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Garmin maps on Locus

Wolfgang Komm shared this idea 12 years ago


I own a Garmin Edge for my bike with Garmin Topo maps. And I have Locus Pro on my Galaxy. Are there any plans to show Garmin maps on Locus? As far as I Know this is already possible with Orux.

Thank you


Best Answer

Thanks guys, so this topic is closed.

For those interested why, when it's not yet "perfect" - explanation:

Thanks and happy voting in sub-ideas!

Replies (73)


Hello Wolfgang,

Unfortunatelly, I can’t give you clear answer about our plans with Garmin format at this moment. Menion as main developer is on holiday. But there are some information (see link below) how to convert *.img files into different format which is supported by Locus.




Hi I would be very grateful równierz had been added to the Locus feature Garmin img map reading


Hello all, I`ve bought Garmin "gmapsupp.img" file and I`ve added in the directory "mapsVector" but the Locus doesen`t see the maps. Can you help me?



short answere:

currently gmapsupp.img doesn`t work with Locus.


Hi Guys,

this is correct answer from Gynta. Unfortunately, there are currently no plans to adding support for Garmin img maps.

On our knowledge base is created topic about this problem. You may read it here . It contain some methods and possibilities.

Also if anyone will have something to say to this topic, feel free to improve topic on Knowledge base


Very bad news :(

but ok!!

many thanks for your answer.

I`ll try to convert img maps with Mapedit and then with mapc2mapc as written on the help of Locus (Convert IMG maps to a SQLiteDB Locus map)

all the best


P.S. I think Locus is the best and complete and powerfull program I`ve

ever seen...


it would be GREAT to use free map (mtk_suomi20.img) from with Locus rather than with Oruxmaps... :-|


TTT - Hoping Locus developers are reconsidering img maps. It`s such a industry standard, almost any online source providing a map download uses the img format. The documented method to convert the maps does not work well unless the maps are very small or you don`t want detailed zoom levels.There are many third party products that read, write, build img maps and it`s the one major thing Locus is missing!


FYI: Garmin vector maps seem to be supported. I put gmapsupp.img files generated with Basecamp in Locus MapVector folder and locus opens them well.


Couple improvements for using Garmin maps in Locus:

-the display is a bit dull, all POI label show up, there should be options to style and what labels are visible at what zoom level

-the POIs in the map are not searchable! This is a big problem, also happens with OSM maps in .map format. The POIs are drawn on the map, so the info is there, but they are not searchable and rely on having a inet connection for run a search online,

I strongly recommend to allow user search POIs inside vector maps. If we are carrying vector maps is because where we go there is no inet available.



Hello Luca,

garmin IMG maps are "supported" in Locus, but not officially. I`m still not convinced that this format may be used widely, so I do not talk about this feature and do not propagate it. This also means that I do not work on this feature, so any improvements are currently not possible.

When someone show me some information from Garmin company - yes, you can read and use unlocked img maps, I`ll gladly improve support in Locus.

searching in POI in vector maps is currently not possible, but it`s our task on second quarter of this year


Menion, you will never find a statement from Garmin inviting people to use their map format. It is like asking for a statement from Google inviting GPS manufacturers to use their KMZ format.

Look at how many Garmin (IMG) maps are available out there for download, people make these maps and then give them away for free. Just because Garmin defined the format it does not mean they can control who can create content in that format or who can use third party content.

About POI in the vectore maps I will give you an example...

I went to Bagan (Myanmar) over xmas and used the GPS to locate and visit some of the most remote abandoned temples in this ancient city, many where accesible only through crisscrossing a mass of goat trails that did no show on paper maps.

Well, I had my Garmin GPS loaded with OpenCycleMaps for Myanmar and I could SEARCH the temples by name and then have it ROUTE me through the trails (OCM had them). I had the same maps loaded in Locus but it was useless! No inet possible from the plains of Bagan.


hi Luca

Luca wrote:

About POI in the vectore maps....

plz read here:

(last 2 lines)


My point was to make them searchable AND routable offline. Garmin does that with OpenCycleMaps. AndOsm uses vector OpenCycleMaps and they can search AND route offline with embedded brouter. Maybe Locus could do the same? But I agree SEARCHEABLE should be the priority. Looking forward for that release.


Garmin is one of the most popular GPS map formats in the US so to say you are not sure how widely used it is seems silly. Furthermore, there are numerous applications that create .IMG maps and if they can do that Locus certainly can read it. It`s not like it`s encrypted and you would be circumventing security or anything. The .IMG container is actually a disk image container which Garmin certianly does not have any copyright rights to and the rest are just files. All you would need to do is put a block in so people could not load up official Garmin maps. Of course then someone should create a map tweak app to remove that block but even if not most maps I need access to are made by third parties not Garmin.


I know that Garmin format is very widely used. I know that there is many apps that may create such maps, but all this do not give me permission to read and use this format.

I have really bed experience with terms of use for some map providers. I wasn`t smart enough, to check all restictions and think more into future and some maps (like Google and others) were added into Locus in a way, they should not. Result was, that after year, I was forced to remove support for these maps.

And I do not want to have same experience with Garmin maps. Format of img is known, but it do not mean I can use it. Format of Google tiles is also know, but I know I can`t use them directly. I do not expect that Garmin give me permission, but I hope that I find information, that unlocked img format may be used by 3rd party apps and has this format. Till then, I do not plan to include img officially in Locus or work on it more then needed ... sorry


But Garmin DOES NOT OWN the IMG file type and they don`t have rights to any maps they did not create! The only grounds they would have is if a user loaded up Garmin specific maps that Garmin created. If an IMG map is created using some opensource software Garmin has no rights to this at all. That is the difference with the IMG format and your example of online maps. Any map downloaded via Google is Google`s and they own the copyright to it. It`s like if I published a book do I now have the rights and own all books, no. IMG is a container for maps like a book is a contain for a story. Garmin only owns rights to the IMGs that contain their copyrighted maps. You cannot compare down loading maps from a online source which are clearly without any doubt owned by the provider to reading a file format. Now if you were circumventing some encryption or security that would be different. I really hope you reconsider this. Just put an agreement check box that requires the user to read and accept saying that they will not use Garmin owned IMG files. Although if they owned the Garmin maps they should have the rights to use them however they chose. It`s like saying if I buy some software I can only load it on a specific computer.


I understand your bad experience with Google and others. But keep in mind that was a problem with copyrighted CONTENT. Make sure you differentiate CONTENT and FORMAT. If Locus downloads copyrighted CONTENT without permission you WILL get in trouble. Remember Napster? But with FORMAT is a different story.

I found another Android app called NavIt that can read maps in multiple formats, OpenStreet & Garmin included. The app is open source, works on Android, iOS, Windows etc.Here`s the link to the maps they support and the driver source code they use:

If users load free garmin maps in their phone Garmin has no claim on you.

Garmin LOCKs their most expensive maps to work with specific devices, it is a DRM mechanism. You may get in trouble if Locus allows locked maps to work, but if they are unlocked they have no possible claim on you.

An example related to PDF:

Can Adobe forbid apps to read PDFs? No. Can they take to court the apps that crack protected PDFs or break the Digital Right Management lock? They should, but they can`t do that either. The law says its the one that USES the app to break a lock that commits the crime, not the one that developed the app. So if someone uses a PDF reader to read a pirated book, it`s not the PDF reader responsibility.

Can they take to court the people that hosts and/or distributed pirated PDFs?

YES! And that was precisely what Locus was doing when it was allowing download of Google Maps tiles! It was distributing copyrighted content without permission. That is why you got in trouble.

A map format is not copyrighted. You cannot get in trouble. the worst can happen is you ask them for source code to read IMG files and they decline it. But Locus can already read Garmin IMG files, so... you are already past that...


Exactly! I`m off to check out navit. Thanks for that tip. Really hope Menion reconsiders IMG support as it would be a huge feature for Locus!


Hi guys,

I cannot say I`m convinced. It`s all nice what you say, but I`m sure it all isn`t so simple. You may see it on various patent-wars that happen in mobile world between companies ...

anyway, I decided to give "img" format a small chance ... who wants to play a little, check this new testing version - and read mainly "news" section for version!


Thanks Menion! I will be loading up the new version and will let you know.


Maybe these images will help:


Locus Pro 2.18.0:

Locus RC2:

This is how it should look like:

WSG84 Coordinates: 60.26556 N, 24.88261 E



perfect, this is exactly what I needed - img file + last image! Thank you!!


I uploaded 3 map fragments (just the San Diego area) from 3 different maps.

You get the .IMG, a screen capture of how BaseCamp displays them, and a screen capture of how the device (Garmin Oregon 450) displays them. Also a GPX of the waypoint around the area I used for screen capture.

If you want the 1Gb installable maps, they can be downloaded from here:




oki guys, thanks. Now I have to do on next months ... anyway as I wrote, I`ll still not sure about this so it has not a big priority. I`ll also most probably ask directly at Garmin support. Better is prevention then to fix consequences ...


Hello know anything about further improving the mapping Garmin. Img?


in latest 2.19.0 should be visible improvements. But do not expect more now, sorry.


I updated to LocusMaps Pro 2.19.1 and the Garmin map support is NOT working at all.

Any new .IMG that is loaded in the Mapvector folder is completely ignored.

Something in the Locuscache folder is NOT recomputed properly, and those maps are treated like they never existed. I had couple pre-existing .IMG files and those are visible, but not working properly.

OSM+topoBIG.img: displays ok, except that all areas that are not green display in purple (should have white background)

gtopo24KBIG.img: does not display at all, the text "Unknown problem" is displayed on some tiles instead

Before, IMG files were displaying poorly, with a lot of text due to POI, but at least they were displaying

ORUXMAPS display the files ok, once text for topo lines has been disabled, they are totally usable maps, and can completely replace my Garmin GPS. I really wish Locusmaps could do that too, then I would not need any other app or device!

You can find all .IMG files required to reproduce this errors, as well as screenshots on how the .IMG files are displayed on Garmin BaseCamp, Garmin Device and ORUXMAPS at:

OSM+Topo Basecamp vs OruxMaps display

SW 24K Topo Basecamp vs OruxMaps display

Garmin 24K Topo Basecamp vs OruxMaps display




Hi guys,

Locus should be able to read unlocked Garmin maps without any serious problems (thanks to updated library from Orux!), anyway few users complain on old GetSatisfaction site about missing support for these maps.

I agree, that it's not perfect. But I want to ask - if support for Garmin maps (img) is so essential, why is here still so low amount of votes??? It requires huge amount of work and two start can't convince me to do it!


I agree there does not seem to be a ton of people requesting this but probably at least a dozen that have chimed in on the discussions. Just for statistical estimates how many members on this form compared to paid and free downloads? I don't think most people come here, create an account, and search or post requests. It's mostly the hardcore followers. None the less IMG format is very wide spread as Garmin is without doubt the most popular GPS system.Personally I gave up on Garmin years ago when I discovered Locus as it provided better hardware (my smartphone w/ much larger screen) and many more options and features. The biggest appeal at the time was offline sat maps however I found that I needed to spend an incredible amount of time downloading, converting, and reducing tracks to overlay on the sat or vector maps. I'm a technical guy and don't mind going the extra mile to achieve results that most cannot however this still had it's limitations and took a lot of time. The reality is that the common user cannot easily load/import the most commonly publicly accessible custom maps (Garmin format/IMG) which in turn makes them simply just go buy the Garmin unit because they load up a free version of Locus in hopes to have a great inexpensive app on a nice smartphone they already have to find that they can't use the public trail maps already available to them. I think with good Garmin format/IMG support and some tutorials on how to get the maps files into Locus is really could open the door for many people like this.

I personally am not asking or expecting you to drop everything put a ton of development into the Garmin format/IMG rendering however when I see parts of the application the go through complete design when those things already work and we have very limited support for IMG maps well it's frustrating. It would be nice to at least see some gradual improvements and features for the Garmin format/IMG maps over time and it appears maybe this will happen as you just updated the library (BIG THANK YOU FOR THIS!).

A couple things to think about that would really make Locus outstanding in working with the Garmin format/IMG map files is to be able to effectively overlay a IMG map on a sat map. To do this effectively the user should have control over some aspects of the IMG maps in regards to increasing the size of lines, controlling color of lines, and setting elements to be transparent. The vision here is that one could download a trail map and overlay it on a sat or vector map where only the trails/roads would stand out on top of the sat or vector map. That would be outstanding. I have a feeling that if you would get over the legal concern (is none) and embrace the IMG format you would do amazing things with it just like you have with Locus in general.

Thanks for your time and recent efforts to improve Garmin format/IMG support. Look forward to loading up the new version and using some IMG maps.


Hello Robin,

nicely wrote, thanks!

Oki, imagine I'll invest some more time to Garmin IMG maps support. Currently biggest problem is, that I don't understand this format. In Locus is library that reads it's data and gnerated bitmap image. I use little bit improved library by Orux, so now it reads also some data there were previously inaccessible.

Anyway because of lack of my knowledge and because this is not in library I use, one major part is missing - support for a styles.

So what I may offer, is create one default style, that will be defined directly in application, but that won't reflect styles of maps that are usually included in app itself.

Is this solution usable for you or rather nothing?

EDIT: I'm writing this question, because learing of IMG structure is task on a few days, maybe weeks, and this is something I cannot do now ...


Any effort and progress you are willing to make for the IMG format is a welcome. Based on your previous work I'm sure that as you learn the format/structure it will open possibilities.

Thank you!


Menion wrote:

... But I want to ask - if support for Garmin maps (img) is so essential,...

I am writing just to add another vote.

I have been a keen user of Garmin handheld units for more than 15 years now - my family owns some 7 GPSMap60CSxs between us and rely on them in all sorts of situations (as an illustration, I have cycled 700km to map the Krakow-Morava-Wien path, having two GPS units strapped to my handlebars - logging vegetation on both sides of the path ... that is several dozens of waypoints per km).

Consequently, we have accumulated quite a few maps for this platform. I have also created my own maps for places where I simply could not find any - Altai and Karakoram mountains etc.

I have entered the smartphone world just a few months ago and I have installed Locus last Wednesday. I have to say that it is the first app that got me thinking about replacing my Garmin unit with smartphone. Arguably 60CSx (see, I am a very conservative customer - preferring this unit to any newer Garmin model) is still far superior to any smartphone I have seen so far in terms of sun-light legibility, durability and battery life.

Nevertheless I believe that the smartphone hardware will catch-up sooner or later and so the only reason for me to adhere to Garmin would be the maps. By supporting .img maps in Locus, I feel you would destroy this last point and I would become your loyal customer:-) More importantly, I believe that this would be the case for many fellow Garmin users - by enabling us to bring our maps to your platform, you could appeal a huge number of new users.

Just my 2 cents.

As a side note - I am based in Brno, so should you be interested, I would be happy to borrow you one of my Garmin units for testing - I thing there still might be some room for inspiration from the utilitarian interface they feature.


@ptr.dvorak: thanks. Borrow of Garmin is not necessary. I have one old at home also.

Anyway I think you should see another small progress in latest Locus versions 3.2.+.

General problem is that Locus do not use TYP files for setting style of map. I do all styling directly in code (for now). So as I wrote before - if you want to improve any maps, for now I only offer ability to create one universal style that will be included in Locus, without possibility to change.

If so, you should simply try any map you own. Purple areas, are areas that are unknown to Locus. I should write more about it, if there will be interest. Generally it's required to get unique number that identify an area and also write me what type of area it is (how to draw it).

It's little bit cumberstone, but creating support for TYP files or creating own format for styling Garmin maps, is work on at least week and it's too much for now.


Wow, I can't believe. I can open img file from Garmin in Locus. It's awesome!

Here You can find a example def file with list of pois / lines / polygons definitions which could appear on map:

I'll try to help If You have any questions.


IMG maps have loaded up for some time now. It would be great if we could have some control over color and line thickness of the polylines. Maybe simply via a config file would be fine. Overlaying a IMG map on a sat map is really powerful but without some control of the polylines (color/size) it does not always work the best. Please, please, please add this...


I agree with Robin.

Ability to affect the appearance of the presented data is one of main advantages of vector maps in relation to raster maps.


I would love the ability to use my Garmin maps in Locus on my Monterra......Locus is so much better than Garmin map app....this would be very useful.....please support....would I need to upgrade to pro?


Would be really a nice feature. Then there would be no reason for a garmin device any more.


Guys, did you even tried to use these maps in Locus? They're partially working for quite a long time. Just place IMG files into Locus/mapsVector/(any subdirectory)/*.img and it should appear in Locus > Maps > Vector tab.


I can confirm the IMG maps work and have been for a long time. Would be really nice to get some better control of them (control polyine styles color/thikness) even if just via a config file.


Another feature that would be VERY helpful would be ability to turn off labels or set a zoom level in which they show on the map. I have a couple IMG maps that when zoomed out all you see is labels which makes pretty much unusable.


Robin, sorry. I wrote it many times. Support for Garmin IMG maps require really a lot of time to implement it. And this is something I don't have. When this topic will have 50+ votes, I'll try to give this topic higher priority. Not now.


Registered just to upvote this. (Registration is the main reason there is so few votes because people are lazy like me. :D Years ago when I found this thread the first time I did not bother signing up just to do so.) Now that there are free Garmin topo maps of entire Finland this compatability issue is even more important to me. Those maps are the best and Locus is the best map app. Therefore Garmin IMG map support would be the biggest improvement for Locus I can think of. Hopefully some day......


Nice to hear that this could work. What made I wrong that I only see pink areas on the map? I use the following map:


I really think you are missing out adding some important functionality based soley on voting. Most people who want IMG/Garmin map support and features are normal everyday people who don't come here to vote for a feature. They load up the software then find it doesn't support IMG/Garmin maps then search for another that does (i.e. OruxMaps). This is hands down the best GSP app on the market but lacking this one important and industry standard functionality. I realize there is only so much time to get so much done but re-designs of existing functionality and the gui should not come before something like this. Not asking you to master the IMG format and do for it what you have in general for Locus but to just continue to improve it.

Right now my biggest issue is labels crowding the map at higher zoom levels. Would it take that much time and effort to do something about that?


Here is an example of how the labels look...


Robin K wrote:

I really think you are missing out adding some important functionality based soley on voting. Most people who want IMG/Garmin map support and features are normal everyday people who don't come here to vote for a feature. They load up the software then find it doesn't support IMG/Garmin maps then search for another that does (i.e. OruxMaps).

Robin, I think that most people are like this. Ok, geocachers are sometimes more crazy anyway people that wants to record their trips on bike or use app for navigation - they all are normal people who usually don't care about some voting. Why should they, right?

Thanks to this, voting system has sense for me. Because from a few crazy people that comes here, I may see how may of them wants this and that.

And prefer this before UI? It's depend ... I personally don't think so. More and more I prefer usability before functionality. And sorry to say this, but if IMG is for you so much important, then use Orux, I see no problem with this.

And i find from time to time, few hours to improve support for IMG, so I'll try to find later again some time, to do something with these labels etc.

And Peter - seems that these maps won't work with standart theme that is included inside Locus. So they needs special support for custom TYP theme that is probably included in these maps. So I cannot help here now.


Garmin support in Ourx is not enough to get me to switch because I've been using Locas for a long time and like the functionality however I would bet that there are plenty of people who are looking for a GPS/Mapping app that end up on Ourx because of the IMG/Garmin map support. I'm really surprised that you don't understand how popular Garmin/IMG maps are. Pretty much every county/state website I have visited searching for maps of trails offers a IMG map for Garmin GSP devices. These are not copyrighted by Garmin and can be used on any device that supports the IMG format. This is in the US and I'm not sure how popular Garmin is else where but I would guess you have a lot of US customers...

Since the IMG/Garmin map format is still pretty much unusable I usually have to either create a screenshot of a garmin map then calibrate it or use tools to export the polylines and convert to tracks. Both of which can be time consuming (for every place I visit) and both of these methods have there shortcomings; Loading lots of tracks are slow and calibrated maps lose the ability to have a sat or terrain map in the background (using overlay). I have dealt with this for years and with the "select X tracks) it certainly got better as I would have to prefilter and load before a trip using a computer.

Thanks in advance if you can work on the labels on the IMG maps! It would be very much appreciated!!


Robin K wrote:

Since the IMG/Garmin map format is still pretty much unusable I usually have to either create a screenshot of a garmin map then calibrate it
It does not solve this topic but on knowledge base is topic how to "convert" img maps. Maybe it could help you with calibration:


Thanks but I don't need any help with calibration, have done it plenty of times with good success however as previously noted calibrated maps have there limitations and can be time consuming every time you need a map of an area. I've also tried the conversion of IMG maps to sql via the guide it does not work well for large areas. We are so close to having something that is usable for IMG maps, just need some tweaks to labels ASAP then eventually some control over the display of polylines.


+1 vote for Garmin IMG support. If we can have this feature in our hands. I would say Locus will become one of the best offroad navigators



+1 vote for Garmin IMG support also.



+1 for IMG.


Are threre any plans about this feature for the near future?

Is there a chance to use garmin maps in the next months?



Good day,

I'm sorry to say it, but there are no extra plans for this feature on next months.


3 month later .... ;)

Are there new plans?


Nope ... sorry


It's really disappointing that Locus leadership does not recognize the value of the IMG format. It's industry standard here in the US and 90% of downloadable maps from government (county,state, or federal) resources use an IMG format. It's truly one of the few shortcomings with Locus. Seems like Locus leadership is most interested in Geocaching so that is where they put most of there development time and effort. I've seem so many UI changes and rewrites over the years that are really not necessary yet still no commitment to the IMG format which is ultimately probably from the past bad decisions with online maps that caused them major headaches and legal troubles. The fact is that IMG format is NOT owned by Garmin, they only own copyright to the maps they create in that format.

With that being said I should say that Locus does support IMG maps the problem is that there is basically no control with the maps to turn off objects/lines or define the color/width which in some cases can make it useless. I have however since figured out how to work around some of these shortcomings by modifying my IMG maps using GPSMapEdit. I basically remove all the junk then select the lines (trails) I want visible and change them to an line type that is thicker and more visible. It's not perfect but it works for now to fulfill my purpose which is to overlay snowmobile trail maps over terrain or Sat maps.

I just wish someone there would do what needs to be done to understand that there is no legal/copyright issues support IMG formats then create a add-on that would provide advanced IMG support (controls over line thickness/color and ability to filter out lines/objects). I would gladly pay $20-30 for that ad-on and I'm sure many others would too!


What he said. I am a geocacher and I use c:geo+locus+garmin glo -combination for geocaching. Often geocaches are located offroad. The best possible topographic map for that in Finland is an IMG map from the National Land Survey of Finland. I can use that map online but an offline map would be so much more convenient (battery life, reception, speed). I would buy the pro version instantly if proper IMG support would be added.


So here is another example how government organizations are providing maps in IMG format. Full support for IMG format in Locus is well overdue!


Antti, I use a IMG topo map in Locus and it works very well. Just put the .img in the mapsVector and then use the map as a overlay. It's not officially supported, though. Don't hesitate, buy pro. It's worth of much more than the actual value. I'm a customer since 2010 and took only 10 minutes to decide Pro a way to go.


I wasn't sure about current state of IMG in locus, but did you tried Finland maps? Because as Jonathan wrote ...

I'm just looking how they looks, and I think that it's better then I expected:



Is there a way to change the color display of the img maps in locus?



nope, no options ... all is hard-coded inside app


Seems this topic has far more votes then anything else so why not take IMG support to the next level and provide some controls and filters?


>so why not take IMG support..?

because the status is on "Collecting votes" instead of "Planned" :)

and about

>It's industry standard here in the US

a pity...

The other question is how many people using Locus in US?


What are 6000 peoples saying in the survey about IMG?


To clarify: I also voting with "thumb up" - but with a very small thumb :)


Well that pretty piss poor feedback to say "a pity...". Just because it's industry standard in US does not mean it's not else where. Apparently also in Finland and probably the majority of non third world countries. The reality is that Locus is scared to mess with IMG because of the past experiences with online maps use rights and it time to get over that. Garmin does not own the IMG format, they only own the maps they produce using the format. Just like a movie studio does not own the DVD or Bluray disk but they own the rights to the movie on the disk. There is probably not a single map format more popular world-wide then IMG. Time to start officially supporting it with some advanced functions. We don't need more GUI rewrites when there is a lack of good support for core map functionality like IMG.


>We don't need more GUI

Who is "We"?

I'don't say IMG has no chance - quite the contrary - but we have to wait - same with other 345 good ideas...


Robin, now it isn't about "fear from Garmin revenge". I'm already convinced by your (and others) arguments, by fact that I'm unable to find any official information from Garmin and by fact, that this format is so widely used.

Main problem now is: time. That is all.

Locus already has so much features for advanced users, that we also need something for a wide public. And this is what we do now. New maps in Store, support for sharing over Facebook, improvements in UI.

So some more advanced features has to wait.

And btw. amount of users from USA, is around 5%. I'm anyway sure that this number may nicely grow with better support of IMG.

That is all ...


@Robin :

I support the idea, i used IMG for years, in my point of vue this is a good idea, i have voted for it, and i'm also agree with you about the UI, however, you says :

"Seems this topic has far more votes then anything else so why not take

IMG support to the next level and provide some controls and filters?"

Hmmm, the 1st whish in the list of idea with 80 votes in Locus Help Desk today (waiting for a "Planned" status :-) ) is "Cloud map and data storage/sync"

( .


As most of people have a tablet and a smartphone, it is a common sense and very useful idea too. Don't hesitate to vote for it !



Dear developers, I just like to report that .IMG as an overlay just stopped working in version 3.9.0. It worked nice before, but now it says "Process unsuccessful" when an .img map is selected to be the overlay map.

Regular use of the map is fine. It would be nice to have it back.

Thank in advance!



I'm all for syncing too! Been asking for this for over 4 years (early adopter here). Very frustrating dealing with multiple devices and keeping data in sync...


Great analogy regarding music player without MP3 support! :)

Locus staff,

IMG overlay no longer working for me either.


Thanks for the feedback. Very surprised with the 5% user from USA!

BTW: The UI is great, no "need" to improve anything...


Yes we too. Still do not understand why we have 40% of Germany users and only 5% of users from USA. Anyway I think, it is mainly because of gynta and all these guys from Germany community :).


Well maybe it's the lack of good IMG support? Garmin is a standard in the USA and anyone and everyone who creates a map creates it in the IMG format to be compatible with Garmins...

Here a just a few examples I came up with in a couple minutes Googling...

Honestly the only other GPS format I commonly see is the KML.


Note that on top of the vector maps, Garmin creates great bitmap maps as well.

New Garmin devices support those maps but they all have a poor display resolution. Current mobiles have four times higher resolution than that, providing much better experience when orientating in the map.

It would be great Locus could support those bitmap ISO maps as well.

Garmin is good and sturdy in terrain and bad weather, but their displays are poor. Using both would make the it better.


I agree with the support of .img Maps. The only thing that stops me from using Locus as my main gps is the lack of support/control of .img Maps. The time that this has changed I will leave my Garmin Montana and use Locus as main GPS and Im pretty sure that there are many people that will do the same.

I thing that not supporting .img maps is the same as a music player not supporting mp3 format.


I just tried it. It works!!

I simply putted a garmin-img-file in the vector maps folder of locus pro and the software recognized the file as img-map and visualised it!

So where is your problem?


Minimal support has been available for well over a year now. The problem is that without some advanced controls and filters some IMG maps can be hard to use/read, some impossible. Furthermore, the real power of using IMG will be to overlay it on Sat and Topo maps however without controls to set line colors/widths it can be impossible to read the map overlaid on some maps. I somewhat overcame this by modifying IMG maps on a computer using GPSMapEdit but most people have no clue how to do this and there are still limitations. To add on to Xavier;s analogy it's like a high-fi music system that supports MP3 but has no EQ or sound enhancement. Sure it works but no one wants to listen to MP3s on a hi-fi system without some audio enhancement...


Robin, have you noticed that IMG as overlay stopped working since version 3.9.0?

Can you confirm if yours are woking? I don't know if are only my maps or all IMG.



No longer working for me either. I'll won't be updating on my dedicated GPS device until this is fixed..


I tried the opposite, letting the base map as overlay, but it's not just as good. Hope they fix this, even thought IMG maps are not officially supported.

Maybe we have to report as a bug, what do you think?


Well it's "lost" functionality and Locus seems to be committed to IMG support although the time frame is completely up in the air so I would think it could be submitted as a bug...


Hello guys,

I started to more and more prefer certain method of work.

a) create required feature, that is usable, that works

b) keep it alive for a while (weeks, months) and meanwhile collect small ideas (separate topics with separate voting)

c) implement most interesting ideas from step b

I'm currently trying to apply this method to two big unfinished tasks - training manager: ( base tasks done, now collection ideas in smaller tasks) and also Offline POI database :

So if you'll agree, I suggest to apply same here. Basic IMG support is done and working (issue with overlay will be fixed in next version, thanks). Now you wants some "minor" improvements, but to be true, I do not know a) what precisely to improve, b) how much people even wants another improvements


Hello Menion, this method of work makes perfect sense for me. I'm disposed to help in whatever you need.

Thank you very much for fixing the overlay by the way.


This is a reasonable approach. This thread starts to become messy. It is not clear what is wanted by who (e. g. I want bitmap Garmin maps:).

I suggest everybody either start a new topic what he wants to improve or add to Garmin maps or vote for a post here, he wants to implement instead of just trying to be noisy about how deeply he thinks that others want his thing..

But I agree that most of the people simply does not know about the basic support of the Garmin maps. Menion, I just recommend you to promote the limited Garmin support to get more feedback.


Thanks, clear and acceptable opinion :).

I was not promoting Garmin maps because of simple reason - previously I was worried about terms of use ... it is ok, I'm fully convinced for now :). Anyway more people involved, means more topics, votes and also more time needed for this task, which I, to be true, never wanted to do.

Anyway as I wrote. If you want some more progress around support of IMG maps, create clear, simple ideas focused on one topic, give them tag "garmin img" and I'll see how much of 36 voting people will wants more ...


Hi Menion,

what do you mean by basic support is done.

Can we run garmin type maps on locus now?

If so, I would try and give reference for improvements.




Hmm this is already done for ... maybe two years. Just place your IMG maps into Locus/mapsVector directory (or any subdirectory here like Locus/mapsVector/myImg


I think if IMG was considered officially supported and documented more people would use it and then you would get more feedback. As for improvements I think we need some controls to change the color and thickness of lines (roads, trails, etc). I would also be great to be able to disable/enable any object (line, labels, etc). Last but not least associating the IMG file type with Locus so when beginners download an IMG map from the web it can be opened automatically in Locus and if it needs to be in the vector folder (currently does) then Locus should be able to copy or move it into the folder. The idea here is to make it user friendly so someone does not need to understand files/folders, simply download, select Locus to open it, and Locus will take care of the rest...

Thank you very much!


I agree with Robin. IMHO, the two most useful improvements would be the ability to enable/disable itens, mainly labels at first ( POI with labels are the most desired by me BTW).

Second, the possibility to customize colors and thickness. This could be done, possibly, with a .typ file with the same name of the map file and in the future with a menu.

If there's something like beta testing or early adopters, I'd like to participate.



I've created a topic/request at the following link. Everyone please review and VOTE!


Thanks guys, so this topic is closed.

For those interested why, when it's not yet "perfect" - explanation:

Thanks and happy voting in sub-ideas!

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