Incorporate LoPoints into Search, and search by more metadata

Andrew Heard shared this idea 4 years ago
Gathering feedback

I note LoPoints have been marked "Beta" for a year or two; they are in need of some "tender loving care". For example LoPoints are not integrated with other parts of Locus. In particular the search within LoPoints (below)...

1387ab0121fc6197f4437a7d302f616d completely separate from the overall Search


and should there even be a distinction between "points" and "LoPoints" anyway? Maybe seamless integration, or just a checkbox?

At present for LoPoints it is only possible to search by matching partial text. How about search by other metadata such as Amenity? For example I never remember whether "Toilets" are part of "Public Service" or "Culture & Tourism" LOL. Typing "toi" (or for some "WC" - although only 2 letters!) into a LoPoints search could/ should find all closest toilets right?


Replies (4)


The search with only 2 letters has already been implemented in LM4. The search in Lopoints is still missing


I have many points of my own with all sorts of things. Sometimes only hints or ... I have these in a separate folder or group.

Then I have POIs that I downloaded from the Internet. I also have these in a group and then in folders.

When searching in Points, I would like to be able to limit the search to certain groups or folders.

And I like to have the option "search in Lopoints" like in the last picture.

I would like to have this selection again next time. So it should be saved.


Hi guys,

it's rather five+ years since we published LoPoints system as a "beta" version, shame :(.

Anyway, LoPoints are currently very actively developed. The change probably won't be available this year, but at the start of next year we plan to integrate LoPoins a lot deeper ... probably something similar to your picture Andrew (thanks), maybe also directly integrated into the address search system, we will see.

I'll inform you here about progress!



Excellent. Full steam ahead @ Locus central.


2 years ago...πŸ™‚


Well, and see where we are now? 2 years and no significant change in the offline LoPoints search system. Our time estimates were always problematic, sorry. The search system is anyway now in top priority, so hopefully "soon" ...


Making any time estimates in the software business is a notoriously difficult task. I was never good at it when I quoted for jobs.


One part of the original request seems implemented in v4.12.1: Search > Offline places. It searches in LoPoints. πŸ™‚

The other part – to search for a LoPoints category name, so you do not need to search in several parts of the hierarchy – seems not to be implemented yet. Or did you find it? IMHO it could be a viable workaround to show breadcrumb, i.e. search for a nay point you know has the desired category, open it and look for the hierarchy this point is inside.


In online search, you can search for category names – see

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