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Quick point: Editing changes datetime

Ingo Rau shared this problem 8 years ago

Seen, in 3.16.1, probably older:

Thanks to, it's now correctly possible to edit a waypoint to was created while recording a track (with the "Quick point" function). However, I realized, that editing it changes the points date/time. As the point is part of the track, now the track has a point in between that's totally off. This may throw off all kinds of calculations (although I think Locus statistics itself are still ok, but didn't check that throughly).

I assume the code is the same as for normal POIs, where changing the "Last changed" datetime is totally correct. But for waypoints in a track, I think the datetime should stay as it is...

Replies (7)


Hi, hmm I don't think this should cause any serious issues. Points and tracks has two defined times. Time when item (track) was created and time when it was updated. So change of "time updated" should have no negative effect. At least I'm not aware of any. Or you already have some negative experience with this?


What happened was the following:

I edited a waypoint after the track was done. Then I selected a trackpoint shortly before, chose "Edit on map" and changed the selected trackpoint with the left/right arrows. When I reached the trackpoint that the waypoint was on, the time displayed in the trackpoint-popup was the edited time.

So it was like

"12:01:43" - "12:01:55" - "17:45:00" - "12:02:03" - ...

which I think shouldn't be.

After that, I deleted the waypoint (and with it the trackpoint) and didn't try again. I now tried to reproduce it, but it didn't happen again. So there must be some other condition - perhaps the waypoints I tried it with now were not exactly on a trackpoint, whereas the other one was. Is that possible? You recently told me about some internal "rounding" which treats points as the same - could it perhaps be that here the waypoint had (after rounding) the same position as a trackpoint, and then the trackpoint datetime got updated, too (by accident)?


Hmm interesting. Agree that this should not happen. Maybe some steps leads to situation, that "location" of trackpoint (object in code) was exactly same as "location" of waypoint. So when you changed waypoint, it automatically changed trackpoint as well (they shared same object "location"). I'll be watching this, anyway key here, as usually, will be exact steps that made this situation. When something like this happen and you'll know steps, let me know, thanks.


It's not exactly this, but I recorded a short track to try out some stuff, and found some strange behaviour. Please import the attached GPX to Locus (with the settings from the screenshot). The track has 9 points, and two waypoints created with "Quick new point" while recording. One is obviously directly on the track, the other isn't. That's the first strange thing, as they were created the same way (see below).

Anyway, now select the green flag and edit it. When trying to change the icon, the only options you have are these waypoint arrows. When you edit the track and try to delete the trackpoint this waypoint sits on, I get a "Process unsuccessful" and the point is still there. Now I zoom out - the point and the icon are gone. Next I tried to hide the track, but Locus crashes.

After restart, the point is still there, but the waypoint/icon is gone.

Now try to edit the red flag: Just as it should be, I can choose any icon I like. It obviously isn't associated with a trackpoint - I can remove the whole track after the second point and the quickpoint still stays there.

Now the obvious assumption is that Locus, at least when importing, associates a waypoint from the GPS to a trackpoint if it has the same coordinates (plus/minus some rounding). Otherwise it doesn't. The problem here imho is, that I created both points the same way initially, with the quickpoint function (and a setting with red background). To me, they were both "annotations" to the track, but after import, one is suddenly a "direction waypoint" with limited capabilities.

I want to add another thing (sorry for the long post):

I think this is related with and It's not consistent what Quick point does. Sometimes, the points are at the same position as a trackpoint, sometimes not (but also not necessarily at the map center).

My guess: According to track recording settings, not all GPS positions are stored in the track. So when you do "Quick point" and the GPS position is not distinct enough for a new trackpoint, still a waypoint is created there - without a close trackpoint. If the position is the same as a trackpoint (plus/minus), they are associated. As you can never be sure when creating a quick point, this can lead to all these strange behaviours later on.

I think that quick points should always be created as independent waypoints in a track (thus also allowing their position to be edited).

Now when importing, I see there's a problem: How differentiate "simple" waypoints from direction points. The logic "if waypoint_position = any_trackpoint_position" results in the above problems. Perhaps you could add an import option "Recreate directional waypoints". I know, it's kinda "guessing", but then you should be able to deactivate the guessing.

Again, sorry for the long post...


Hello Ingo,

on third time I was finally able to read it completely. For now, I do not want to invest much time to some changes around handling of waypoints attached to track. So these changes will take some time. Anyway agree that behavior is quite inconsistent in creating waypoints by "Quick new point" function.

Problem why one waypoint was not directly on a track is probably some "race" problem when some function was called too early (add trackpoint) compare to another (add waypoint). I've improved it little bit with hope, this won't happen now and waypoint will be really stored on existing trackpoints. I'll test it in the field.

And some free edit of icons/locations of waypoints (similar to ), later. It's also connected to your older topic , which I have for some months partially done, but not yet finished. So it's more tasks at once that needs to be done. Thanks for understanding.


I fully understand the complexity of it all. Just glad to hear that you still have that on your agenda - and appreciate all efforts to for now at least make behaviour consistent. Thx as always :)


You are welcome :). I hope I'll find some time on this during next months. At least to finish this mentioned screen and fine tune some options ... uff, too much interesting ideas to do :).


Any chance of this screen making it into Locus in the near future? :)


Ingo, to be true, I don't know :). Anyway because last weeks, many tasks are related to tracks and work with them, I think that chance is higher and higher. You will be anyway notified in "idea topic".

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