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Different maps / themes / overlays in webplanner

Gathering feedback Martin D. Locus Web Planner Comments: 1 Reply 2 years ago by Ondřej J.
2 votes

Search on my library

Gathering feedback Llorenç P. 2 years ago Locus Web Planner No Comments
2 votes

Add a 4x4 vehicle profile in planner?

Gathering feedback Aleksandar M. Locus Web Planner Comments: 2 Reply 2 years ago by Aleksandar M.
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Display map scale appropriate for setting

Gathering feedback Andrew H. 2 years ago Locus Web Planner No Comments
2 votes

Hide/unhide/colorize different types of ways while planning

Gathering feedback Finn Locus Web Planner Comments: 2 Reply 2 years ago by freischneider
2 votes

KML export in web planner

Gathering feedback Alistair P. 3 years ago Locus Web Planner No Comments
2 votes

Clear planned route: implement confirmation dialog

Gathering feedback ak Locus Web Planner Comments: 2 Reply 4 months ago by Jan Č.
1 vote

Home address setting for quick planner input

Gathering feedback skvedo Locus Web Planner Comments: 1 Reply 2 months ago by freischneider
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Track statistics on the web

Gathering feedback olliz 46 days ago Locus Web Planner No Comments
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Web planner - possibility to create via points

Gathering feedback Steffen_MK Locus Web Planner Comments: 1 Reply 12 months ago by Steffen_MK
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Name for Exportfile

Gathering feedback Tom 14 months ago Locus Web Planner No Comments
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POI Points in Webplanner Display Settings

Gathering feedback Aare07 2 years ago Locus Web Planner No Comments
1 vote

MTB theme / overlay

Gathering feedback Martin D. 2 years ago Locus Web Planner No Comments
1 vote

[CZ] Změna vlastností mapy - sytost

Gathering feedback Petr S. Locus Web Planner Comments: 2 Reply 2 years ago by Petr S.
1 vote

Live tracking convert to tracks

Gathering feedback Alistair P. 3 years ago Locus Web Planner No Comments
1 vote
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