Search Results (783) - "lost data after update"

All data missing after latest update

Archived skubko Locus Map (Android) Comments: 2 Reply 2 years ago by Michael B.
1 vote

Live Tracking configuration lost after update

Archived Auric G. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 1 Reply 8 years ago by Menion
1 vote

mapy, trasy, POI po update na 3.66.1 jsou pryc ;)

Archived iso 3. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 2 Reply 16 months ago by iso 3.
1 vote

Updating data OSM - Outdoor / Outdoors

Archived Anders B. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 2 Reply 5 years ago by Anders B.
1 vote
2 votes

Recorded tracks lost after last update.

Archived Henning Locus Map (Android) Comments: 11 Reply 10 years ago by Menion
2 votes

Configuration lost after reinstall

Archived Kenton H. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 1 Reply 22 months ago by Zdeněk K.
1 vote

Strange screen after update hight data

Archived Frans V. Various Comments: 2 Reply 2 years ago by Frans V.
1 vote

Routing data update interval

Archived Lopus Locus Map (Android) Comments: 2 Reply 12 months ago by Lopus
1 vote

Pro version lost with last update

Archived Ragnar S. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 2 Reply 5 years ago by Michal S.
1 vote

Lost all my data after upgrading to ics (SGS2)

Archived rvheddeg Locus Map (Android) Comments: 6 Reply 12 years ago by Menion
1 vote

Some questions about update container fields

Archived Falco Locus API Comments: 3 Reply 5 years ago by Menion
1 vote

Improve Locus Store > account > Check for content updates

Gathering feedback Andrew H. 16 months ago Locus Map (Android) No Comments
2 votes