Bring back the search of tracks/routes near particular location

Michal Stupka shared this idea 28 hours ago
Gathering feedback

Up to version 4.27+, there was an option to search tracks and routes around my location or around the location of the map cursor. With the new library, this option disappeared. Please get it back to the app.

Replies (4)


Hi József,

the search of user data was moved to My Library topbar:



Thanks Michal,
But that's not the problem!
In the previous version, you could search for routes based on location, for example, the center of the map or GPS position.
If I didn't type anything in the text field, I got a list of nearby routes.
The list listed the routes by distance
My old phone still has the previous version, so I can attach a list.
The currently available document still has the old user manual:

It seems to me that this option is missing from the current version.
Please Michal, fix it, or write how to search for nearby routes.


Hi József,

after discussing the issue with the main developer I was assured this is going to be dealt with in the future but we also need more feedback from the community. So please if you need this option returned to the app, vote for it at


Sorry Michal, you didn't understand my problem!

I want a list of nearby ROUTES, not points.

This doesn't work in the current version!

Please attach a list of nearby routes that you made with the current version!

I attached a list made with the old version, please attach a similar list.


I'm also missing this feature in the newest Locus version!

To be clear: we are talking about the search for nearby routes/tracks based on current gps or cursor position and any arbitrary trackpoint right?

I don't mean the search for tracks and then sorting by "Distance", as this sorts by the starting points of tracks, not by any arbitrary trackpoint.


József, the title of the topic for the vote is "Bring back the search of tracks/routes near particular location". There is not a word about points.

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