Locus Map, version 4.11 ( 26. 7. 2022 )

Menion shared this announcement 2 years ago

Version 4.11.1 (11.8.2022)

  • add: (SILVER) support for internal NTRIP client
  • add: support for silent via-points in the Route planner, topic
  • chg: improved login system for Dropbox. Warning: needs re-login to the service!
  • chg: (SILVER) improved behavior of auto-zoom on intersections
  • chg: better detection of attached photos moved to another storage on the device, topic
  • chg: (GOLD) personal live tracking automatically stops when it runs out of time
  • chg: Kompass maps removed from Locus Store due to ongoing problems with their provider
  • fix: incorrect energy values for tracks with breaks
  • fix: not working logout option in the file browser, topic
  • fix: missing ACTION_POINT_CHANGED event after editing a point, topic
  • fix: crash when selecting custom map theme with not 100% correct language setup, topic
  • fix: unwanted reload of cached online LoPoints, topic
  • fix: track breaks when exporting to FIT format
  • fix: crash when starting guiding along route without nav. commands
  • fix: not working NeoTreks maps

Version 4.11.0 (26.7.2022)

Locus account and photos of LoPoints

  • add: new "Locus account" screen with manage/edit options
  • add: option to add user photos to the public online LoPoints
  • add: option to "like" a user-added LoPoint photo
  • add: option to delete own LoPoint photos
  • chg: option to limit LoPoint photo uploading with wifi-only setting
  • chg: photos added to online LoPoints stored in Pictures/Locus Map directory
  • add: option to report invalid photos attached to the online LoPoints

Minor updates

  • chg: defunct YOURS routing service removed
  • chg: improved "zoom lock" badge icon on the centering button
  • chg: point detail in landscape view now placed into side container
  • chg: improved user location icon in Live tracking
  • chg: faster display of distance markers on long tracks
  • chg: color of centering and zoom buttons in the light mode
  • add: missing 57600 baudrate for USB connection
  • chg: Locus Store content downloader rewritten for better stability
  • chg: points/tracks regex-based filter is now case insensitive
  • chg: minor UI update in Co-apps & Add-ons dialogs
  • chg: text in top toolbar not affected by system font size settings
  • chg: faster start of the app when a lot of tracks are loaded
  • add: displayed time of the last successful backup, topic
  • chg: geocache status detected also from the users' logs, topic
  • chg: improved performance when starting navigation
  • chg: enabled support for Geolocation API in Geocache listings, topic
  • add: option to increase the size of the main zoom buttons, topic
  • add: OSMgo and Obsidentity apps may be added to functions panel, topic
  • add: app may be added to functions panel
  • chg: external GNSS source & simulation of location in one menu


  • fix: incorrect export of silent/loud via-points into GPX
  • fix: refresh of the map manager when a new map is added over "Import"
  • fix: not working import of maps into root of the "maps" directory
  • fix: missing option to create a new directory and picking directory in file browser
  • fix: problem with transfer of custom directories to SD card
  • fix: bottom system panel over bottom app panel in rare cases
  • fix: incorrect align of zoom buttons
  • fix: incorrect position of scale view in the inverted main screen layout
  • fix: missing support for "m4a" audio format in attachments
  • fix: add link to point/track with comma inside
  • fix: ignored import from 3rd party app when started right after the app update
  • fix: removed double caching of images loaded from internet
  • fix: import of files directly from original Android file browser
  • fix: loading of map tiles of WMS map when no layers are enabled
  • fix: unwanted LMC-style of a geocache detail when logging a cache, topic
  • fix: rare crash when loading images
  • fix: not working OpenTopoMap WMS maps
  • fix: problem with SD card system on some Samsung devices
  • fix: display of texts with HTML formatting, topic
  • fix: "Time to target" label in compass screen
  • fix: incorrect handling of laps in FIT files, topic
  • fix: selection of online maps in Locus Store
  • fix: Locus Store crash after tapping "map view" in the "route" category
  • fix: missing icons of some maps in Map manager
  • fix: missing time value in track editor popup
  • fix: missing track chart for the really flat tracks

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