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CZ termíny aktualizací offline Lomap

Answered Josef Ž. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 3 Reply 40 days ago by Petr V.
1 vote

Edit POI data and send to OSM.

Gathering feedback freischneider Locus Map (Android) Comments: 10 Reply 41 days ago by Agus
11 votes

Tactical Drawing / Notes layer

Gathering feedback Alistair P. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 3 Reply 42 days ago by Alistair P.
3 votes

Improving GPS position with gyroscope and accelerometer

Gathering feedback Lupus B. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 9 Reply 42 days ago by Andrew H.
21 votes
1 vote

Compass View enhancements

Gathering feedback Michelle H. 42 days ago Locus Map (Android) No Comments
2 votes

Improve navigation in weather information

Gathering feedback druki 42 days ago Locus Map (Android) No Comments
1 vote

Add set portrait/landscape mode to sidebar menu options

Gathering feedback handy m. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 1 Reply 43 days ago by handy m.
2 votes

Make hike speed variable parameter

Completed Rostislav P. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 8 Reply 43 days ago by Menion
7 votes

Cartes IGN unknown problem

Solved Eduard H. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 6 Reply 43 days ago by MF A.
2 votes

Menu black font of black background

Not processed Georg D. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 11 Reply 43 days ago by Marek S.
1 vote

Add third party app to main menu

Gathering feedback Wolfgang Locus Map (Android) Comments: 6 Reply 44 days ago by Alistair P.
8 votes

Much more precise GPS position

Gathering feedback Olaf H. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 4 Reply 44 days ago by Olaf H.
3 votes

OSM notes. Error 11105

Answered Vyacheslav R. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 12 Reply 44 days ago by Vyacheslav R.
1 vote
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