App suddenly shuts down

britte breindl shared this problem 30 days ago

I use version 4.25.1 on a Samsung Galaxy S24Ultra.

Since 4 or 6 weeks, the app suddenly shuts down, everything running has to be restarted: Life-tracking, navigation, recording...
This happens on every ride, sometimes more than once. Sometimes shortly after the start, sometimes after an hour or anything in between.

I ride daily and I especially depend on the life-tracking. Because of health issues, I need to be localized at any moment.
That's the reason why I decided to contact Locusmap, but I only found this forum...

I assume that it has to do with the last update (in august?)
Anyway, my question is: Is there anything planned to remedy this problem in the near future?
My subscription's anniversary is next week. If the app continues to crash, I won't resubscribe.

Best regards,


Replies (5)


Hi Britte,

please get Locus Map permission for all-time access to the location and exclude Locus from all means of battery optimization so that the app can run in the background, see Also, try switching Google Services assisted location off in Locus settings - GPS&sensors.


Hi Micha,

I already had permissions set to all-time access to the location, and also excluded locusmap from all battery optimization. Google service assisted location had always been switched off.

I use locusmap for nearly a year (more or less daily) without any problems - except these shutdowns that happen only recently.


When the app crashes, if it's possible please make a bugreport immediately and send the file here for analysis. Thanks.


I'll do my best. It may take a while until I can "catch" a crash.

I'm riding my bike when it happens. The situation might not be such that I can pause to do this time consuming manipulation on my phone - several minutes up to 15 minutes can be long...


Hello again,

I created a bugreport from a crash that occurred yesterday, about 1h/20km after the start.

I hope it will help to get this problem solved.

I cannot attach it here, because it's 42.1 MiB and such exceeds the allowed file size for attachments.

You can find it here:


Sounds like the exact same symptoms as

Also on a recent (fully updated) phone, since August.

I assume it's behaving the same as mine: the app just closes. No message from Android, Device Maintenance does not show any crashed apps and restarting Locus means you have to restart navigation too.


Yes, your description meets what happens on my phone: the app just closes and I don't get any error message nor any notification about what happened.


Hi Britte,

we are very sorry but the crash is caused by a native Android library which is a part of the operating system. For now, we cannot eliminate this threat because it's impossible to simulate it and of course, we can't edit system code. As we are unable to fix this issue, I've refunded your Premium subscription.


Thanks a lot for that generosity! For a reason or another, google had taken the double amount from my card, now I'm back on single amount. Such I don't have to discuss with google...

Although you could do nothing from your side to remedy the code error, I got new hope:

Today, my app made an update - who knows, perhaps the problem will not occur any more. I really hope so and can't wait to try it out.


It would have been so good, but I had no luck: The new update of the locusmap app didn't change anything - the app shut down twice (on a 74km ride).While I have no problem to restart the app when using it for navigation, I think I have to look for another app that is more reliable for live-tracking. If anyone has a good tip, I would be thankful.


I'll be on a trip this weekend with ample time to generate further logs. I'll setup the logging and provide you with them. I understand the bug is in a native library (if you let us know which, we may also be able to report or upvote the bug with Google), but who knows it can be avoided anyway.


Hi Blihi, there's no need for more logs. The cause is detected in a "libc" library but maybe it is Locus's bug after all. But extremely hard to detect and investigate. I'm offering a refund to you too, just send me your Locus account address in a private ticket and add a link to this topic.


I appreciate the offer, but there's no need for that. The app is still by far the best out there for what I do with it.

I'm happy to keep supporting it and who knows we can figure out the issue in the future.

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