Locus Map, version 4.1 ( 4.5.2021+ )

Menion shared this announcement 3 years ago

Version 4.1.1 (6.5.2021)

  • add: support for pre-filled "nav_name" value in track record name, topic
  • fix: rare crash when starting app due to bad points/tracks database
  • fix: grid on the map not reflecting user lat/lon units preference
  • fix: (GOLD) incorrect labels of manual segments in route planner
  • fix: incorrect auto-hide behavior of the centering button, topic
  • fix: unable to delete track after stopping track recording
  • fix: incorrect GPX export of a geocache with corrected coordinates
  • fix: incorrect automatic map night color mode, topic
  • fix: (SILVER) some WMS maps not working properly, topic
  • fix: stuck temporary route, topic
  • fix: incorrect sharing of tracks to add-ons over API
  • fix: other minor fixes

Version 4.1.0 (3.5.2021)


  • add: navigation commands of LoRouter include addresses
  • add: more precise ETA values in the LoRouter
  • add: route navigation point labels on the map can be hidden, topic
  • add: option to display route itinerary directly from the new track detail screen
  • chg: (SILVER) improved "Add via-point" to active navigation. Fixes + usage of "Manual recalculation"
  • chg: navigation cmd generator keeps the original route shape
  • chg: updated road bike and car profiles in the LoRouter
  • chg: (GOLD) faster recalculation of internal LoRouter, topic
  • fix: (GOLD) not working automatic updates for LoRouter offline data and problem with setup of the interval


  • add: dark mode based on day/night time. Enabled by default
  • add: option for hiding all control buttons on the main map screen, topic
  • add: easier selection of "recently used" icons, topic
  • add: Magnifier and zoom-lock into Quick settings
  • add: easier selection of "recently used" track activities
  • chg: update in panels settings (texts, structure)
  • chg: base units in generated description of projected point
  • fix: unwanted overlay of download notification and WMS buttons

track & point screen

  • add: new track detail screen
  • chg: update in layout of the point screen
  • chg: editable multi-line text of point/track name
  • add: along-the-track distance from current position to selected trackpoint, topic
  • chg: improved behavior of switching between track info and its trackpoints
  • chg: improved movement between trackpoints (long-click) and added move between waypoints in the (track)point detail
  • fix: elevation from a trackpoint to the track start is higher than the elevation gain of the whole track
  • fix: display of long texts in Point/Track screen
  • fix: not reliable display of the bottom page with point after long-click on the map


  • chg: (GOLD) much faster speed of sync (mainly points)
  • fix: (GOLD) sync when recording over widget only
  • fix: (GOLD) crash when displaying track segments
  • fix: incorrect visibility of tracks after sync


  • add: support for GPX export of a cache with corrected coordinates, topic
  • chg: improved import of geocaches with incorrect type
  • fix: visibility of geocache filter texts in the dark mode
  • fix: display of the cache logs when loaded over Live map
  • fix: projection from geocache waypoints
  • fix: display of the geocache attributes loaded from G4L live-map


  • add: support for MGRS coordinates in clipboard, topic
  • add: support for "city" pre-filled value for track record name
  • add: support for new Locus API calls to display more complex tracks
  • chg: improved performance of offline LoPoints
  • chg: improved names of exported files with points/tracks
  • chg: removed useless "Tap on point" option
  • chg: added flags for LoMaps without official country names (like "Germany north")
  • chg: improved local file browser root handling
  • chg: point filter displays also the base folder icon (if used) for filtering
  • chg: speed-up of offline address search
  • chg: update of LoMaps themes
  • chg: new system for easier use of map background color
  • fix: not working NGI Belgium online map
  • fix: defunct pick of the files from the "Downloads" directory
  • fix: empty zoom level 11 when Locus Map world map is used
  • fix: update of an edited track in route planner instead of deleting & creating new
  • fix: impossible to display track intervals on map when rotation is on, topic
  • fix: (SILVER) weird reverse curves on the track charts, topic
  • fix: incorrect zoom/center of the map when opening track in the route planner from the track manager
  • fix: defunct search of W3W addresses in Korean, Chinese, Malaysian etc., topic
  • fix: not working Israel hiking maps, topic
  • fix: incorrect notification of active battery optimization in track recording screen

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