Menu black font of black background

Georg D shared this problem 14 months ago
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In Locus 4.16.0 the menus sometimes look like a mix of dark and normal mode:


It looks OK again after few actions and several actions help, e.g. closing thew menu, switching to another app and switching back to LM4.

Search revealed some irrelevant old issues (Locus 3 around 8 years ago) and but I have no Xiaomi in dark mode but Fairphone 3 with stock Android 10 in normal (not dark) mode.

Replies (3)


Hi Georg,

there were some updates in Map-screen content in recent versions, so if you still encounter this problem, please, let us know.


Hi Marek, in 4.18.1 it's even worse as the icons are also dark:



Hi Georg,

cloud you please try latest beta version with possible fix if it is working for you?

Thank you!


Hi Marek,

sorry, I saw the notification mail and then it went off my radar. Shall I still try the beta if in 4.22.2 I experienced black on black?

Best regards, Georg


Hi Georg,

yes, check if you still encounter this problem in latest version on Google Play 4.22.2.


Yes, I still do encounter it. Today I started LM4 twice with a large time distance, and twice the issue, but I can now add more information: At daytime outside, I have bright gey font on bight gray background and at nighttime inside, I have dark grey (not black) on dark grey (not black) background. As said, my mobile does not use a dark theme, also not parts of the day.



Hi Georg,

we made some changes in latest release, so could you please check version 4.23.1?


Hi Marek,

in 4.24.2 the issue is still there. As I assumes some old cached stuff or the like could cause the issue, I rebooted my phone and checked, this is the look:


Moreover, I did try switching the mobile to dark mode, issue is also present. Switching between dark and bright mode does trigger Locus to display correctly, but that's probably just because it re-draws – so the same reason why display becomes OK after some actions within Locus.

Regards, Georg


Hi Georg,

thank you. Map-screen content is the only place where you encounter this problem or there are more places?


It's in other dialogs, too:

b885401e203367c7eefbb89998f11914From Map-screen content, I dived into quick map switch, went 1 level back, dived into active items, went 1 level back, dived into OSM notes where I noticed the black background – at this time and without dark mode, I would expect white – and went 2 levels back, opened Map-screen content and OSM notes and the display was as expected now.

As said in the initial post, it's only sometimes: After display became OK, it stays OK for the rest of that day/night and sometimes also a few following daytimes. Then all starts over. Also, reboot and other "major actions" to the whole phone cause the issue to start over, i.e. even within the same day/night. → You seem to have some code checking whether display shall be bright (day) or dark (night). In there, the choice for foreground and background seems to be inconsistent sometimes.

Can I enable & send logs?


Hi Georg,

we released new version yesterday with some possible fix of your problem. Could you please try it?

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