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Support for 3D maps

Gathering feedback smsa001 Locus Map (Android) Comments: 46 Reply 14 months ago by Wang A.
137 votes

Problem with multiple WMS servers for Poland

Not processed Slawomir G. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 1 Reply 14 months ago by Slawomir G.
1 vote

Tilehunting square/tile grid

Gathering feedback skvedo Locus Map (Android) Comments: 14 Reply 14 months ago by MrLure
5 votes

Nav to next overpass / bridge

Gathering feedback My_name_is A. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 6 Reply 14 months ago by Radim V.
1 vote

Rendering of tag:tourism=caravan_site on offline maps

Gathering feedback Jean-Marc C. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 3 Reply 14 months ago by Georg D.
1 vote

Add "Recently used" tab to "Search" dialog

Gathering feedback Vitalii K. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 2 Reply 14 months ago by Georg D.
8 votes

LoMaps updated every month, at least

Gathering feedback PawelS Locus Map (Android) Comments: 1 Reply 14 months ago by druki
11 votes

Creating and using presets

Gathering feedback Konrad D. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 14 Reply 14 months ago by Konrad D.
3 votes

Geocaching : FTF candidates

Gathering feedback antonio 14 months ago Locus Map (Android) No Comments
6 votes

Add navigation voice setting to presets

Gathering feedback zossebart Locus Map (Android) Comments: 2 Reply 14 months ago by Konrad D.
7 votes

Shortcut to "simple multi touch" in presets

Gathering feedback fefrivold Locus Map (Android) Comments: 2 Reply 14 months ago by Konrad D.
4 votes

Preset: hold map center, manual rotation

Gathering feedback fefrivold Locus Map (Android) Comments: 2 Reply 14 months ago by Konrad D.
8 votes

Presets: Disallow "Center map" without "Rotate map"

Gathering feedback Ingo R. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 8 Reply 14 months ago by Konrad D.
1 vote

Allow to configure side panel in presets

Gathering feedback Serg N. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 1 Reply 14 months ago by Konrad D.
1 vote

Presets - no notifications: "off tour"

Gathering feedback Waldemar W. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 1 Reply 14 months ago by Konrad D.
4 votes

Statistics filters

Gathering feedback Olaf F. 14 months ago Locus Map (Android) No Comments
3 votes

Use world file (.pgw) for map calibration

Gathering feedback Kozlov A. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 1 Reply 15 months ago by Vyacheslav R.
2 votes

Geocaching: we need default text

Gathering feedback antonio Locus Map (Android) Comments: 0 Reply 15 months ago by Menion
2 votes
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