version 2.14.0

Menion shared this announcement 11 years ago


add: (PRO) added map shading for vector and online maps

add: added World vector map

add: added maps

add: (PRO) added ability to turning screen on/off automatically

add: added sorting tracks by distance to first/last point of track

add: new coloring system for maps - night/high contrast/low contrast

add: added ability to use border also for colored (by speed, by altitude, ...) tracks

add: added support to choose values visible below and above guiding line

chg: another improvements in speed of vector maps

chg: united and improved compass and satellite screen

chg: improved Text-To-Speech system for navigation

chg: improved highlight of simplified points (below level 12) on map

chg: improved switching of vector map themes

chg: a GUI optimizations for a smaller devices and tablets

chg: improved system for login over OAuth (Geocaching Live, OpenStreetMap, etc...)

chg: (PRO) improvements in live tracking, mainly response on internet connection

chg: improvements in translation (thanks to all contributors!)

chg: removed compatibility with A2.1

fix: fixed problems in incorrect sorting vector maps by distance

fix: fixed export of tracks from folder

Replies (4)


When I find geocache, and mark it offline as find, in new version - there is no icon smile, only geocache type.


cannot confirm. geocache you found is stored in locus database or just some temporary geocache from any add-on?


Sorry, my mistake, I have two categories with caches, and I activated wrong. ;-)


ah fine, no problem :)

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