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If there are no recorded points is it necessary to ask to save the stop the process?

Andrew Heard shared this question 9 years ago

When track recording is disabled I can tap the Back button twice to quickly exit Locus. But when track recording is enabled with an automatic start and I tap the Back button, AND there are no points recorded, there is no data to lose, delete or ignore, so is it really necessary to ask the user this additional question?


Replies (6)


Hmm I think it is.

If I imagine I start track recording in Locus, I also expect that I have to stop it. And what you suggest cause, that track record will be terminated automatically. How may I may be sure, that there were no points and that I do not lost any data?

Also this dialog gives you another step for confirmation, in cases there is some long-term running service.

Any other opinions guys?


Thanks Menion. Yesterday was the first time I decided to investigate use of track recording. I wanted a "baseline" in measuring battery usage, so I can see whether track recording affects it much - summary is I don't think it will affect battery at all.

>If I imagine I start track recording in Locus, I also expect that I have to stop it.

OK if you manually start I guess. I have set track recording to auto start with cycle. I was hoping that "auto start" means it will also "auto stop". I would even hope that "auto" means I don't need to even think about track recording at all unless I touch the icon at bottom/left or see any messages - whenever I turn on Locus, and the time/ speed meets the auto "criteria" it just quietly records the track, and auto saves the track. If the time crosses over midnight then a new track name is started with the new date? Maybe this is another help topic.

>And what you suggest cause, that track record will be terminated automatically.

yes, auto close when Locus exits

>gives you another step for confirmation

But even if manual start, and there have been no points, does it really need any confirmation? And especially if auto. What is there to confirm from a user point of view? Of course, these are just my "new user" "naive" expectations, and after reading the manual. Thanks.


Hello Andrew,

"your" opinion, but quite interesting.

Settings "Automatic start" also has description "start track ....". So even in description is wrote that it take care only about start. What you want is a settings named "Automatic track recording", which will tak care of everything.

I agree that it make sense and it may be useful in certain situations. Anyway it also looks that you are first with this idea so there is no much interest in it: .

Question if confirmation is needed or not ... I think this is just matter of taste. I believe that common user enable/disable track recording usually once a day (average). How it works now, it is absolutely obvious what happen. He enabled recording, he needs to disable it. No advanced background logic that may cause only confusing. My opinion from few years of usage. This is anyway kind of answer, where every user, different opinion I think.

So generally, if you think, that fully automatic track recording is really what you want, create a new idea. I think, it may be useful and it is also doable (even little bit complicated, mainly because of automatic storing of recorded track - it takes some time and also it may not be clear where to save it).


>What you want is a settings named "Automatic track recording", which will tak care of everything

I guess so

I've commented on some of this discussion in my other topic sorry. They are both a little related. I hadn't seen the Automatic track record or Automatic track recording topics, both created a year ago, but I'm not the first with the idea - 10 votes now. I guess most users don't go through every unclosed topic, there are 1000's, and my idea was original just hiding the panel, but through our discussion has morphed somewhat.

I notice over the last few years lots of products have moved to a "just save the changed setting without explicit Save/ Cancel button" operation - for example Google Gmail - save the setting immediately without asking - just assume the user want the setting saved, and optimize the workflow for that user experience. Maybe similar parallels with track recording for some users - just assume the user want the track saved, and optimize the workflow for that user experience. For sure - every user, different opinion, like herding cats.

> also it may not be clear where to save it

the recording profile specifies the folder to save in?

I'll create yet another automatic track recording topic. It's been a year since the last one huh?


Yes, more then year. And mainly with one big difference - KaHeMu wanted only automatic start of track recording. Which is already done and working. But you want whole automatic system around track recording. A lot more complex and maybe a lot more logical, there is no doubt about it.


You've encouraged me to create a new topic - sorry but worth a try.


Agree! I like this idea, so if there will be interest, I'll try to do something with it.


Hi Menion - I just tested with zero count track recording - still msgbox.


Eh, I'm little bit "out of topic". Remind me what happen and what you expect please, thanks.


You don't have time to read the original topic?

"...when track recording is enabled ...and I tap the Back button, AND there are no points

recorded, there is no data to lose, delete or ignore, so is it really

necessary to ask the user this additional question?"

I simply ask because seems simple logical change and your comment 2 weeks ago was "Agree! I like this idea, so if there will be interest, I'll try to do something with it." - although no votes ;-(

No big deal.


I had time and I read it, but because I wrote "if there will be interest", I wasn't sure what is expected from me now.

And I may only confirm, that nothing changes here, sorry.


Funny understand. I read the "if there will be interest" after I had replied sorry.


Ah, here is the key, understand :).

Problem here is, my personal preferences. I like to have a control over what happen. And your system, break it because it change under my hands, something ...

I completely understand your point of view, no need for extra explanation. I just do not agree with it completely. And because usage of this feature is really limited and because it do not complicate life a lot, I believe (and hope) that it won't be a big problem if it remains as is for now.

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