Locus Map, version 4.21 ( 23. 01. 2023 )
Version 4.21.0 (23.1.2024)
Major Changes
- chg: various improvements of selected LoRouter profiles
- chg: based on several expectable parameters, LoRouter now estimates surfaces on selected roads
- add: sharing a route plan directly from the route planner via URL to Locus Web
- add: built-in Geocaching Live Map
- add: filter selector and manager for geocaches' search and Live Map
- add: basic geocaching tool options can be added to the function panel
- chg: geocaching drafts in the logs manager and cache detail now also display markdowns
Minor Improvements
- chg: faster launch of the point/track screen
- chg: correct match of the displayed online LoPoint zoom level with the map
- add: option to share a single LoPoint via URL to Locus Web
- add: support for handling LoPoints shared via URL from Locus Web
- chg: improved clustering of route warnings
- chg: updated WMTS ZBGIS maps URL
- add: support for ButtonsBar hardware controller
- chg: improved hardware control selection dialog
- chg: removed AppsFlyer analytics tracker
- chg: removed sharing of points and tracks directly to Facebook
- add: support for the power meter balance value, topic
- chg: removed 4UMaps from the app (server disabled by the owner), topic
- chg: enhanced French TTS support for navigation and audio coach
- chg: improved "Slope coloring" range, topic
- chg: numerous background changes and maintenance in the code
- chg: numerous updates in offline LoMap themes, topic
- fix: non-functional No-go points in online LoRouter
- fix: incorrect highlighting of edited part of a track
- fix: incorrect handling of the "Include nav. commands" option, topic
- fix: incorrect format of TTS for long distances
- fix: invisible map tile texts in dark mode, topic
- fix: rarely incorrect merge of routes, topic
- fix: issue with export to Runalyze service, topic
- fix: rare crashes when importing maps
- fix: unwanted via-points created when planning with BRouter, topic
- fix: return to selection of profiles when adding a new custom profile
- fix: incorrect layout on some screens on 7" tablets
- fix: correct support for WhereYouGo app
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BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 12s 13 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 12 up-to-date
Build Analyzer results available 13:47:10: Execution finished 'mapGooglePlayNews'.
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