How to find other nearby LoPoints of same kind?

Georg D shared this question 5 months ago

At 44.5233991, 4.3922841 I opened search > Offline places, chose "France South", typed "Lana" and tapped on result "Lanas-Chamtadu". Details are displayed, amongst them Sport=climbing. I'd like to find more LoPoints having Sport=climbing – how can I do that?

What I tried:

  • Because the name of the LoPoint and not it's category is searched (1 and 2), searching for "climbing" produces no results nearby my location – also not the LoPoint named above.
  • In the categories hierarchy, I did not find "climbing" in "sport leisure".
  • In I did not find anything in this direction
  • In screen showing LoPoint's details, I did not find anything like this. In OsmAnd, the details pane shows a collapsed entry "nearby POI <type>" that I can unfold. IMHO quite easy to use and probably also easy to implement.

Replies (2)


Hi Georg,

the offline search is planned to be completely reworked in the way the online search was improved, For the time being, try it online.


Hi Georg. Sadly, places relevant to climbing (and paragliding) are still on waiting list - to be implemented soon in the online search. Then offline search will follow in the new system reworked from scratch. We know climbing and paragliding is missing.


Hi @Michal & @Radim, okay, climbing is clear now – but as topic title suggests, I have same questions "how can I quickly & conveniently find similar places?" also for other POI types. Also, I tried online bot it did not help me much in that. For example in map-screen content, I have "LoPoints (online)" active, so I see a parking on the map and tap it. Alternatively, in "Online addresses and places", I typed the name of a signposted parking and tapped the entry in the result list.

Now I see the details of the place and see it's closed. How can I conveniently get a list of other nearby parkings?

I tried tapping the icon (hoping it will show the same list as ² below), I scrolled whole details pane looking for an equivalent to OsmAnd's collapsed section "Nearby <point type>", I tried long tapping on "Online addresses and places" result list entry (hoping it will show "search similar places nearby"),...

Only way I found is opening search, switching to "offline places" mode, waiting that it switches from "LoPoints (offline)" to "All points", tapping left arrow to get back to "LoPoints (offline)", tap current map region and search for the correct one in the list and tap it, waiting, looking in the "Folders" where I do find the desired POI type ("Culture & Tourism"? no, "public services? ah no, "car services"? Ah, yes, there is Parking) and tap it, now I get the desired list (referenced by ² above) – IMHO that is not convenient, especially nearby the border where two maps are relevant so I must repeat with both maps.


Open the online search and tap "parking" > the "Parking"category emerges > tap it > you see all nearby parkings on the map:

2e8c521a5faa9152c2d7d5de44f8f9d0 af1daf92ea486d52136661f55b46f1f4


Hi @Michal,

thank you, understood, we can now search for category names – the two referenced topics are just not matching current software version 🙂 In one, I did comment accordingly, in the other, I do not have required rights.

Feedback 1: In some points provided by online search, I do not find the category name, one example:


That makes it hard to type the correct category name into online search.

Feedback 2: Would be great if in point details screen, category icon itself was a link (or a dedicated icon next to it) starting online search pre-filled with point's category name. That's probabaly quick & easy to implement and for users, it's more comfortable, quicker, smoother and less error prone than having to memorize category name & spelling (US and UK spelling differ), close current point, starting search, typing the memorized category name, tapping the category name. For me, that would feel more like the cooler, more Locus' way than current textual way with typing 😉

Alternatively, something like OsmAnd's details pane entry "nearby POI <type>" that can be unfold.


1) categories are expressed by the icon in the search results:


2) if you need anything changed in the app, please create an idea at the helpdesk, clearly explaining your intention, and letting other users vote for it. When the idea gets wide support from others, we'll start thinking about implementing it

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