Locus crashing

skvedo shared this problem 4 months ago
In Progress

after upgrade to 4.24.3 locus started to crashing. It looks like exception got out to main thread. It happens even after few seconds on map screen sometimes.

It became completely unusable for me since upgrade.
Previously I was using beta version available at 2024-05-16 (issue from this ticket still persist

Phone Pixel 7a

Yesterday I found in GDrive new beta so installed it and enabled logging (attached).

Can you please share apk file of previous version so I can downgrade to before 4.23 battery performance change for testing if it is related to Locus upgrade?

Replies (8)



sorry for any inconvenience, we'll check the log and investigate possible issues (however, we can't simulate the problem mentioned in the SSL topic and nobody else has reported it). You can downgrade from our public repository at


Thanks for link, didn't know about version archive. I have tried older version, it looked promising but also having same problems.

Currently I had to result to bringing my old phone just for Locus on weekend trip.

Locus is only app having these issues. I can run Strava or without crashing and even without excluding from battery management.

Can we schedule conference call to do test on my phone?

Just give me instruction what to prepare software vise. I'm using Linux on all my computers but can run virtual machine with Windows or borrow spare PC from work if necessary.


Hi skvedo,

could you please record video of your crash? You can use AZ Recorder ( Thank you in advance.

Marek, Locus teram


Hi Marek,

Pixel have integrated screen recorder.

I have catched 2 crashes. Recordings are in Gdrive on link bellow.

Last week Locus crashed immediately as I loaded particular track or opened route planner. Now these 2 are "working".

Still crashes after moving a bit around map. Just don't have right now scenario where it crashes immediately a every time.


I have added 2 more recordings to folder linked above.

I had Locus running in background and recording. It started crashing once I opened map and was moving around in it.


Attached log from yesterday on 4.25

Still same issues. Worst thing is that it seems to work for like 2 hours and then started crashing every few minutes (I have the log from that day, but it is 200MB)

Last weekend I want for few days of bikepacking and had to use old phone for Locus (which is slow and clumsy.

When I tried to record the crashes, it seemed that recording affect it (repeatedly crashing in seconds vs holding for minutes after started recording).

My Gold subscription was just renewed but I can't fully enjoy it.


Looking to log I see NullPointerExeption. Maybe extra build with enhaced logging to hunt down what is failing?

I can make a trip to meet you for debugging session next weekend. I was planning to ride Brno->Praha for some time anyway.


Hi skvedo,

we are not able to simulate your problem. At least we can try to identify problem with beta version with advanced logging:

  1. Please install latest beta
  2. Enable logging by long press on Menu -> Setup logging -> Log to file
  3. Crash application a few times.
  4. Send us generated log in <your-locus-directory>/logs

Thank you very much!


Your link not working but I installed fresh beta from

2 crashes while panning map at 16:31 and 16:32

Log attached.


Didn't noticed log is over 2mb limit. Uploaded it here :


Still the same. Maybe try set me as person you are sharing file with and let GDrive send me notification.


I have installed it already at Friday, just busy weekend and didn't got to post it yet.

Friday afternoon/evening. Downgraded back to beta from your link and it crashed while panning the map (sometime after 19:30 if I remember correctly)

Saturday morning:
ride recording, you can find gaps/crashes in Ždánický les behind Bučovice. This is copy of original recording where I trimmed start and finish for privacy:

Today morning, I have been looking at Saturday recording for time of last recorded point before crash when Locus crashed repeatedly.
I have noted these times but me looking into log they don't seem to match log well (time read from WearOS watches paired to phone in question):


I have the same. After navigating for about 2 hours, the app crashes. Always after two hours. Logs are attached. Both showing a nullpointer exception.


I see in your logs same version / API level 14.0 (34).
Difference is that you are on Samsung.
Did it started after system upgrade. For me I had system upgrade and also Locus upgrade in few day between activities. Since I have tried downgrading quite a few versions back, it seems to be about interaction with newer system version.
Tried also legacy Locus 3 with same crashing issue.

Unfortunately log from my SSL issue ticket (previous to crashing issue) don't have the "new start" header with system version at the time.


So I have installed adb on my computer and collected some logs this way.

First crash file just opening Locus and it crashed right when I listed PID from 'ps'. Second crash after few seconds of panning with map on screen.

Logs obtained by running 'logcat -p <PID> > <file>'

This looks pretty severe to me.

--------- beginning of crash

08-14 06:32:48.157 30357 30523 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 2 (SEGV_ACCERR), fault addr 0xb4000072a1ffb790 in tid 30523 (Thread-44), pid 30357 (


Hello Marek,

any progress? My offer to debug on my phone still stand. Currently I basically can't use Locus at all. It crashed after a minute tops.

This weekend I'm attending this race and really need working Locus.

I was hoping not have to use the old phone again.


Hi skvedo,

sorry, but we are not able to identify your problem. The last try is to generate bugreport by following this tutorial Thank you.


Fresh bug report:

One older:

I still believe both of my issues are outside of Locus code, but only you can identify what is going on. Also Locus is only app affected for me.


Hi skvedo,

did you repeat the crash several times before generating bugreport?


Hi Marek,

sorry for late response. I was riding the race and recovering from it after.
I believe it has crashed few times before generating report.
In Locus log i see "new start" at:
18:01:16, 18:01:30, report listing 18:06 as generated time

Now I can't make it crash, but it seemed that promising few times already. I will be testing on ride later today.

Noticed in log some issues with backup upload (GDrive full to brim with Locus logs) so disabled backups for now.
Crashes were happening also outside out from wifi coverage, so that shouldn't be that.


Friday 2024-08-30:

last recorded point before crash, first recorded after crash (there might be more, these are really obvious with long flat line):



log file:

Phone mostly not used, just sitting on handelbars recording.

Today 2024-09-02 ~16:53

crashed while panning map to find times listed above

bugreports generated Sunday, Monday morning, Monday afternoon (just after crash):


Zrovna teď jakýkoliv pohyb po mapě způsobí crash do pár vteřin.

Můžeme prosím dát nějako TS session? Není problém vytvořit Zoom/Teams nebo kdoví co ještě.



Dobrý den, ve vašem případě je bohužel na vině chyba v nativní systémové knihovně Androidu. Ta se z času na čas vzácně objeví na různých zařízeních. Tu samozřejmě nemůžeme opravit, můžeme vám ovšem nabídnout refund vašeho Premium předplatného. Funkce vám zůstanou aktivní, pokud byste náhodou Locus Map používal na jiném zařízení.


Are my crashes also related to the bug in Android itself (not looking for any refund, I can live with them). Would downgrading to an earlier version of LocusMap help? As also described by Skvedo, earlier versions of Locus did not have the problem.


Helo Blihi,
my attempts to downgrade were not successful. Same issues even in Locus 3 Pro.

@Michal Stupka, @Marek Scholtz is this bug reported/tracked somewhere so I can +1 the issue? I want to continue using Locus. It was working before and is then regression and they should fix what they broke. I would consider warranty the phone because of it (complication as it is company phone).
So far we seen it affects 2 vendors on current system versions. It is reasonable fear it will break on any newer phone.


Since it is a bug deep in Android, it seems to make sense that indeed downgrading does not help. It was worth a try though.

Could you give a hint on where in Android the problem is? Maybe there is something that can be done with the settings (either regular settings or developer settings) to avoid the problem?


This weekend, on 31-08-2024, I had a chance to try to reproduce the problem again and indeed, there were crashes.

In the morning, between 8:00 and 8:45, I was editing a track in the route planner. The attached log file shows that during the morning, there are several NullpointerExceptions, all pointing to Locus trying to get the length of a null array

I left home around 8:45 by car. I used the pre-computed track with navigation prompts and I set the phone to nagivation mode. The screen was set to stay on and centered with direction up (so the map is rotating).

The first crash happened around around 9:10. There's no exception in the log, but at 9:16:13 it just shows "new start". This is because I had to restart the app after it crashing during navigation. I took an interactive bug report in Android using the developer mode, which is available, but way too large to upload here.

I arrived at my destination around 11:00.

Then, around 11:30, I left again, but this time by bicycle. I put the phone in navigation mode again and again started to navigate a pre-defined track. This time, not in navigation mode, but in track-follow mode (only beeps, no voice prompts). Around 12:00 again the app crashed and I restarted it (can be seen as a "NEW START" in the log at 12:02. Just before 12:00, a ConcurrentModificationException is logged. I did not manage to do a full bugreport.

No crashes happened further on that day (in the car, so in navigation mode). It crashed again around 12:18, hence the new start at 12:21 in the log file. An Android bug report is available for that crash too.

Around 12:35, I stopped navigation as I was almost home, hence the new start at 12:37 was not due to a crash.

I have sent the links to the two large bugreports of Android via e-mail. They are 50 MB ZIP files.


I see the text got mixed up...

No crashes happened further on that day, however the next day a crash happened again (in the car, so in navigation mode). I left around 10:00 and the crash happened around 12:18.

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