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Option to not show the top left navigation arrow boxes

Tapio shared this idea 4 years ago

Hi Menion,

in the German community we have a discussion going where some people, depending on how Locus is used, do not need the navigation arrows to the top left.

I realized that I also do not need them for informational purposes (in a hiking situation, that is). I just use it to tap there, in order to access the functionality behind it, like stop nav, change volume etc.

In a hiking situation I listen to voice nav commands. If the situation is unclear, I need to look at Locus. In such a case, the top left arrow does not help. It is useless, because it holds the same information as the voice command. Only looking at the map, the route and the arrow which is displayed ON THE ROUTE helps to find the right way.

Most available space for map is always good. Personally I am using Dashboards when navigating and I even had to work around my dashboard (start right beside that arrow box instead to the left of the screen). But that's just me.

Just a first idea: maybe you could add checkboxes at nav start which allow to enable/disable a) Nav arrows top left b) sound out.

And if something like this sees the light of the day, also bind to presets. :-)


Replies (11)


And guys. Before voting down please keep thinking about:

a) What is an option?

b) Locus Pro is being used in different situations


Well, and also consider that most probably one more button has to be added back to the map screen because as you correctly mentioned, these "arrows" bring access to the main navigation menu. Btw, in navigation advanced settings is an option to disable the second command (smaller bottom arrow), so at least something.


Yes, but e.g. a hamburger menu or a small nav icon which opens the navigation settings could just be integrated into the top bar which is forced to show up when being in navigation mode.

BTW I do not find that advanced nav setting which effectively turns off the bottom arrow UI element.


Ad second point: check menu > Settings > Navigation > Advanced settings > Two commands at once. Right, this remove bottom UI with second command, but also stops voice announcement on this second command.


Not correct. (Is my standard used setting, so no extra talky TTS : So Bla only, no Bla Bla)

Removes the double instruction voice announcement yes, but such does not remove the second pre-announcement visual informative arrow wich is GOOD ! Keep as is.


As 0709 says, that's about double voice instructions. 0709 I guess you aren't hiking, but cycling or even car? Coz seriously, in hiking the arrows are no more than space wasters. IMO a historical legacy of car routing applications.


I am sure you already knew I am using Locus mainly for cycling ;-)

To walk ? When my "unplatbare reifen" let me down ;-)

The Arrow is also functional Button. Big ? Yes, but a good size for quick and error-free tapping. Not allowed while driving, but hey ...sssstt. Shifting arrows a little bit higher in position seems possible, by not displaying the II or III text switcher

A simple tap onto the (cmt) text top bar panel could do the text switch.

I do not show a design. Your turn.


+- 8 years of usage of Locus & navigation and first request of such type => not a serious problem :). Anyway, for now, I'll definitelly won't change current design. Anyway I'm playing with idea to change navigation UI a little bit for Locus Map 4, so I'll keep this idea in my mind and if there will be more interested votes, there is definitelly space for some improvements.

And useless during hike? I do not think so ... quick check where to turn on next crossroad? Very easy ...


Useless during hike for people whose priority is voice navigation. Most common case: If voice navigation says "in 40 m go right" and you don't exactly know which right way (let's say there's 2, or one where you aren't sure if it's a valid path) to choose, you look onto the map. The arrow is useless because it does not tell anything more than the voice command.

And as for the quick check: In hiking the situation is not that quick that I cannot find the white/blue arrow on the track :-)

8 years... We just didn't see how useless the arrows can be, because we're all used to those big navigation arrow boxes. Every navigation device had them. But in Hiking (slow movement) plus voice navigation, which is not uncommon - not much needed.

As for a possible UI change a toggle in the top "navigation info" bar (left side then) could be an option. Which collapses/expands the arrow boxes (and remember the state). I think you do not need to make any change to the accessibility of the navigation options then.


Hello, started the thread in the German community mentioned above.

Thank you for all the answers so far.

In my opinion those arrows are very large. I think the good capabilities of locus to change a lot of options is great. Imho the arrows are somewhat misleading if you prefer a clean screen. They use a lot of space!

As a workaround I disabled the turn instructions in the brouter profiles. Now only the distance to finish of the track is shown in a somewhat smaller box....which I prefer, but now i have to live without spoken instructions....

To use the normal track/view (Zielführung) would also be a possible workaround but

not for me, because i really need the automatic route rearrangement while cycling...

Why not include an option to deactivate this arrows....? So everyone who wants to navigate without arrows is free to do so...

Thank you very much!




thanks for the feedback. It is not simply about a show/hide of these "buttons", mainly because they contain the main control panel for the navigation. So it needs a little bigger redesign.

Anyway as I mentioned here:


Thank you for the answer,

i understand your point!

But maybe there is a possibility in future releases!


Dear Locus map Team,

I highly support the proposal of Tapio.

On a lower resolution device (i.e. Hammerhead Karoo cycling computer) there is no map left next to the navigation arrows.

This is a real pity, because youR wonderful app is not usable on this device where it could be an extraordinary ans powerful tool.

Thank you very much for your attention and possible consideration.

Best, Jan.




Hi guys,

in the next Locus Map 4 version, in the Expert settings will be for testing purpose option to hide all navigation panels like you may see on the screenshot.


"Primary navigation symbol" offer now also small size and option to completely hide. In both new cases, new small button appears above track recording button with access to main navigation menu.

@0709, thanks for the nice idea with the toggle. Anyway as I do not use this in any place on the main screen, I'll rather stick with simple on/off in the app settings.



This is very kind, thanks. Is it part of the preset system? The "new small button" should also be visible or autohide. With default=visible.


Are you also considering to replace that annoying unknown street msg by discreet - - ? Transparant panels ?


Hi Willy, I firstly need to find out why there is "Unknown street". This panel is automatically hidden when route does not contain any street or via-point with comment. So if you see it, it means there is some useful info along the way.


If no street name (or info by cmt) is present in a track, then there is no top panel present. OK

If a street name (cmt) is present in a track at least once, the top panel will remain present. OK

If a single street name than is missing or there is no further cmt text, the top panel remains present with the msg "street unknown". (So I do suggest - - is a Kurviger copy method ...anyway is a nice discrete solution)

Letting the top panel disappear is not desirable as than other panels keep start to 'dance' restlessly up and down.


In beta I now have settings as follows:


My intention is to hide all navigation information. For my navigation "style" I find it more reliable to just observe the map & route, and minimize other non-map "clutter".

But a new navigation button (bottom arrow) is now displayed, while the (yes smaller) Primary navigation symbol is still visible (top arrow):


So now two buttons/ icons.

Could you maybe consider:

  • fourth option: Disabled and Hidden, or
  • extra toggle: Visible navigation symbol?


Menion - how is Primary Navigation Symbol=Disabled with two "icons" - one small at top with direction, a new one bottom, any better? The top small direction/ distance panel could still handle all taps/ menu just likes it bigger brother, then this new button (with right turn icon) at the bottom is not needed.


Valid question, but keep in mind this small panel is only shown if you have this "two commands at once" option turned on.


@Andrew, I have still a big problem with a hidden! tap on the navigation icons/distance that opens the core navigation menu. It is simply too hidden and I really miss some clearly visible button that opens the nav. menu. So this is first attempt how to get it on the map screen ... ideal solution from my point of view? This button = always visible. Anyway with next version, this will be still in "Expert settings" only, because I'm not yet sure about it and we do not have a global agreement here :).


@menion - I don't think there will ever be "global agreement". That's the Locus clientele/ culture - they (mostly?) like all the power/ flexibility/ settings/ configurability of your app - but that is a double edged sword because everyone has their own idea of "perfect".

hidden tap? From my observation, your new top right direction/ distance panel is just a smaller version of the current bigger panel right? It seems clear to me. So I see tapping this top/ right panel just the same method as tapping the big brother. The suggestion of @0709 for a more "discrete" transparent panel along whole top which serves same purpose for tapping to reveal navigation menu would be even more "hidden"? I do like the idea aesthetically but again, it wouldn't suit everyone.

PS. @tapio - <only shown if you have this "two commands at once" option turned on> - wow - just confirmed, thanks - how did you discover that little gem? I've now turned off "two commands at once". So this top left small direction/ distance panel is only displayed if "two commands at once" option turned on - not real obvious 'eh?


Understand, but I'm talking that even tap on the big navigation symbol/distance (the only option in the public version) is "hidden".

And global agreement .. sure, I know. Let's call it rather "global agreement" :)

Anyway in new version that will be published today, will be option to hide panels in the expert settings (as is now). We may discuss it little later about alternative solutions. I'll need to think little more about it as well ..



"<only shown if you have this "two commands at once" option turned on> - wow - just confirmed, thanks - how did you discover that little gem?"

Indeed not obvious behaviour, there probably is no logic in this... but well, it's new stuff. IIRC Menion told me somewhere, maybe in the forum thread. Because what I needed was to totally get rid of the navigation panels and I was disappointed about the small one at first.


Read twice what you discuss here and not sure I understand :). At top are two components. One for primary navigation command (now controlled by the option in the expert settings) and second for secondary command (controlled by already existing settings in the navigation). Only difference in latest Beta version is that disabled "Second navigation command" settings also hide view in the UI.


I think, by setting "Primary navigation symbol" to off, I guess people expect to turn all top left area navigation symbols off (at least I did). I guess splitting the UI logic into a "first nav command" and a "second nav command" is not useful.


I'd agree with @tapio, but we are probably both exceptions to the rule. But I'm (not sure of word), perplexed? @menion that you think tapping would not be obvious (is hidden) for a user with regards a (any) big navigation symbol/distance panel, or even small panel. Nearly everything in Locus is "tap-able" & "long-tab-able", it's what we love about it. What other UI control could be more obvious, except a plain old button? It's been too long since I've used other GPS navigation apps so I can't bring any useful suggestions to the table as to what the "opposition" does, and I've taken away too much of your time in a obscure discussion.


More Locus menus than trees in a forest.

For a simple suggestion even extra menus?

Suggestion: Tap to hide the Big Arrow Y/N.

I prefer simple, by a fast flip in and out panel

So quickly return to the normal nav controls.

Unknown (no) street ? Display: - -

By transparent field very discreet.


By the way, find in another recent idea tread.

Someone requested a Larger Nav Button panel ;-)

Toggle button: Flip in/out.



Even possible without an extra button ?

Some possible examples in the attachment.

Less disturbing due to transparent top panel.

Also fits nice for tight dashboard designers.


Thanks for the ideas Willy. More settings than trees = funny and well, correct :). I'm also not sure about this new settings for panels, that's why it remains in expert settings for now.


In v4.3.0 the settings for display and size of the navigation symbols have moved from expert settings to the main Navigation settings. With "Two commands at once" = "Yes" , and "Next turn panel" = "Small" the second turn symbol is no longer displayed, but the announcement is still made. I believe in the previous version the symbol was displayed. Not sure if this was a deliberate change or not, but personally I would have expected that if the second turn announcement is enabled then so should be the symbol even in "small" mode.

Perhaps someone else could confirm if the above is true, and also whether it was intentional.


Hello Alan,

yes, this is currently an intentional change in the recent version. So only in the "Full" mode, second direction command is visible. "Small" mode was made mainly to reduce the size of these panels, so I've decided to keep it small and notify on the second command only by the sound (TTS engine).


OK. Thanks for confirming. I'll go back to "big" mode.

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