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Add multiple hightligthed categories

Gathering feedback David 9 months ago Locus Web Planner No Comments
3 votes

Web planner cannot customize activities

Not processed Blihi Locus Web Planner Comments: 1 Reply 9 months ago by Radim V.
1 vote

Web planner - Opencyclemap layer

Gathering feedback Paweł D. Locus Web Planner Comments: 4 Reply 9 months ago by Florian A.
7 votes

Search a route in my library on the web page

Gathering feedback Llorenç P. 10 months ago Locus Web Planner No Comments
2 votes

could not login

Closed Zohar K. Locus Web Planner Comments: 3 Reply 10 months ago by Zdeněk K.
1 vote

Login a Locus Map Web

Closed Salvatore T. Locus Web Planner Comments: 5 Reply 10 months ago by Zdeněk K.
1 vote

Grafic error

Closed Ole S. Locus Web Planner Comments: 3 Reply 11 months ago by freischneider
1 vote
3 votes

Web planner - possibility to create via points

Gathering feedback Steffen_MK Locus Web Planner Comments: 1 Reply 12 months ago by Steffen_MK
1 vote

Web planner - Simplify adding intermediate waypoints

Gathering feedback Peter K. 12 months ago Locus Web Planner No Comments
2 votes

Add undo to the web planner

Gathering feedback Ricyro Locus Web Planner Comments: 4 Reply 12 months ago by Peter K.
26 votes

Support user point URL field within WebPlanner

Gathering feedback Andrew H. Locus Web Planner Comments: 7 Reply 12 months ago by Andrew H.
2 votes

Add browser pop-up when leaving web planner

Gathering feedback Lopus 13 months ago Locus Web Planner No Comments
3 votes

Name for Exportfile

Gathering feedback Tom 14 months ago Locus Web Planner No Comments
1 vote

Delete button missing for points and tracks

In Progress Tom 14 months ago Locus Web Planner No Comments
4 votes

Add quick access to Google Street View from Web Planner

Gathering feedback Andrew H. 15 months ago Locus Web Planner No Comments
6 votes
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