All Ideas

Showing trails difficulty and visibility

Gathering feedback Sam R. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 4 Reply 5 years ago by Sam R.
1 vote

POI alert displaying

Gathering feedback Marius M. 5 years ago Locus Map (Android) No Comments
1 vote

Coordinate Converter Tool

Gathering feedback Alan B. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 2 Reply 5 years ago by AntMadeira
10 votes
3 votes

Route planner - detail of point/geocaches

Gathering feedback Marty M. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 1 Reply 5 years ago by Marty M.
3 votes

Quick access to "edit" in the points screen

Gathering feedback Jelle R. 5 years ago Locus Map (Android) No Comments
1 vote

Periodic voice announcements about starting point

Gathering feedback Henning 5 years ago Locus Map (Android) No Comments
1 vote

Export gpx record to Runtastic

Gathering feedback Thomas S. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 3 Reply 5 years ago by Boris R.
8 votes

Autoupload / Synchronisation of new tracks

Gathering feedback Davidos Locus Map (Android) Comments: 1 Reply 5 years ago by Manfred H.
1 vote

Colored elevation profile line

Gathering feedback Horák T. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 2 Reply 5 years ago by Jan W.
8 votes

Dashboard option to hide top navigation bar

Gathering feedback Tapio Locus Map (Android) Comments: 1 Reply 5 years ago by Jan W.
4 votes

Enable/disable tracks to select

Gathering feedback Norb S. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 1 Reply 5 years ago by Jan W.
3 votes

POI: add multiple files at once.

Gathering feedback Sergey L. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 1 Reply 5 years ago by Roger B.
5 votes

Geocaching GGZ file

Gathering feedback Jim C. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 4 Reply 5 years ago by Jelle R.
3 votes

Auto pause detection + adding of WP

Gathering feedback Tapio Locus Map (Android) Comments: 2 Reply 5 years ago by Falco
9 votes


Gathering feedback tramCS Locus Map (Android) Comments: 6 Reply 5 years ago by Marius M.
12 votes

Search for points and routes at the same time

Gathering feedback David e. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 2 Reply 5 years ago by David e.
4 votes

Add more settings options for notification center

Gathering feedback Bartek z. Locus Map (Android) Comments: 3 Reply 5 years ago by Michal S.
4 votes
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