Locus Map, version 4.18 ( 2. 8. 2023 )

Menion shared this announcement 11 months ago

Version 4.18.0 (2.8.2023)


  • add: support for sharing tracks via link for all users
  • chg: major redesign of the content panel - better accessible map themes, controlling of tracks/points visibility, config options
  • chg: (GOLD) updated offline LoRouter source & profiles
  • add: direct navigation via Google Maps, topic
  • add: option to hide all other tracks except the currently active one, topic
  • add: support for the new "map_layer_base", "map_reload_theme", "map_overlay" and "navigation" API events
  • add: direction arrow to search results
  • chg: improved auto-loading for V4-based vector maps
  • chg: faster loading of an existing track to the route planner
  • chg: improved sorting of waypoints attached to track
  • chg: improved import of not-100% valid TCX files
  • chg: faster restoring of map rotation when screen is turned on
  • chg: (SILVER) increased number of returned WMS GetFeatureInfo to 10
  • add: warning message when selecting invalid map theme (over preset for example)
  • chg: improved icon for "temporarily hide points/tracks"
  • chg: improved theme selection system


  • fix: problem with displaying attached "other files"
  • fix: redundant "Locus" directory in private "media" custom directory, topic
  • fix: (SILVER) crash when selecting incorrectly initialized WMS/WMTS map
  • fix: unwanted auto-hiding of the top panel when points/tracks visibility is restored
  • fix: incorrect refresh of the list of points after mass edit
  • fix: (SILVER) incorrect folder for generated round trip
  • fix: missing notification of via-points without a name, topic
  • fix: incorrect display of GC waypoints in preview, topic
  • fix: impossible to select the core map when a supplementary download is chosen, topic
  • fix: incorrect export of multiple tracks, topic
  • fix: impossible to create a GC waypoint from coords saved in clipboard, topic
  • fix: (SILVER) wrong hill-shading in the dark mode, topic
  • fix: (SILVER) problem with WMS with too many layers, topic
  • fix: (SILVER) Geotagged photos do not restore "enabled" state after app restart, topic
  • fix: not working offline LoPoints with online maps, topic
  • fix: incorrect saved times of planned routes, topic
  • fix: incorrect elevation gain of a route in the planner
  • fix: incorrect opening of links in geocache listings, topic
  • fix: memory problems caused by the automatic zoom

Version 4.18.1 (4.8.2023)

  • chg: improved OpenLocationCode searches
  • fix: refreshed list of shared items at app start
  • fix: incorrect distance for generated round trips
  • fix: loading issue for long tracks in route planner
  • fix: crash when checking weather in rare cases
  • fix: many smaller problems

Version 4.18.2 (15.8.2023)

  • chg: prolonged connection timeout for Live tracking service
  • fix: redundant authentication for search and LoPoint photos browsing
  • fix: crash on A10- when loading big images
  • fix: improved handling of shared coordinates from Google Maps app

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