller set of extra waypoints? The only place where I find BRouter does not add a waypoint is when the route is straight ahead, and/or stays on the higher priority road,

With new Route planner (latest, to add a waypoint just long-tap on any position, tap +, tap "Add to route". Quite different to your reported experience/ process.


I don't think you understood my point. It's not adding my own navigation waypoints that is time consuming, it's editing them. BRouter does not generate street names in its instructions, and even if it did, they'd likely be suboptimal as we can see with e.g. GraphHopper which does generate street/road names — quite some time ago I wrote a script that outputs GPX with Locus instructions from online GraphHopper ( and the output is nice but rarely useful out there on the road. Also, even if I did use BRouter to generate instruction, I'd still have to go through the entire route in detail to check if I need to alter anything. Hardly any time saved.

Maybe I should mention again what my real usecase is: fast long bike rides. Say 200-300 km, 25-30 km/h. Stopping or even slowing down at intersections disrupts the pace (especially if it's a group ride). Looking at the screen at these speeds is not an option, either. That why I use this: and I need that "Go east on unn" and "Stay right on" to actually say something useful, like the next village or something that's mentioned on road signs as well.

Also, it's not like I need to manually add hundreds of instructions. Last time I did a round trip to Vienna, I had around 30 instructions. Totally doable in half an hour (acceptable, considering that it's an entire day out on the road), even with current Locus. If I could directly edit the waypoint names, adding these 30 turn instructions will be a few minutes' job.

I tested and the process is a bit different. Long-tap and "Add to route" doesn't let me add a navigation waypoint, but a short tap does. Still, editing that waypoint requires leaving the route planner. :-(


Hello Tomáši, Andrew,

I'm monitoring this topic. Route planner is currently in development and I also because of this topic improved it's system in latest Beta you already tested.

I'll look at it little closer next week...


Just tested, I can add a nav point, then click it, and in the popup even delete it. That's good! If there was "Edit" in addition to "Delete" in that popup, it'd be perfect as far as I'm concerned. :-)


What you expect that edit of navigation point do?


Well, same thing it does when I exit the route planner? Allow me to change the name of that point.


This: c221991440489c446ebdf351f33cd8e7


Thanks, understand.

This is little bit weird, because you may change name of these navigation points, but it has no effect, because generated navigation command is still based on type of this point and name is not used, right? So real benefit of custom names in the terrain?


Well, Locus does show the street name of the next one or two nav points on the screen, right? But most importantly, this:

That's the only way I can access the street name from the API, and I display this on my RFLKT. As I said in the description of this issue, point 3: "navigate along this route, with these hand crafted instructions/hints being displayed somewhere (in my case a Wahoo RFLKT) a few hundred meters in advance". Yes, that actually already works. I've done that. Just the UX is terrible as I need to exit route planner.


Ah finally perfectly understand.

This is really really specific use-case have to say. Unfortunately except this, "edit" button currently have no usage, so this is not best reason to add it into layout. It is still possible to plan a track and edit all navigation points at once right?

I have to say that I'm still not happy with current system of creating navigation points and I'm sure it will change over time. Once I unite it under some more logical system, it will most probably be possible to also edit title of navigation point directly in route planner.

Thanks for understanding.


Well, if you could somehow affect what Locus itself displays as the next street or what's being said in TTS, it wouldn't be such a specific use case, as it would probably cover 0709's usecases as well.

Yes, it's possible to plan a track and then edit navigation points after saving, and that's how I currently do it. I tend to forget why I created some of those points, but yeah, it's not that bad. I just thought that adding a single "Edit" item to a single popup is a one-line change that you could do right away and get rid of me for months. :-) I guess there are UX implications I'm not seeing.


>"What you expect that edit of navigation point do?"

tap Track point > popup > Change to Via/ Shaping point

tap Shaping point > popup > Change to Via point/ Edit location/ Delete

tap Via point > popup > Change to Shaping point/ Edit location/ Delete

tap Nav point > only Delete?

suggest Nav point > popup > Change to Via/ Shaping point/ Edit location/ Edit (allow change of Type or nav instruction)/ Delete

Then each type of point can be quickly converted to all other types. User can quickly convert BRouter auto-generated Nav point to say Via point with extra text.

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