Version 3.38 ( 22. 5. 2019+ )

Menion shared this announcement 5 years ago

Version 3.38.7 (27.6.2019)

  • fix: defunct Korean national transformation system
  • fix: problem with zoom-lock system
  • fix: lagging app start on some devices, topic
  • fix: incorrect auto-loading of vector maps instead of raster maps
  • fix: incorrect restoring of WMS & Overlays maps after app restart
  • fix: problematic autoloading of V4 maps at app start, topic
  • fix: refresh of the widget on Android 8.0+, topic
  • fix: defunct clearing of online maps cache in Settings > Misc, topic
  • fix: too frequent track recalculation
  • fix: crash when loading geocaching trackables

Version 3.38.4 (13.6.2019)


  • add: Outdoors online map
  • chg: improved manual map rescaling (magnify all maps)
  • chg: better display of map scale in the top toolbar
  • chg: small badge in the map manager for sorting options
  • chg: world map settings moved to maps > advanced settings
  • fix: work with "magnify" and multi-maps
  • fix: saving multi-layered semi-transparent online maps, topic
  • fix: using of specific GEMF and TAR maps
  • fix: not working older XML based TAR maps
  • fix: transparent background for Garmin IMG maps
  • fix: false error message for NZ Topo Maps
  • fix: world map title in top toolbar
  • fix: global maps (maps with coverage over -180/180°
  • fix: incorrect zoom level 11 when using LoMaps world map
  • fix: download of online 512x512px map tiles, topic
  • fix: Turaterkep online map download
  • fix: not working download of NGI Belgium maps

Other changes and fixes

  • add: support of Korean national number coordinate system, topic
  • chg: faster app start (start speed improved by cca 20%)
  • chg: improved style of "two finger measurement", topic
  • chg: content above and below lines moved to expert settings
  • chg: (PRO) auto-zoom working also at zero speed, topic
  • chg: minor updates to meet GC API requirements
  • chg: updated Facebook API & finally disabled automatic initialization
  • add: mini home button in Store for quick return to the map screen
  • chg: default icon for route waypoints changed to dot
  • chg: improved detection of guidance validity for add-ons
  • fix: incorrect system notification after track recalculate (on some devices)
  • fix: problem with handling of trackable in Geocache screen
  • fix: incorrect refresh of LoPoints after return to map over point detail, topic
  • fix: many smaller fixes

Version 3.38.3 (28.5.2019)

Major changes

  • add: option to enable/disable automatic map rescaling in Settings > Maps > Offline
  • fix: track preview tracks list
  • fix: problem with zooming with "Google control style"
  • fix: incorrectly set distance units for track recording dashboard
  • fix: automatic selection of map themes for certain vector maps (like John Thorn OS maps)

Minor changes

  • chg: minor improvement in the scaling of raster maps (set "Increase map resolution" again if needed)
  • fix: unsaved result of track in track editor
  • fix: full-alpha tile during overlay scaling
  • fix: incorrect handling of SHOCart maps
  • fix: problem with some GEMF maps
  • chg: disabled scaling for Garmin IMG maps
  • chg: expert settings "Use extra zoom levels" disabled by default to improve map performance
  • fix: correct "Display" of offline maps directly from Locus Store
  • fix: defunct SmartMaps MPO and MXO maps
  • fix: rare incorrect shift of map items when moving with the map
  • fix: problem with "back press" in Locus Store
  • fix: attempt to fix auto-loading of raster maps
  • fix: incorrect white tiles for MF4 in areas without any data
  • fix: defunct hardware keys in route planner & track editor
  • fix: many smaller crashes over whole app, thanks for bug reports!

Version 3.38.0 (22.5.2019)

Major changes

  • chg: minimum API changed to API21+ (Android 5.0+)
  • chg: smaller app size for distribution over Google Play
  • add: Swedish translation

Map system

  • add: whole new background system of processing map data, topic
  • chg: automatic "map scale" based on device DPI and raster/vector map type, topic
  • chg: (PRO) minor update of shading intensity in lower zoom levels
  • chg: improved support of MapsForge V4+ maps, themes, auto-loading, MapsForge v. 0.11.0
  • chg: (PRO) option to select map themes in Presets including their details, topic
  • chg: disabled "hold map center" on all screens except the main one, topic
  • chg: improved work with selected world maps (used zooms)
  • add: support of multiple MapsForge vector themes per directory
  • chg: optimized sorting of maps in Quick map switch
  • chg: removed limitation of overlayed types of maps - all maps acceptable now
  • add: custom map scale for online maps (defined by XML), topic
  • add: support of V5 MapsForge themes

Navigation & planning

  • chg: (PRO) improved adjustment of "route priority" recalculation system, topic
  • add: "Navigate to" with custom starting point will initially navigate to this point
  • chg: (PRO) automatic blocking of routing backwards when 2 following recalculations are ignored
  • add: (PRO) short auto-recalculation delay of the first computation at navigation start
  • chg: increased navigation priority in system by displaying small notification during navigation/guidance
  • chg: updated work with via-points in route planner (e.g. "Via points as default" option)
  • fix: removed track labels in route planner


  • chg: removed "Log date only" option in geocache log screen, topic
  • fix: incorrect download of geocaching log photos, topic
  • fix: (PRO) problem with loading of geocaching PQ files
  • fix: missing trackables in list in case there are more than 10 items
  • fix: display of non-html cache listings

Other changes

  • add: "New outdoor" OSM map
  • add: option to force "folder style" for newly imported tracks
  • add: "Select all" option to file browser
  • chg: improved "display" button for online maps in Locus Store
  • add: confirmation of defined area in "this screen" download option
  • chg: (PRO) improved notifications of newly added "Quick new points"
  • add: 7 new track activities, topic
  • chg: minor usability updates in track editor
  • chg: keep point visibility when "copying to" another folder
  • chg: removed obsolete and unused download of online maps to TAR format
  • chg: improved search for UK postcodes, topic
  • chg: faster automatic download of geoid file during app start
  • add: enabled multi-track export to Strava
  • add: support of dashboard over "action tasks" system


  • fix: black icons on some Samsung devices
  • fix: defunct what3words links
  • fix: reset of manual map rotation after screen turned off/on
  • fix: restoring of zoom lock after app restart
  • fix: crash after refresh of dashboard content
  • fix: (PRO) POI Alert notification system
  • fix: sorting of tracks (on southern hemisphere)
  • fix: bunch of updates in handling Google URL links
  • fix: (PRO) storing of "shading on/off" parameters
  • fix: incorrect time for imported KML/KMZ/TCX tracks
  • fix: import of Uri content that does not have exactly defined mime-type
  • fix: incorrect reference to old Munzee application for logging of Munzees
  • fix: empty statistics after moving tracks between folders, topic
  • fix: problem with selecting of Portugese and Chinese in TTS setting, topic
  • fix: missing notification when importing multiple different file formats at once
  • fix: incorrect selection of activity/course for FIT/TCX export, topic
  • fix: many smaller crashes and fixes

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