Version 3.9.0/3.9.1/3.9.2 - 2. 6. 2015

Menion shared this announcement 9 years ago


Main changes

  • add: Outdoor Active maps for online access (offline comes soon)
  • add: new system of changing map themes in side panel
  • chg: themes returned back to quick settings (sorry for quick changes)
  • add: added option for automatic save when track recording ends

Minor changes and fixes

  • chg: automatic restore of track recording after locus turn off/on is extended to 10 minutes
  • fix: improved system for "idle time" handling during navigation
  • chg: improved system for compute of "time to target" - should be more precise now
  • chg: improved selecting of trackpoints at same place (second tap in same point choose point below)
  • chg: export to Strava now also export a planned tracks
  • chg: (PRO) added possibility to sort list of available pocket queries
  • chg: display of local html page now offers more options
  • chg: attempt to convert trackpoint to navpoint is disabled if navpoint already exists
  • chg: small UI improvements
  • fix: refresh of paid access to IGN maps
  • fix: issue in map theme chooser (selecting already selected theme)
  • fix: crash in Munzee loading in rare cases
  • fix: issue in incorrect type of new geocaching waypoints
  • fix: rare crash when open Data manager
  • fix: issue with incorrectly recorded times for trackpoints
  • fix: rare problem with loading points/tracks at start
  • fix: bug in sorting geocaches by "hidden date"
  • fix: export to server
  • fix: incorrectly handled locus-actions for OpenAndro maps themes and custom vector location



  • add: Munzee is official,
  • fix: missing icons for Munzees
  • fix: display of own Munzees
  • fix: change of Munzee user
  • fix: refresh Munzee after log over Munzee application


  • add: ability to simply share a single point on Facebook
  • chg: Facebook integration now use login from installed Facebook application
  • fix: back button in Facebook screen

Locus Maps (vector maps)

  • chg: switcher moved "Quick settings" to separate function
  • fix: downloading map themes from Locus Store
  • add: support for new theme system for MapsForge maps
  • fix: loading of SVG icons in map themes

Tracks in Locus

  • fix: random crash during start of navigation/guidance
  • fix: crash when exporting tracks to OSM
  • fix: problem with export of tracks to VeloHero service
  • chg: improved naming of exported tracks
  • chg: improved naming of converted trackpoints (to navigation waypoints)
  • fix: incorrectly refreshed style of track after move to different folder
  • fix: fix of left/right buttons that moves between trackpoints (during edit of track on map)
  • fix: using of track style during guidance

Track recording

  • chg: improved visible altitude changes during track recording
  • fix: (PRO) incorrectly terminated connection to ANT+ HRM sensor after track record end
  • fix: refresh of track screen right after track recording is saved

Other changes and fixes

  • fix: problem with using IGN maps
  • chg: removed ability to display/hide online/offline tabs in Map manager
  • fix: problematic style of menu background (hardware key) on 4.x devices
  • fix: coordinate systems for Taiwan
  • fix: using IMG maps as overlays
  • fix: loading of some special TAR maps
  • fix: display of PDF files in geocache listings and other places
  • fix: visibility of scale buttons in geocaching listing tab


Main changes


  • chg: Munzee service support directly in Locus (over add-on)
  • add: ability to share a recorded track on a Facebook
  • chg: improved UI in map manager screen

Small changes

  • chg: updated GSI maps and added five new GSI maps to Locus Store
  • chg: improved work with UTFGrid for overlays and automatically loaded maps
  • chg: improved Quick map switch to match new merged persona/vector style
  • chg: editing a track now cannot be canceled simply by tapping next to track, but require top ok/cancel button
  • add: support for custom definition of navigation announcement timing over config.cfg
  • add: notification on "battery saving mode" if GPS in Locus is enabled on A4.4+
  • add: improved Locus API - support for handling a tracks and extended parameters for control of track recording
  • chg: (PRO) improved 'turn on screen' for guidance (limit to max once per 5 seconds and disabled highlight of hardware buttons)
  • chg: (PRO) possible to overlay two same maps that one has semi-transparent borders
  • chg: (PRO) improved hill-shading of world vector map
  • chg: better handling of starting intent with coordinates (geo intent)
  • chg: changed (a little bit) coloring of track gradient on a map
  • chg: track used for guidance from navigation generator will have style of original track
  • chg: removed small generated description exported into GPX files
  • chg: navigation panel with streets is now hidden if route do not have any streets values
  • chg: starting TrackGuide in strict mode, use selected trackpoint as start


  • fix: (PRO) fixed automatic zoom on waypoint
  • fix: check for amount of tiles for download in case, we download online map in "supplementary" mode
  • fix: (PRO) track record widget should correctly react on changes in track recording
  • fix: problem with restore backup settings (some parameters were lost)
  • fix: convert trackpoint to waypoint now use correct index on track (in case of more trackpoints on one place)
  • fix: parking service restored after restart
  • fix: fixed incorrectly computed trackpoint values after editing a track geometry
  • fix: issue with incorrectly stored style of track folder when creating a new folder
  • fix: (PRO) size of images logged in Geocaching
  • fix: selecting all online maps in settings
  • fix: issue with handling a MBT maps without a UTFGrid data
  • fix: setting an icon for track waypoints
  • fix: (PRO) some WMS maps that do not have defined styles
  • fix: CSV - timestamps for points and temperature values
  • fix: fixed import of TCX files when they contains lap tags
  • fix: incorrectly drawn overview for tracks in tracks screen
  • fix: timestamps in export and re-imported KML points
  • fix: switching of tracks points by left/right arrows in edit mode
  • fix: adding a new buttons to functions panels in settings
  • fix: (PRO) fixed not working POI alert on waypoints attached to tracks
  • fix: links to new manual site
  • fix: some small UI changes on various places
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