Switch maps with one tap

Alexey shared this idea 7 years ago

Please, add the ability to switch between maps from quick map switch list in a loop with one tap.

Everytime when i need to switch map, i should empty my second hand, stop walking to recognize required map in "quick map switch" menu and tap it. To make it more usable i wish to have ability to remove or add maps in that list and switch between thems with one tap.

Replies (33)


Guys, please add this ability. Switching between two maps really annoying me all the time, that i have use Locus Pro. When i need to switch map i should to stop walking, open that menu and recognize required map in a list. I cant switch maps without connection the brain to this process. Everytime the upper map in a list is not the same as it was before.

But i need to do it very often, and it is really makes me angry. You can make this icon to switch maps from list in a loop and open that menu if that icon was tapped twice or was holded. I think it is really easy. You can add separate icon, or add this functionality to the existed. But we need it.

Locus Pro is the one of the best program i ever seen. I stooped to trying any others when i try it. It was happend after Rmaps stop working on Android 5. I was very surprised when i discovered that Locus Pro is not only substitutions for the Rmaps, its really level up in this industry. It is so good that i even bought it. This function really makes the program more convenient. Thanks a lot guys, iam shure that you will add it.


I can imagine holding a map icon worked as a switch of the last used map.


The best way is:

1. Add the ability to remove maps from quick map switch list (add "Remove" to the existed "Set" and "Center map"). Map will add to this list if you open it from the main map selecting menu (it is working now).

2. Add the icon (button) that will switch maps in a loop from the list, described in 1. You can add this icon on a tab where you want as any another icons.

This icon may look like an "quick map switch" icon but with circle arrow like play button on the music player.


Why do you need to switch maps?


You can even skip the first point because we can limit maps amount with total amount of maps in this list by configuration file editing. Just add described button.


My opinion.

The last 2 map switcher will simplify your work and quickly return to the previous map.

Creating a multiple map list and multiple scrolling a lot of maps to me loses importance for a quick job.


We dont need to create map list, it is already exists. We just need a button that will switch between that maps in a loop and (maybe) we need to have ability to remove maps from this list. But it is not necessary because we can edit main config file to limit total amount of maps in this list.

I asking you about one button that will switch maps in a loop from a quick switch map list. Something tell me that it is not took a lot of code to add this button :-)


I need to do this because i need to analyze locality with different maps. One contains the old road that not exists on the satellite view, satellite view contains terrain features that can attract my attention. And all that i have described i can really do only when iam directly on that spot. For example i walk along the road on the rare map, that map doesn't contain any terrain features that i can discover on sattelite. And than i need to compare the place of that road on rare map and on another rare map. You can offer me to use one of them as a layer but it is really shit. If i use one map as layer i get one shit maps instead of two goods.

Use cases of maps will depend heavily on the actual conditions that will be in place of my interest. I cant anticipate terrain features. For example i see the glade on the satellite map, but in real life this glade may turn to be a marsh on the pick of the hill. It is not possible to know in advance. Therefore, I can not plan everything in advance and must be guided by the circumstances. And this needs to switch maps more often than if you just walk on the earlier planned way.

Another reason, that i described earlier, that i have metal detector and shovel in my hand. Existed way of map switching requires two free hands. But i can free only one.

And the third reason is that this button was in rmaps, and it was in another software that i tested just before Locus Pro. It is really conveniently.

And I'm not talking about the fact that to select the right map i need to connect the brain for this process. I cant do it like a robot, it took a lot of my attention, just really more than i want to allocate and this is why its really annoying me all that years that i used this software. In the beginning I thought I would get used to it but iam not. So its time to change the world!!! :)


Selecting another map is 2 clicks with one hand ;-)


Try to get your phone from the left pocket, turn it on, unlock, and than use you thumb to tap in two different places. Repeat this 30 times. Than tell me about your fellings.


Guys, iam not an idiot. I already tried this and write about it before. It is good when you have satellite and hybrid. But what if you have two different satellites maps? Try to use one as a layer for other, and tell me about your feelings.

And one little button is more conveniently that this layers function. Why the shit rmaps had this button? This software was developed with one man and he did this function. This is conveniently.

You can decline my idea but iam not the first who asked it. And not the last.

Most part of my maps is a pictures. Some of them is a pcitures drawned more than 200 years ago. Sometimes it is really hard to understand whats one them and you suggest me to use layers...



Your use and requirements are quite specific. I do not know if anyone really needs this option. Quick return (1 click or hold) to the previous map is important for multiple users.


9 other guys needs it i think. This is not enough?


A very special request, a lot of people would not have used it. What two phones and every other map? Locus also works on a lot of old phones.


This kind of a request was earlier. My request is to switch between maps in a loop with one tap. You are talking about it like i asked you to add two wheels and helm so i can drive locus as a bicycle. It is not something special, it is only one button.

It is more conveniently that it exists.


This idea has already been supported by 9 peoples. I created this idea only yesterday. If you are talking about "a lot of people" you should better to analyze this dynamic :-)


There is no reason to quarrel. If this idea will appeal to Menion and he does, no one will be protesting.


Hello guys,

"it is only one button" ... and this is the problem. Even a single button on one of the most used screens, should be made carefully. For now, I'll keep the topic open for voting and we will see. Thanks for understanding.


I can imagine holding a map icon (exists in the top or right panel) worked as a switch of the last used map.

Similarly to the point and route icon on hold.


But this is an option button. I wish to put in on the tab, other will not. Locus is full of buttons (sometimes its number is frightening). One button less one more, doesn't matter. But you will make 9 guys happier with this button:-) A lot of guys that uses Locus Pro as iam will thank you. But they will do it in theirs mind just because they have no ability to write it here in English.



There are so many people waiting for things ...

We need patience ...

For example for this matter waiting hundreds or thousands people (geocachers).

We are waiting.........

It's a merger of dozens of operations into one.

It's not the difference 1 click versus 2 clicks.



It is not just 2 click against 1 click. Condor tell me pls, how many times do you connect your brain to the process of opening your door with your key, powering of your computer or light, when you eating something?Its a simple things that we are doing like a robot, and there are a lot of more interested things that we prefer.

Now the map selecting is looks like a search for a wrench in a bucket instead of a toolbox in which these keys are arranged by size. Locus Pro is my tool, it is my instrument or a wrench as you prefer. I have already spent more time than this function will take your time to add it. Something tell me that this function may can be added even by a programmer. And 9 months ago other guys will asked it too. It is really annoying me from 24 may 2015 when i bought it.


This idea has supported by 18 peoples in 2 years my with 9 in two days lol :-) My request is easier than this. If you have ten easy requests and one hard it will be better to resolve easiest first because it is typicaly for a humans to underestimate the level of complexity and time costs. So the easiest task become easy, the medium complexity tasks become hard and so on. This is the reason why most projects are disrupted due to lack of time. So if you start the hardest task first the most part of the guys is waiting the smallest part request will accomplished.

For example.

You have 10 easy tasks from 10 peoples with 10 minutes per task and one hard task with 20 minutes per task from 1 people.

So after 100 minutes in one case you will have 10 satisfied guys. In the second case you will have after the same 100 minutes only 9 guys.

The main business target is to satisfy as many people as possible in the same time. :-D


I believe all was already said and current discussion is out of topic and does not bring any useful information, so please stop it, thanks.

Comments with useful ideas related to the idea are of course welcome, thank you for understanding.


Hi there!

I'd like to add that I do need the function Alexey is speaking about as well.

Every time I need to choose the desired map I have to adjust, make stop, think about what I want to choose, it really annoys me and makes uncomfortable.

I believe it is not very difficult to upgrade the program but still it will make life of many users easier.



I would suggest 2 solutions:

1 - Mark (by long tap for example) some maps in existing list. Add new button (to right panel for example) for switching in loop between the marked maps.

2 - Add new button and use it for switching between only 2 last maps


"1 - Mark (by long tap for example) some maps in existing list. Add new button (to right panel for example) for switching in loop between the marked maps."

This is a brilliant idea


There is no any difference between my idea and this except that it is not intuitive and harder to do.

1. You really don't need to choose maps from the quick switch map list because it is already chosen. This list is already filled with maps that you want to quick switch. If you need to add one to quick switch you should open it WITH 3 TAPS AGAINST TWO TAPS. My idea is make quick switch map is more quickly than it is. The existence of this menu assumes that maps from this list will be selected fairly often.

I think it is not quick if you can switch map with 3 taps against 2 taps. If i need to switch 4 maps in a raw i need to tap 8 times, but if loop switch button will be added it take only 3 tap.

2. There is a menu against every map in quick switch map list the already contains two points (set and center map). We just need to add Remove item to this list to remove map from the quick map switch.

3. What I suggest is much more intuitive.

Those who try this button will quickly find out that the maps from this list are switched. And it is intuitive that you can remove maps from this list with that menu against every map (...).

But you must to explain that you should to hold something to get something. User interface must be intuitive, or it became uncomfortable. Just imagine that you need to read something just to remember how to add maps to the quick switch map list.

2. Is really useless.

But now it is not the question of how it will be solved, but whether it will be at all.


As for me, the simpliest variant with new button that switches between 2 last maps will cover 99% cases during a trip (like "Previous Channel" button tv remote).

Typical scenario - switching between sattelite/topo maps.


It is really useless because there is no difference in code between two or twenty two maps switching. So in this case it is better to let the user decide which number of maps he want to switch with one tap.

i can suggest you to use overlay as someone suggest it me earlier lol.


I'm "for" the new button for switching between maps, but "against" switching throw whole existing map's list, and not ready to remove some maps for reducing numbers of maps involved into this loop (forming this list again will take time).

As i sad, the most common scenario - switching between 2 maps. How it will work in case if existing list with selected maps contains 9. Will i have to tap 8 times for opening previous map?

"it is better to let the user decide which number of maps he want to switch with one tap."

for resolving it, is possible to add new setting (2- by default)


Probably we have different use cases. You are watching on one map for a long time but i need to watch 3-4 different maps every 10-15 minutes. And my device is in my pocket and turned off for battery saving purpose. I prefer to tap 8 times as a robot against 2 taps with brain connecting. If i need to switch it once per hour, i would not create this ticket, but would continue to do it as before.

It is possible that one tap switching map list will be forming with specific point in already existed menu that contains Set and Center map, it is really don't matter. But adding the button that will switch between to last maps is really pointless.


Sorry ... a single-purpose list (for one person) map is a bad solution.

The solution from Dmitry Lesev is excellent and multifunctional and meets the requirements of both sides.

Switch 2 (default), 3, 4 ... last used maps.

You can return to a previous map with any map. Not just from some other list.


Nobody told about single-purpose list (what is it?). Iam talking about the easiest way to add this function to developers. You just need to add one button that switch maps in a loop from the quick map switch list and nothing more. All others is unnecessary.

Quick map switch is already filled with often used maps. Is Dmitry Lesev has 8 maps in that list and use it all often? Bullshit. 3-4 maps covers all needs. He told about that adding maps in quick switch map list (QSM list) take time. But that time you should spend only one time per trip. Add another 3-4 map in that list just before trip. Open map from the main menu take 3 tap against 2 tap from the quick switch map list. Probably Dmitriy Lesev wants to form quick switch map list one time per his life, i dont know. But the fact that the map added to this list without his will indicates that this list is like a history in a browser. And i dont believe that this history list is full of maps that are constantly needed. He cant even remove the map from this list. He doesn't understand the point of this list correctly. This is the HISTORY. Tell me please what did you do if you want to save link for the interesting site? Do you clean your history except of this site or you save it to bookmarks? Quick switch map list is not BOOKMARK. Its a history. I cant clean it but i can change maps quantity in it by editing the config file.

It is easier to switch between even 8 maps with 8 taps because you do it as a robot just taptaptaptaptap. Developer can add delay between the map name appear and map appear on the screen.

I try to make the developers task easier limit it to one button. It is more rational way.

In my previous message i spoke about the possibility to form one button switching map list from QSM list by selecting maps from it. But it is harder to develop and it is unnecessary in fact because nobody needs to switch 8 maps.

But it is all just details. I need the button to switch maps that i need (not the last 2). Now the questions is whether they add this button at all but the not the way it will be done.

I think its time to stop this discussion as Menion suggested and wait.


Guys, who vote against the idea, you are voting not against the idea, you are voting against me. There is no other ideas with voting against and this is prove that. Dont project your butthurt onto the idea like a childs do pls.

I want to get the real quick switch map button. I dont really care how it will be in fact. Iam trying to explain that my suggestion is the easiest to developer and take a small time and this is the reason to add it. If i can select that maps from the quick switch map list it will be better for me and it is really better than my suggestion. But the Menion will make a decision on the complexity of the development, time costs and the user needs. If you will vote for this idea Menion will decide how it will look in fact by himself.

Other guys and i those vote for this idea need it. Switching between two last maps is better than nothing too.


A small idea how to achieve both goals - opening by one tap previous map and involving into loop all maps from the quick switch map list:

if the map is displayed longer than 5 sec, and we do tap, the previous map will be opened

if less than 5sec, the next map from quick switch list will be opened

For example:

MAP1 (current map, displayed longer 5 sec)

MAP2 (previous)


MAP1;tap -> MAP2; pause 1 sec; tap - > MAP3; pause 1 sec; tap -> MAP1

MAP1;tap -> MAP2; pause 10 sec; tap - > MAP1; pause 1 sec; tap -> MAP3;pause 1 sec; tap -> MAP1

MAP1;tap -> MAP2; pause 10 sec; tap - > MAP1; pause 10 sec; tap -> MAP2


Did you decide not to add the requested function? Votes is not enough? It is still boring to switch between maps. In addition, the added maps disappeared from the list for no apparent reason. I still want to have a tool that will allow me to create a list of maps at my own will.


I voted for this idea and also offered my (as it seems to me - more flexible and convenient) option through the creation of virtual maps. http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/virtual-map-as-a-solution-to-the-problem-of-one-touch-switching-and-much-more


In Locus 4, long tap on "content button" toggles between two last used maps – so, only for last 3 or more maps you need to go to "qiuck mapü switch".


Thanks Georg,

just to make it 100% clear, we talk about this button. Long-click toggle the last two used maps, so you may easily switch them. I believe this covers most of the needs and this idea may be closed.

Btw. "Quick map switch" has an option in the Expert settings to set the number of visible online and offline maps. I can imagine reducing the number of visible online maps, to make the list more clear and easier to choose the required map quickly. Also "Quick map switch" may be added to the side function panel, so one click less ...


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