version 2.5.2
add: (PRO) new Geocaching Offlinizer for pre-downloading of images and Spoilers
add: support for x86 platform
add: support for RMAP files in subdirectories
add: (PRO) live tracking support "min distance" parameter
chg: highly incresed downloading limits for MTB CR Online map
chg: improved speed of whole map with a lot of points and tracks
chg: improved design of track record panel
chg: disabled auto zoom-lock allow only non-scaled zooming
chg: improved notification system for services
fix: map auto-loading mechanism
fix: geocaching tools - improved draw line and draw circles accuracy
fix: SmartMaps centering and restoring previous state
fix: duplicate field notes
fix: unreadable scale factor in some cases
fix: problems with some WMS maps
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